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March 26th, 2015

[info]grantward in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Grant Ward

[Filter: Romanoff (MCU)]
I appear to have woke up in Sitwell's body. I am assuming this means that he has woke up in mine.

Regardless, I will be going out, for brunch. Amador may go with me, or she may not.

I am letting you know, as my team leader, that I won't be going anywhere uncouth. I suspect - if this does as it did the last time around - that sooner or later I will be back in my cell and in my body, but in the meantime, I'd like an omelette.

[Filter: Sitwell]
How's the coffee?

[Filter: Amador]
I'm going out.

I'll buy you breakfast if you come with me.

[info]anotherworld in [info]thedoorway

It is curious how I awoke when I have no need of sleep. That is not the most worrisome thing. The world has changed greatly since I last remember. I do not remember the world at this height, nor with this much body facial hair.

[info]seejanerun in [info]thedoorway

Whoa mama. Look at me. I'm so sexy and tall and muscly. A girl could get used to this. A guy. Someone with a You get the idea. It is true. That is a second brain.

How are you feeling?

[info]anotherdeadgirl in [info]thedoorway

I just got cussed out for telling this lady her dress was really pretty. She told me I shouldn't be emasculating her like that and that it was damaging to men everywhere... What's going on?

[info]bythefiber in [info]thedoorway

network post: beverly katz

Filtered: HP - Severus Snape
Calling 1-800-GO MAGIC. This is less natural to control than my explosive powers. FYI, Sirius, watch out for those. Hopefully my bed's still in one piece. I just need to get enough of a hang on this to head down to Sev's shop because we can all agree, this is one opportunity too good to pass up.

[info]notadamsel in [info]thedoorway

Woke up in bed with Robin Hood. Regina Mills, you are one lucky woman.

( Regina )
Oh, yeah, if you're me now, try not to eat anyone. There's blood in my fridge.

[info]anakin in [info]thedoorway

Network: Anakin Skywalker

Who turned off the Force?

I woke up looking like Gaige, and there's a robot talking to me in my head. Seems to be a running theme this morning. Does anyone know what happened yet?

[info]misterwolf in [info]thedoorway

Well now, I've been here almost a month and I have to say I do like this place. The people here have an appreciation for the frivolous that so many cultures and peoples tend to lose and never get back.

That's why I always liked the Marags. They were the most relaxed people I've ever met and they understood the value of the simple and even silly things in life. Perhaps it was because the land was so fertile and they had so much gold in their country that they never had to worry about wealth or the lack of it. Or perhaps it was because they were a matriarchy. Whatever the reason, they were lovely people. It was just a shame about the cannibalism. A stark reminder of why you need to be careful when transcribing religious texts.

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jasper Sitwell
When: morning March 26 2015
Where: The Playground--prisoner's quarters
What: A hypothesis on waking.
Rating: trigger warning for working through PTSD

He knew where he was )

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Natasha Romanoff, Akela Amador]
We've got a situation
[ETA after this: Filtered to Melinda May, Natasha Romanoff]
Sitwell, J. 837884COO.

You might want to check. I think you're missing something.

[info]earthtoprincess in [info]thedoorway

Was anyone else at or around the vigil for the Butterfly Girl last night? Tris and I were there and some kids threw bricks at us. I'd press charges, but I didn't actually see any of them and they got away. There were maybe six of them and they were wearing hoods.

[info]threadtheneedle in [info]thedoorway

backdated to last night (pre-body swap)

This probably isn't the best time to ask for time off, but is there ever really going to be a good time?

My crew is going on a trip. I'd like to go with them. Not sure where we're going, but I'll be reachable. Of course, Solo might appreciate the chance to do some world-saving on his own if I can't next time.

Think you can hold down the fort for me for a week? Maybe two?

[info]painlessness in [info]thedoorway

Oh, not this again.

I got your name from your ID. My name's Nathan Wuornos, and I'm pretty certain I'm currently in possession of your body.

You don't happen to have mine, do you? Kinda tall, clumsy, and... well, numb. Sorry about that part.

[info]mrlilyevans in [info]thedoorway


I'm a blonde! Always wanted to know what that'd be like.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Oh, for the love of God.

[Jasper Sitwell]
I've got, maybe a weird favour to ask? Can you access JARVIS and tell him I'm me?

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

Can I have my coma ba

I think I have a headache.

[Filter: Rikki]
I'm sorry. It's not my fault - I swear it's not my fault.

