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September 12th, 2015

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

It's a Péché Mortel kind of a morning.

[Advising Group Foxtrot: Sadie Kane, Kamala Khan, Ahsoka Tano, Mindy McCready, Torunn]
How was your first week back, ladies?
[English Literature Students: Primrose Everdeen, Megan Gwynn, Dawn Summers, Sadie Kane, Tahiri Veila, Apple Bloom]
Reading List

Fifth Business, Robertson Davies
Never Cry Wolf, Farley Mowat
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Mordecai Richler
The Blind Assassin, Margaret Atwood
Through Black Spruce, Joseph Boyden

Any questions?
[Outdoor Survival Students: Rue, Beth Greene]
All right. Seeing as I know the two of you got experience when it comes to knowing how to survive, we'll jump right into it. Meet me in the Potts Tower lobby at 2100. Bring what you think you're gonna need, and we'll see how right you are.
[Laura Kinney]
I think you should sign up for my Outdoor survival class, kid. Maybe Fury's Military training one too, I like him a lot better'n the last guy who taught it.
[Secret Avengers + Spider-Ben, Spider-Man]
So. What are we doing about this OsCorp bullshit? We still on? I don't wanna lean too hard on the IRS - might catch something.

[info]wonderful in [info]thedoorway

Who: Fandral and Wonder Woman
When: September 12, morning
Where: a coffee shop
What: An Asgardian and Amazonian walk into a coffee shop.
Rating: low

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[info]stormrichards in [info]thedoorway

I'm thinking about setting up a Study Room, a quite workspace in the Youth Centre where students can come and do their homework after classes, away from whatever Tower crazy the tesseract is causing - or roommates, or video game consoles, or anything else that might be distracting.

Would that be of interest to anyone?

Secondly, would anyone be interested in offering extra help, or tutoring to students who might need some homework assistance? ESD classes are small, so I'm sure a lot of the professors can probably cover this on their own - but if someone was even interested in being a kind of homework candy striper, that might be a good idea. Moral support can go a long way!

[info]missparanoia in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Abigail Brand

[Filter: Off-planet SWORD Mission Agents*]
There will be a mandatory preparatory meeting this afternoon at 1500 in the board room. Please do not be late.

We will be following up on a rumor in the Badoon space. What we know about this area is that the Badoon species are reptilian in nature with very disparate genders. Each one of you should review the files we have on this area and the information, such as it is, that we have on the Time Gem.

We leave tomorrow morning at 500.

If you have questions you may ask them here, or at the meeting this afternoon.

[Filter: Brandvers]
Damn stones.

[info]unshod in [info]thedoorway

network post: tahiri veila

Oooh oooh, I traveled to another dimension again! Super exciting, though it was a pretty small place. I found all the differences between photos and made a fort from lightly cushioned chairs. Aaaaand I read parts of most the magazines, but really I spent the most time building a fort. I'd go back there with my reading assignments, but I have no idea where the portalmaster went.

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

Filtered: Fantastic Avengers
The Honey Fest is in a bit of a sticky situation. They triggered some kind of anti-theft device or otherwise angered the bees. Lets go. And wear a thick skin.
Anyone know who the lady in this picture is? She dropped her hat. If not, finders keepers.

[info]decentsort in [info]thedoorway

network post: kanan jarrus

Filter: Ghost Crew
Mission came up at SWORD. I'll be gone for a couple weeks. I'm sure everyone will listen to Hera while I'm gone, just as you do when I'm here. Ezra, I'm happy to ask Master Billaba to train with you while I'm gone. You're still my padawan, but it's important you keep practicing. Sabine, if the opportunity comes up for any interesting hair dyes or paints, you know I'll buy them for you.
Filter: Kanera
If you need me to stay instead, I will.
Filter: Depa Billaba
Master Billaba, I'll be leaving for a couple weeks with SWORD. Would you train Ezra in the meantime? It will sort of be like it was a few weeks ago for you. And he can get distracted.
Today, someone asked me to tie them up and make them really comfortable, then asked why I have two eyes. Thankfully they accepted that I'm in a committed relationship, though they seem to think it is with wine. They gave me six bottles of it.

[info]banner in [info]thedoorway

Since no one signed up for Astrophysics, (you people disgust me) I'm going to add Calculus to the classes I teach. Everyone should sign up. This is the only time I'll tell you not to listen to Leslie Knope. It's important. Learn your number theory.

Students in my class, and anyone else who is interested, I recommend the following books to get you started: Here's Looking at Euclid and The Grapes of Math. If anyone has trouble getting a hold of either book, I have spare copies.

[info]0z in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Oz

So I have not one, but six 6" action figures and one 12" action figure. I kinda want to collect them all. Oh and the guy who plays me, has his own show where he plays with action figures. It's pretty cool.

[info]ooooshiny in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Kaylee Frye

[Jayne Cobb]

I'm gonna be goin' on the mission with Wash. We're leaving early in the morning. Wanna come over and tell me goodbye now? Unless you wanna get up at 3 AM.

[Serenity Crew]

What Wash said. I'm goin' too. See ya when we get back.

[info]threadtheneedle in [info]thedoorway

Heading off planet again tomorrow. Not sure how long we'll be gone. We had the network last time, so if that's still true, I'll keep in touch.

Don't get into too much trouble without me and Kaylee to get you out of it, alright?

Wǒ huì xiǎngniàn nǐ

[info]withoutglory in [info]thedoorway

network post: saturday evening

In some ways, I think I'm in a better place to help people in this world than I was in my own. In other ways, I feel like that extended reach is not always as efficient.

Vigilantes, is it worth it?

When you patrol, do you use your stake from home? Or something else?

You know that guy from the other day. The one who tried to file a report?

[info]starkiller in [info]thedoorway

Mission's come up at SWORD. Looks like I'll be gone for a few weeks. Would you like me to leave PROXY here with you? I know he's not the greatest company ever but I've managed to improve his conversational sub-routines.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

I know this is all probably still super weird for you, but I'd really like to spend more time with you.

We can do something totally normal, like get a bite to eat, or some ice cream, or something. We don't have to talk about any of the difficult stuff unless you want to.