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January 3rd, 2016

[info]ashtawawidiwin in [info]thedoorway

Apparently birds are still trying to take down the government.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

Who: Regina & the Babies
When: The wee hours of the morning, December 30
Where: Leona & Hopes Nursery
What: Regina receives unwanted memories and their accompanying emotions.
Rating: A for a teensy bit of Angst.

all she could think about was the pain that her sister had caused her family and how it was her fault )

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

How does everyone feel, on the other side of these holidays?

Holidays are over, so back to the fun stuff. Eastern Europe. Estimated departure in an hour. The Doctor's face popped up. I'm flying.

[info]80sreference in [info]thedoorway

network post: peter quill

Those big swashbuckling parties may be over, but the music never stops. I got copies of mix tapes for anyone whose feet haven't stopped.

[info]whyamiking in [info]thedoorway

network post: alistair theirin

Barkspawn's awake! Cora Cora Cora! Everyone! He ate half my food before we got to the Barking Lot. So if you wake up with a hungry pet, bring them down. We got something for any animals this realm expects. And if you need something else, I don't know, lets go hunt for it.

Filtered: Thor, Fandral
Pardon the intrusion, I know Lady Sif must be busy serving your king, but I do wonder what it might take to earn an invitation to your realm? It is a private place, I know, but I would happily fight by her side.

[info]diplomatist in [info]thedoorway

network post: garrett hawke

It is a wonderful place here, with far fewer gangs roaming the street than Kirkwall. Though no doubt they are here. It is a city, after all, and people congregate into groups. But it's not the same. And much as I have helped people, I am itching to do more.

[info]stoneguardian in [info]thedoorway

network post: caridin

Forgive me if I thought you did not know how to party. I am gladly and sorely proven wrong. Though I was not quite myself again until this morning. Good party, surface dwellers. You did it right.

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

A reminder to students that tomorrow, classes resume. Sorry about that.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind adults that they are more than welcome to register for classes as well, and we'd be glad to have you.

[James Rogers, Rory Gilmore, Primrose Everdeen, Marty McFly]
If any of you have questions about the classes you should take, future careers or about the ESD, I'm available at any time.

[info]unshod in [info]thedoorway

network post: tahiri veila

Okay... attn: Pearl & whoever else wants to comment

Aircraft and Flight Procedures - done passed certified who had the best teacher ever?
American Sign Language - does this continue? Because I could totally learn more
English Literature - done, right?
Microeconomics - done but wow never knew so much about how people get screwed
Modern Culture of This World - again, do we learn new things if we stay?
Modern Introduction to Law - done, will keep pestering Mr. Nelson with questions
Sword Combat - and again, stay and learn more?

If I keep ASL, MCoTW, and swords, I have room for twelve credits. Just brainstorming here...

Botany vs. Human Anatomy & Physiology
Women's Studies vs. Psychology
Diplomacy vs. History of the Cold War

Mmmm, still open for more suggestions. Something fun? Decision time.

[info]forever_marked in [info]thedoorway

[Stark Resilient]

I am very sorry to be such a bother, and please know I understand your point and request for time, but I contacted you before about a prosthetic. I am mainly curious on it's progress.

This is why I need Josephine.

'We don't need more animals Evelyn.' 'We don't have room, Evelyn.'

Meanwhile, Cullen's over there making faces at the Mabari. I'm still trying to tell him sticks are supposed to be fetched. Fereldans, really.

[info]thehexx in [info]thedoorway

filter: ECHO (Hope Summers, Megan Gwynn, & Molly Hayes)

Just a reminder, I'm your advisor for all ESD stuff. I believe Molly is the newest. Have you signed up for classes yet? I can help.

[info]skrullkree in [info]thedoorway

Omg, my mom's dog woke up. She seems happy to see me. I have to go get food!

Billy, come check her out. Should we take her to a vet? She was lost after the whole thing with the Skrulls happened...

[info]reediculous in [info]thedoorway

Ok so this place has a pretty large congregation of scientists from across universes and dimensions.

Anyone have any lab equipment they wouldn't miss?

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

[Stark Security]
FRIDAY just told me that it looks like someone is trying to access the encrypted security footage from a few weeks back. The signal is coming from the 18th floor, but I've got a feeling it's being rerouted. Can someone head up there and take a look?

[Tony Stark, Alex (MCU) Vause, Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Someone with unauthorized access is trying to pull up footage from the R&D labs. I'm not sure what's up with that but I'm looking into it. You wouldn't know anything about this, would you?

If not, you might want to make sure your offices are secure.

[info]aworldinmyeye in [info]thedoorway

This may be the strangest world I've seen yet.

[ooc: spoilers for star wars ep 7 in comments]

[info]fireandarrows in [info]thedoorway

Goddamnit. Gale's gone.

I know this is stupid and you can't read it but You promised not to leave me with your dogs. You promised.

[info]jessicajones in [info]thedoorway

Is this some kind of superhero support group?

Seems like you'd have better luck with recruitment if you held meetings at a bar.

[Filtered to Foggy Nelson]
I guess I should say thanks or some shit.

What did you say your hourly rate was? I feel like I heard "free."