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September 13th, 2015

[info]fireandarrows in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Katniss & Cinna
WHAT: a reunion, thanks to the tesseract glitch
WHEN: back when Cinna was actually here, which was forever ago (backdated)
WHERE: Cinna's room
WARNINGS: talking about the Games, the rebellion, character death (Cinna's)
STATUS: logged, complete

... )

[info]phased in [info]thedoorway

cut for picture )
As sunset tonight marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, I just wanted to say L'shanah Tovah to all those celebrating.

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Luke Skywalker: Pretend this was posted yesterday

[Anakin Solo, Jaina Solo, Tahriri Vella]

I'm going off planet with SWORD, we're leaving in the morning. The place is called the Badoon system, about all I know is that the natives are reptilian and they're having a civil war. I'm not sure if we'll have access to the network but if we do, I'll keep in touch. I just wanted to let you all know where I was going.

[Mara Jade]

I don't know if you're stateside or not right now but if you are, check on the family for me while I'm gone? I'm going to the Badoon system with SWORD and we might be gone for a couple of weeks. Of course if they ask if I suggested you check up on them, the answer is no. I hope we'll have network access but as of right now I'm not sure.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who wants a moon landing snowglobe? I only have like...five hundred. Because I had to donate a lot of money to Woman@NASA outreach programs. Come one, come all. They're adorable, and they sparkle. What more could you want?

[Alex Vause]
Can I borrow your intern?
[Darcy Lewis]
Alright, I've got a job for you. I need to you to get on a bus and take it out to Lynchburg, Virginia. Then, you're going to take a taxi out to Bubble's Wrecker Service and pay the nice man for towing my car and altitude testing chamber out of the ditch that for some reason the Hulk wouldn't do.

Even though it was 100% his fault to begin with.

Anyway. Then you're going to drive my nice 2016 Ferrari 488GTB & the attached trailer/testing chamber the rest of the way to NYC. Please stay under the speed limit. Otherwise you'll end up in a ditch.

Trust me, I know.

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Hello, I'm home!
[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
You can tell your Tony Stark rescue team they can stand down. I'm home. Also, I need to talk shop, if you got a minute.

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

I keep waiting for them to say April Fools on Oscorp but man, it seems like it's actually real.

So who wants to join me watching the government take all their stuff? Because this is pretty much better than Christmas.

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

I just bought myself the coolest poster ever, and while under normal circumstances I try to ignore stuff related to the movies that some people recognize me from this was too awesome to pass up.

I guess it was a promotional thing from the first movie. I need to get it framed.

poster under here )

[info]badwolf in [info]thedoorway

    Th You didn't have t You could have just left m Thanks for getting me back to my place. Sorry the sofa's not that comfortable. I'll buy you both dinner.

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

Can anyone give me directions from Penn Station? It's been so long I think I've forgotten.