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Apr. 3rd, 2013


I think it would be fun to sneeze. Or have a hangover. Or even vomit.



Do you recall that year we forced Kurvo down and put bows in his hair, then painted his face with berry juice? I think he had the best coming of age day than the rest of us did.

I was speaking to Findárato though and reminded him of the year we put him in that dress for the spring festival.

I think we should repeat the day and celebrate now as we did then, since Kurvo isn't here to take his place.

Findekáno, I require your aid in this.


It saddens me very much that one some of the Eldar here have done a great deal to tarnish our reputation. We are not all that way, I assure you. We do not all scorn people of different Fates. In fact, I have been greatly bettered in my life by my associations with dwarves, Men, and Elves of all sorts.

Please allow me to introduce myself, to those of you who may not know. My name is Finrod Felagund. I am the eldest son of Arafinwë, who is currently High King of the Ñoldor in Valinor. I served for a time as King of Nargothrond, but an oath pulled me from my home and I sadly hear that it has fallen into despair in my absence.

I should very much like to speak with all of you, and get to know some of you, perhaps as friends. I will gladly answer any questions you may have about myself, and my people. I have no secrets, and wish very much for understanding between our peoples.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


» Brother
» Who is Lindir
» He is odd

Apr. 1st, 2013


April! Valar, I hope spring's coming soon. Longer days, less time to look at the night sky and feel guilty.

[Filtered to Maedhros]

I heard your brother arrived.


[Text messages to Fingon]
» I think I need to be closer to my brother.
» If he is not reminded to eat he won't.
» Tch! I trade one for the other.
» But this stress is one I gladly accept.

sometime later

[Text to Legolas]
» Aiya Legolas!
» I have need of you.


This place has such strange music...

Lovely, and yet so full of sadness and the quick decay of Men.

How do Men stay happy with so much loss? How do they not spend all their time weeping? Your lives are so short, and as you live them, everyone you love must die.

Perhaps...does it make every moment of your lives all the sweeter, and all the more precious, knowing that you can only cling to it for a time?

Mar. 31st, 2013


i can't untag the network post tag, oops.

Who: Fëanorians
What: Maedhros reunites with his most beloved brother, Maglor.
Where: Central Park
When: After Maglor arrives.
Warnings | Status: It's a tear jerker | in progress

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[Filtered; Tolkien-verse]
Ai! My brother is here! My brother Maglor! By Eru's blessing I have called him and he has come! Kanafinwë Makalaurë.

Only, by Man's design they have let him go in the city.

They have let him go on his own and I need now your help to find him else he will be run down by an automobile or taken by Mandos in some other way. I know him well!

I have begged only twice in my life, but I humble myself now before you a third time.

Please, aid me in finding my brother this night.

Mar. 29th, 2013


[Private to Maedhros]

Would you like to dine with me tonight?

Mar. 28th, 2013


I am very unsure how I feel about this, but I have found part-time employment.

I went to the animal shelter today, as is my wont, and they informed me that there was a paid position available, for approximately twenty-five hours per week. As I have contributed little to the household and my funds are running low (not to mention that my dear Maedhros is a harsh master), I accepted.

I will be working from nine to two Monday through Friday, caring for the cats.

I do not think it will be such a terrible job, actually, and I shall be able to buy true gold ribbon for my hair again.


Claire is gone.

I hate that she left, and I hate that she left before I could convince her how much she matters to me. I feel that I said some stupid things that made her feel that she didn't, and now I'm not going to have the chance to make that up to her. Maybe back home, she won't remember the stupid things I said and did. I can hope, anyway.


You don't like me. I get it. And I'm tired of trying to change your mind.

But if you really love her like you say you do? Back off. Leave her alone. Let her be happy without trying to convince her that everything she does is wrong. Because that's crap.


Nathan moved out. You...wouldn't want to move in with me, would you?


Who: Maedhros and Hazel Rah
What: The elf and the rabbit have been giving each other lessons in the park.
Where: Central Park
When: Now
Warnings | Status: Low | in progress

Read more... )

Mar. 26th, 2013


[Failed attempt at private filtering - aka everyone can read]

Finding out that I should be dead by now has really only left me [...] extremely bored. And painfully aware that I've never really been meant to not die the way I did. So, now that I'm still alive and with no bloody war in sight [...] Well, settling hasn't been easy. I'm not even fucking sure I know how to live in "peace times"


I don't know where this message will go to, I've lost the user manual, and I haven't seen my brother (who used to help me) around for a while. (I've been sitting in the library most of the time, so maybe he's been missing me, too.)

But I don't want to give up yet, so I'll post, and see where it ends up.

Mar. 25th, 2013


Faica umbar, melda heru! Aiya astaldir atar - aiya vorondo alcaryatar. Namárië Atar. Namárië.

Whither you go I cannot follow, father. Whither you go [...] you go to death. We were not strong or fast enough to save you then and I have failed to save you now. But I remember your dying words well and to my Oath I hold, until the ends of the world. I so swore it.

Eru guide you to the Halls of the Slain where I will see you again.

I do not know how or where to fill out the 1411-TR. I would be grateful for any who aid me, you will be rewarded.

[Filtered; Don Draper & Elizabeth Burke]
I seek to ease your concern that my father has disappeared. I have access to the smithy and his storage in which his jewels reside, as he made sure I took care of those petty details from the start. They are all, as you say, in my name.

We will proceed with our plans.



And that's what saved middle earth.


As my dear friend was busy today, I went to a movie, and saw a movie called The Lorax. I was rather intrigued at the idea, and went to the bookstore to find the book upon which it was based.

I cannot help but wonder if this creature, this Lorax is simply an Ent re-imagined.

Cut for image )

This is nothing like what an Ent looks like, but it is the same sort of thing one would say.

Mar. 24th, 2013


I could have sworn it was still Saturday.

[Filtered to Bennett]

It may have taken me staying up far too long, but I was on a bit of a roll. I think I may have figured out a stable framework for exporting the network onto a separate drive. At the moment its strictly hypothetical and of course I haven't gotten to test it but in theory it should prove to be stable and the simulations I ran did not end in corruption of data.

Of course an actual neural network is more fickle than the simulations I've been running but without an actual test I can't be completely sure.

I think my excitement it part this and part sleep deprivation but really I've gone longer without sleeping.

Mar. 22nd, 2013


I understand the position of the writers in the Times. Resources are limited, jobs are scarce and this world is just coming out of an economic climate that was well on its way to if not Twelve standards then something near that. Trust me, I understand that you have to look out for your own and sometimes that means raising your voice to be heard above the din. I'm pretty sure I would be protesting too.

Here's the thing, though. Since I've been here, I've put my shoulder to the wheel in trying to develop technology to help people. Personal history notwithstanding, I've been good at finding people in the past and I don't think that I'm using up any big amount of additional resources. In fact, I hope I'm giving back. There have been countless stories of we 'refugees' putting ourselves out there to help people.

That isn't to say that sometimes I think this world ought to scrap it all and start over (it's plenty messed up as ours was, it's just more subtle about the ways and means). It's just that if we're all here, I think we ought to at least try to be civil with each other. So if you're going to go on a tirade against any protester, how about you come talk to me first? I won't hurt you, I won't call the blonde next door. You can just yell as loud as you need do and then we'll have a drink.

Otherwise if you're tagged, you're going down. I'm not quite as trained as SHIELD spies but let's just say I can hold my own.

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