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April 6th, 2015

[info]movingspeeches in [info]thedoorway

Greetings everyone,

My name is Steve Rogers. Some of you may know various versions of myself who have been here for some time now. Others of you, as I understand it, may have some memory of previous visits I have made here. I would like to take the opportunity, here and now, to extend an open invitation to any of you whom I have known and apologize for my lack of memory. If you would be interested in getting reacquainted, I would be more than happy to try and schedule a time that would work for both of us to work this out.

To those of you I have not yet met, or who I do not have pasts with, please do not feel this should detract you in any way from reaching out to me here. I would be interested in meeting any of you, especially considering it seems we'll be living side by side for the foreseeable future. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, I welcome you to direct them to me here, in public or in private, and I will do what I can to answer them.

Happy Easter and God Bless.

[info]lildampeer in [info]thedoorway

In case you were wondering, the tesseract is still a piece of shit

Eddie's gone, too. At least, I can't find him anywhere. Thanks, Tesseract. It's not like I actually like having friends or anything.

But, hey, happy belated zombie Jesus day. I celebrated by eating my weight in peeps and Cadbury eggs. #noregrets

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

Figures that the night before school starts, I can't sleep.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: LEOPARD
It's a difficult economy for hospitals. Not all of them can adjust to the new standards and regulations. But don't blame Obama, plenty were failing before. And fortunately for us, one of those places is on Staten Island. I'd like us to check it out today. Then, Jasper, I'd like you to make sure it fits everything we need for Akela's surgery. Confirm with our consultant if need be. This is about as close to home as it gets.
Artwork has been popping up online since the Battle of New York, but some of it has caught my eye again, including speculation the White Event gave me "real powers." But then, all this talk is likely nothing compared to what those of you who are used to us being in movies or comic books are used to seeing. Undoubtedly the The Hawkeye Initiative must exist there as well.

[info]decentsort in [info]thedoorway

network post: kanan jarrus

Force Filter
Anakin Solo spoke recently about the possibility of learning from each other. It’s been on my mind, back with a few other things getting tossed around like laundry in a dryer. Though I am not sure how many forms survived to the reestablished Jedi Order, I’m sure new styles have developed, and we could all learn something with a lightsaber we don’t know. And likely most of us could teach something about them too. This post is both an offer - to teach Form III, my master’s specialty and mine - and a call for aid - for those willing to teach other forms and approaches. I know I could be better, much better. And it’s not that opponents have simply grown more challenging than battle droids.
Soon, I’ll have time for this large reading list on my own galaxy. It’s been a long time since I’ve read so much.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered: House of Life, Sanctum Sanctorum, X-Men, X Factor, Steve Rogers (all), Tony Stark (all), Bruce Banner (all)
Decisions to be made about college )

[info]prodemocracy in [info]thedoorway

network post: padmé amidala

Filtered: Anakin Skywalker
While I could have stayed at that institution and asked questions for their rather remarkable claims all day, once they explained you were here, I lost interest in doing so. The only part that puzzled me about that was the complete confidence with which they referred to you as my husband. But Clovis saw through us. It's good to be on the same planet again.
Filtered: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker
Greetings, the three of you. It's been too long. How are you?
Filtered: Ruwee & Jopal Naberrie; Sola, Ryoo, and Pooja Naberrie
They said my family was here. The galaxy has a funny way to keep my promises to see you all again. Ryoo, Pooja, Artoo is not with me, my apologies.
Greetings, people of Potts Tower, those native to this planet and those from all other planets. I've long admired the diversity of the Galactic Republic, and I am pleased, as always, to hear of and meet new people. Other galaxies existed, we knew, but I never dreamt I'd travel there myself. One day we would. And that day's come sooner than expected. And it's a democracy, developed from its own independent roots. My name is Padmé Amidala, and seeing as I hold no title here, please do call me Padmé and tell me about yourself. I want to make your acquaintance.

[info]screwdestiny in [info]thedoorway

Hannah & Cas:
Hannah. Why was there a rabbit watching me take a piss this morning?

[info]sistagirl in [info]thedoorway

Yesterday marked the 18th Easter I've missed with my babies. I'm starting to think I'll never get to celebrate the holidays with them. It is what it is, I guess. On the plus side, I got all this ham left over so I won't have to cook for a while.

And did any of y'all see that incest movie Lifetime had on? On Easter Sunday, too. Just disrespectful. But will I watch it? Mhm.

[info]thehexx in [info]thedoorway

[ filter to: GILES ]

I was told to talk to you about a job at Widdershins.

I read palms and tarot. I also have knowledge of magic.

And I will sometimes need time off, as I am an Avenger.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

This week's Master Yoda item of choice is brought to you by Rikki Barnes. Further proof that I don't go looking -- these things just find me.

Cut for image, not filtered )

[Filter: JediCat]
Are you still grinning as much as you were this morning? Cause it was adorable, and kissable, and also - thank you for the Easter Bunny Yoda. He was way less embarrassing than the Master Kenobi stand-up.

[...] Unless Master Yoda actually shows up? Then it might be embarrassing.

Also, apparently my grandmother is here. So.

