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January 2nd, 2016

[info]summersgirl in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Buffy Summers

So, I think Lilah mentioned that Wesley returned home. And just for the information of everyone on the network Widdershins is closed until we sort that out. If you have magical stuff you were getting from there let me know and we'll see what we can work out for you.

[Filter: Roy Trenneman]
Thank you for the Christmas gifts. I think
[Filter: RSTF]
So, as you all know we were kind of using Widdershins for base and I have a key and all that good stuff, but I'm going to have to sort out if running a store is a thing I can do I wish Giles were cause it's not really a thing I've ever done before. Where's Anya when you need her, huh?

So. For right now I don't have classes until they start up again in a couple of weeks so I'm going to focus on like, patrol, and figuring out how Wes left stuff.

So. I'll be at Widdershins and if you need something there you can come by.
[Filter: Oz]
So say there was a guy, and he's kinda awkward, and he kinda got you a bra for Christmas. What does that mean?
[Filter: Sam

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SWORD]
I've emailed out a photographic reference for key political and military figures who will be at this evening's launch. You would do well to familiarize yourself with them. Additionally, no one gives off the cuff statements to any press.

We'll do final run through at 1600 hours. If everything mechanical checks out. First crew up there, let us know when you get hooked up to the network. Or within range to steal the International Space Station's wifi.

I've heard they use star trek characters in their passwords, but ask Charlie Bolden who will be there tonight. Or call them (281)572-5589.

[Filtered to Anne Weaver]
Thank god we don't have to have a big affair every time we launch a new Helicarrier.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]thedoorway

[Jack, SHIELD medical]
Coffee. Coffee gives me superpowers.

This is completely ridiculous.

[info]lightinyou in [info]thedoorway

I had my baby. His name is Alexander.

That was almost the worst pain I have ever been in.

He is very pretty. But I am now not sure that I will be able to take care of him. He deserves better.

[info]hydra in [info]thedoorway

My God. No one told me that this was a magical better New York where the city is replacing pay phone with free phones, charging ports and wi-fi.

This is what I always imagined the future would be like. I might cry.

[info]landocalrissian in [info]thedoorway

Finally. Politics* that matter.

Although anyone who thought Han Solo wouldn't doesn't really know the guy.