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Mar. 1st, 2013


Who: Steve Jinks & Lyra Silvertongue
When: March 1st, sometime after they're all done flying kites
Where: The lobby
What: A chance meeting
Rating: Low

It had been a fairly good day... )


My classes are cancelled for today and Monday. Should anyone require me, I shall be reachable via email, telephone, or thaumaturgy.

[Filtered Private]
I want to go home. There. I have said it. I will never say it out loud, because that would be whining, but I want to go home. There, if my students disappear, I can do something about it. I despise this feeling of helplessness. I am not built to be a victim of circumstance.

But every morning for nine months I have tried, and nothing happens. Just nothing. Nothing is infuriating.

Feb. 28th, 2013


I've spent too much time, ai much more time than I'd ever desire, pouring over magazines and the internet in search of advertisements. And it occurs to me that they are all largely the same in nature.

I see no difference between these images or the messages they are trying to send. Am I to look at the woman portrayed, the jewelry or the clothing she wears?

RDuJour / Vogue Paris 2013
Prada Resort 2013
Ralph Lauren Fall 2012 / Winter 2013

I am hardly inclined to purchase any of it. Is it to entice women to buy?

And the wares they are 'selling' are not beautiful in any regard. I could produce much finer things and I am but one handed and rather unskilled with a forge. Though my father produces many beautiful things with great care and skill.

Mar. 1st, 2013


Guinevere 'ent here, 'en I went to look for Hazel, to see if she would maybe want to make some pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, 'en she's gone too, 'en I don't want anyone else to leave.

I 'ent going to school tomorrow, I'm going to go fly kites at the park, cos I'm sad and I need something to make me happy, 'en it 'ent fair. It 'ent fair that we come here, 'en it 'ent fair that we don't have a say in when we leave, 'en it 'ent fair to the people who have to stay who have memories of people that they can't even ever get that person back, cos even if they come through again, you have to start all over 'en you're the one with old memories that aren't even really true, since the other person doesn't even know about 'em. It 'ent fair.

Feb. 25th, 2013


Are many people in this world afraid of spiders? I took Rianna out with me today. She was sitting on my shoulder and I've never seen so many people look so frightened. She's just a spider. A tarantula to be precise. She didn't even do anything that might be considered scary or dangerous. She just sat on my shoulder. I think she liked being outside, at least as long as she could scurry into my sweater or up into my hat when she wanted to. I really need to get a pouch for her, like I had with Smudge back home.

Feb. 23rd, 2013


Lord Fingon, is this you? Ask Fingon. It doesn't sound like you at all, 'en I don't think you should braid your hair either.

Since it's been talked about, has anyone else not looked up what happens to 'em? Or what happens to other people they know? Seems too many people here want to tell too many people things that maybe they don't need to know just yet, or even ever, 'en things that 'ent fair to them to know about now.

Feb. 20th, 2013


Who is this that says 'gingers' have no fëa? I have never consumed another fëa in my life. And it has been a very long life. I can't account for the freckles on my face in this manner.

[ooc: based on this conversation]

Feb. 18th, 2013


[filter to: Hazel, Matty, Cap'n America, and Miss Peggy]
I made some pancakes. They're sorta small, but there's butter'n syrup 'en you should come have some with me. 'En then I have to tell you sumthing, but I don't want you all to get mad at me 'en maybe you should, but it 'ent violence or none of the sort. Well, I suppose I'll tell you here 'en if you don't want pancakes then you don't have to come get 'em, but my name 'ent Leena, it's Lyra, 'en I'm sorry for lying to you about it, but someone from the Magisterium mighta come through 'en I didn't want to give 'em an easy way to find me, but now there's an angel here, 'en I know she'll protect me if someone comes through, 'en Lyra's my name, so I'd like to be Lyra again now. 'En I'm sorry again for not saying something sooner, 'en I understand if you can't forgive me any for it, but sometimes there's a lot to be afraid of, 'en there's a lot I'm still afraid of.

Feb. 17th, 2013


It has been a fortnight since my arrival in this place. Time flows differently and it feels as if the days merely pass as seconds. I wonder how time flows where I am from - does it follow in accordance with these days or exist separately? I am plagued with many such questions. Have they marked my absence or has life simply stopped?

Should I ever return will I remember? Might I leave a note upon my person to find when I wake at home? A reminder of what was, what is, and what shall be.

There is a saying that 'time will tell' of all things, and yet I find myself remarkably impatient for it to come.

Valar's grace.

What would you do if you could change your future, knowing what you do now of your life and your fate? Would you do it differently?

Feb. 16th, 2013


It is strange to see Aragorn take the Paths of the Dead without the Dúnedain, and yet, had that been his fate, I do not believe he would have turned from it. Still, I do not wholly understand why the tale has been told in this manner. What benefit does it serve to remove Aragorn's kin from the recounting of the deeds done during the war?

[ooc: Possible lags/backdating in this post on the part of yours truly. Wanted to post while ROTK is on TV.]

Feb. 14th, 2013


Neither teen-aged nor mutant, meet my turtle. My third pet (4th, if you include John Watson).
Thus far I've been able to keep all of them alive, which is more than I can say for my houseplants.

His name is Clyde II. He will assist me on all further case work and will never be soup.


I'm making breakfast! I tried for heart shaped pancakes, but they didn't turn out real well. They still taste nice, though!

» Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb. 11th, 2013


I do not understand this dog show on the television. I would take none of these beasts into battle with me. Truly, best of breed is now which dog has the loveliest grooming?