[info]wonkytonks in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tonks and Remus
When: Backdated to the middle of March, around the time Tonks arrived.
Where: Sam's.
What: Talking. Awkwardly.
Rating: Low.
Status: gDoc turned thread.

Merlin's beard. )

[info]audreynathan in [info]thedoorway

You know, even with all of the new people who are constantly arriving and joining us here in Potts Tower, it's easy to somehow forget that people ARE new, especially if they've been here before. I'm guilty of it, and I feel terrible for it. Therefore, I'd like to propose that we hold a get together this Thursday on the 13th floor, to meet to new people, to introduce them around, and to get to know one another and just to celebrate the fact that Spring is FINALLY here! Or we can do it Friday night, if that's better. But anyway, maybe start gathering around 6 or so, and bring a dish or bag of chips -- something easy to find and pick up and share. I can make sure that drinks like tea or lemonade are provided, but anything else would be up to everyone else.

Does this sound good?

Filter to Floors 9 and 10
Hello, everyone! Just a reminder that I am your Housing Assistant. We've had a few people leave us over the last several days, and that's just too sad. On the heels of the get together I mentioned above, I'd also like to invite you all to my apartment on Tuesday for a potluck dinner. I'll provide a meat and vegetarian entree and drinks, and if those of you on the 9th floor could bring your favorite side dish, and the 10th floor could bring your favorite dessert, I think that'd set us up very nicely.

While you can (and should!) bring any problems you might be having to me at any time, the purpose of this will be to promote a community environment for us, and for you to bring any issues you are aware of to the group in general and me in particular.

I also want to let you know that beginning on April 14, will be out of the country until May 2 or 3. The Philharmonic will be touring Europe this spring, and I am contract-bound to join them. Please look to Michael Westen or Sam Axe for anything you might need, any of the other Housing Assistants, or Stark Charities itself.

Filter to Housing Assistants, Stark Charities, and Pepper Potts (MCU)
I've received the official itinerary for the New York Philharmonic's Spring Tour, which will be held across Europe this year. I've asked Michael Westen and Sam Axe to step in for me as needed, and I would be very appreciative if I can count on my fellow Housing Assistants to keep an eye on my floors until I'm back. I'll be leaving on April 14, and I will be back on May 2 or 3.

[info]redpepper in [info]thedoorway

Today, Stark Industries is pleased to announce an open recruitment drive, soliciting applicants for all levels of positions in each of our departments. From logistical support posts and in-house legal, to lab technicians and senior research scientists, we look forward to providing opportunities for a diverse selection of the city's best and brightest.

The wealth of talent and dedication concentrated in our refugee community is a resource we feel a particular responsibility to deploy as we lead the global advance toward an innovative and better world. We look forward to incorporating your incredible breadth of knowledge and experience in our work, our mission, and our future as an institution that will continue to be a torchbearer for progress.

Whatever your expertise, your goals, or your level of professional development, please consider sharing your gifts with us.

[info]marytudori in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mary Tudor, Anders, Obi Wan Kenobi, Richard III, Elizabeth Tudor and Anne Boleyn
Where: First starting at Potts Tower, then later to Mass!
When: Easter Sunday, morning
What: Mary's invited everyone to attend Easter Mass with her and they invited some people too
Status: Incomplete/threaded, partially threaded since we started via gdocs
Warnings: Mention of religion?

It's not quite like Mass at home, but this is how we recognize Easter )

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway


[info]oldfossil in [info]thedoorway

network post; obi-wan kenobi

Filtered to Easter Mass Attendees (i.e. Mary Tudor, Elizabeth Tudor, Anne Boleyn, Anders & Richard III)
I wanted to extend my thanks for being able to partake of your Easter customs. It was int I only hope that my presence wasn't too much of a hindrance. A Jedi doesn't adhere to such customs where I'm from, and it's always -- a bit baffling a welcome distraction.

I'd like to extend my sincerest apologies to anyone using the lower floor gymnasium. Work has been unusually busy these past few weeks, and I find myself practicing sparring techniques at such odd hours.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

So robot building contest. I have so totally got this. I mean this is basically what I was born for. It's even higher than violence on my favorite things to do list.

Only a few days left to practice. Stocking up on energy drinks, aww yeah.

[info]elizabethtudor in [info]thedoorway

What is the main religion in this time? There seem to be so many here that I do not know where to begin. I did attend Mass at Easter though Catholicism isn't the religion I practice it felt good to at least have some semblance of religion at the time. It seems to be incredibly lacking in this time.

I do find myself in need of some more clothing though. Would anyone like to accompany me? I am not yet comfortable in going out alone.

[info]arrowistocrat in [info]thedoorway

» Hey.
» Hey you.
» Can I punch you in your stupid face?

[info]redpepper in [info]thedoorway

-- Can you do something for me?
-- I know it's late.
-- Ish.

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway

-- [image of Han Solo in a bunny suit]
-- I'm getting it framed for you.

[info]alexishcastle in [info]thedoorway

So often, when books are made into movies they're either far worse than the books or are so loosely based on the books that you can't compare. What I'm wondering - what movies are BETTER than the books they were based off?

I'm just curious.

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

-- 1 2 3