What in Odin's name happened to this one? Poodle, it is called, according to the words on display. It has lost most of its fur, the poor thing. Another is covered in small bows. These beasts all would have a poor time of defending their homes.

There are a few, however, that may prove me wrong. The large breeds show promise. It merely saddens me to see such noble animals appearing so humble and compliant. And now it appears the are putting rats on display. No, these are also dogs?

Why can I not stop watching this.

Feb. 10th, 2013


In my universe there's a technology called Digistruct. It's a lot like the theory of solid light. Instead of creating an incorporeal copy of an image that can be interacted with, such as a hologram, we are actually able to create full copies of all sorts of things from blueprints. It was how I summoned Deathtrap, his blueprints are programmed into my arm and I could digistruct him at will. It was all based on ancient alien tech, a culture called the Eridians. We could even digistruct people in case of accidental death or dismemberment. Handy really. Seriously they like steal your money though. Probably better than being dead.

Anyway my point is, the tesseract shares a lot in common with the whole digistruct thing. People who have left seem to be able to come back but not remember anything. And I have to imagine that our universes aren't being changed at all by us existing here. Certainly isn't showing up in the mediums we apparently come from although that would be BOSS!

So my theory is that we're all just copies. The tesseract somehow manages to get DNA scans in our universes and can reconstruct us here. People who are scanned in their world and cannot be fully reconstructed here have their blueprints altered in order to function within the constructs of this universe.

Too bad it can't be used as an excuse here. "Sorry officer, since I'm not actually real I'm just a copy I can't be held liable for destroying that car. Even though it was ugly and totally deserved it."

As for why my digistruct tech doesn't seem to work here, I'm guessing it's cause the tesseract doesn't want me building up competition. Or maybe its version of the reconstruct process fucked it up somehow.


Ai, look what I came across.

Cut, not Filtered )

How...how does this artist know what she looks like?

It is her; my love, my life. My heart breaks in yearning, and yet I cannot stop looking.


I think it's close to a month since I've been here. As nice as having everything given to us like this, a place to stay with heat and electricity and furniture and all, there's still something that's unnerving. I was in a large battlefield, complete with the U.S. Army and spaceships with lasers attempting to kill everything in sight, and within a few seconds I'm here.

Don't get me wrong.. thank you, to whom it may concern for everything, and this has little to do with you and more to do with... my head, I guess. Somehow, all the peace and quiet (trust me, even with the protestors, this is still considered peace and quiet compared to what I experienced) is somewhat unnerving. Half of the time I feel like I'm just going to realize I'm actually in a coma or something and this is all an elaborate dream. Or worse, that someone is purposely tampering with my brain right now and putting imagines in my head.

And I don't know why I'm writing this here but hey, if this really isn't real, it doesn't matter, right? Maybe I'm just not able to adapt that quickly or something. So maybe it's just me. In any case, I just had a mini-ramble that I will probably feel embarrassed about tomorrow, so I think I might just go morph into a bird and take a cruise in the midnight air now.

Feb. 8th, 2013


Who: Lyra and Susan Sto Helit
Where: Susan's office
What: Lyra has been summoned for her lack of academic progress
When: Friday evening
Rating: Susan might get all Voice of Deathy, but otherwise low

Lyra didn't need their education )


network post: pavel chekov

So I've been thinking, as it happens, and I think we may very well ourselves be in an alternate universe, a newly created one, back when whoever first came through the tesseract from another universe. Think about it. In some of these worlds, our hosts are fictional characters, at least based on those who recognize them and go, "Oh my god! Captain America is real!" and so forth. I'll venture a guess that nowhere in said sources do characters from as diverse of sources as ours (or, say, the very source said person is from, that'd be quite a universe popper) come through and arrive from a wide range of points in time and space. So, you all faced an alien invasion last May. Just as there's another movie coming out for where I'm from, there could be another story being told about what happens after the alien invasion which includes none of this. Judging how the rest of the stories seem to pertain to actual universes, there could be a universe very much like this one except without all of us. Whether this one or that one's the 'original' isn't a point I care about. They're both just as real to the Thors, Tony Starks, and so forth living in them.


It's very lonely here I hope we get lots and lots of snow, I do love the snow ever so much.

Filter to Guinevere
Can we go to the stores again? I'm tryin' to add pockets to this dress, but I might be doing it wrong, 'en after we go to the stores, can you help me add the pockets right?

Filter to Finrod
Is Maedhros still mad? Does he hate me? Can we read like you said earlier? All out loud and stuff?

Filter to Maedhros
Are you mad? Do you hate me? Look, I 'ent got nobody from my world here, 'en I'm glad that you do, cos it's really lonely here by myself, even if I do have Pan. It 'ent the same as having a real person or witch or bear from my world though, or even one of th'angels, 'en maybe something happened in your world that you hate all of mankind, but I 'ent them, and I like being around you, but if you're going to hate me, then that's your choice, I guess, 'en you should just tell me now, since that's the honourable thing to do, answering fair questions, at least, that's how I was taught, maybe you was taught different. 'En I'm sorry I was rude and went in on your conversation with Finrond, that wasn't right of me.

Feb. 7th, 2013


Cut for photo of Dominic Monaghan with creepy crawlies as part of his 'Wild Things' TV show promo. )

I trust that I am not the only one who finds irony in the enthusiasm young Monaghan shows toward spiders.

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