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

[Howard and Peggy's 100% Natural Good-Time Family Band Solution]
Have I successfully invented a nano mask that can alter your appearance yet?
[Laurie Juspeczyk]
And how was your morning?

What did you tell the kids?

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

Well, at least this time I don't have to worry about setting anything on fire... And I was missing being blond a little.

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

I didn't know you could scream in French. Or that sheets could conduct electricity. But, you know. This mornin' I learned things.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

You know, while I was considering going for my American Citizenship, and all -- this is ridiculous.

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
You don't hold bruises for very long, do you? Your girlfriend bloody well kicked me in the ribs.

[info]razorclaws in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Danny Rand and Luke Cage
I have a major situation here!

Filter: Flash Thompson
Please please PLEASE for the love of God tell me you still have the amulet on.

[info]jeditraitor in [info]thedoorway

Of all the mornings I didn't want.

Or expect.

Sorry Rikki


...so is this a thing you're experiencing?

[info]foolsgambit in [info]thedoorway

Now, before today, Gambit didn't think he could get no better lookin'. Now he knows he was dead wrong 'bout it.

So, if I be you, are you being me?

[info]zevran in [info]thedoorway

what luck that i should awaken to find myself in such a beautiful body! i do not know about you, my friends, but this is wonderful.

my dear - on an unrelated note, i may need some assistance. i, ah, seem to have frozen our toast maker.

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

This isn't so bad at all I think.

It's better than a mirror by far.

[info]ohsodashing in [info]thedoorway

Well that does answer the question of what it is to be a Midgardian.

I had thought it more a theoretical exercise. Ah, knowledge does always come at a price. But at least it is a fetching one.

[info]rebellious in [info]thedoorway

    tell me you're all still you

[info]dontcallmesnips in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Solo
When: Body swap day!
Where: Ahsoka and Jacen's apartment
What: Anakin goes to get clothes and sulk. Instead they talk about the Force and the Jedi

I didn't know his face could smile. )

[info]lastliving in [info]thedoorway


Are you all in the right bodies?

This shit is crazy and I don't like it here.

No one say "it's better than back home," I know that.

[info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

Uh, Doctor?

[info]rickjones in [info]thedoorway

I have a job! (And the same body, for the record)

And you can have one too!

See, the ESD was in cahoots with Stark's money and hired me as a "Career Counselor."

I don't know just yet if I'll be running this out of my apartment or if I get an office. An office would be cool. Then again, my apartment has snacks already.

I also have a date to that wedding. Things are coming up Milhouse!

[info]alexishcastle in [info]thedoorway

Lilly Kane

You want to come over for a bit? Or do you want to go out?

[info]felicity_smoak in [info]thedoorway


My name is Felicity and I was told that you were rather good at computers? Anyway, I don't know exactly what area you specialise in but I'm more of a hacker. Anyway, I was thinking that perhaps as well as this Network we could set up some sort of website for us which is a mix of Youtube/Photobucket/LastFM etc?

I don't know. Just something for us refugees? Unless people have tired it before and it didn't work?


[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: JARVIS
Hello JARVIS, remember me?

[info]scienceloyalist in [info]thedoorway

Are you still yourself?

[info]extremist in [info]thedoorway

    Is everyone all right? I noticed Cora and Zevran appear to have been caught up in all this. No demons involved?

    Hello, I'm Anders, and we've yet to officially meet, I think. I'm a healer, and I had come to check on you when your wife said you hadn't woken up during the recent sickness that went around. She told me that you were with child, and I'd wanted to check and make sure you've been doing all with everything that's been happening since.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Any thoughts on whether to go ahead with our games as planned this weekend or to postpone them in light of the body swap? Or should we wait to make a decision until Saturday morning?

[info]wingedstinger in [info]thedoorway

Chicago? Looks the same here like it did back home. Makes it harder when you don't find what you're looking for.

You're still you, right? Because if someone else has to deal with your overzealous sense of smell, wings, and boots, I may have to lock them up.

And you make a good enough nurse.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

I really hope that was the first and last time I fall asleep with my girlfriend and wake up with a Tony Stark instead. We didn't even go to Vegas.

For those of you who are in a similar situation to my own, I'm sorry this is happening. I can't give you a timeline on when it might pass, but I hope it'll be soon.

And on another note - if you are the victim of any sort of abuse, or if you know that someone else is, whether it's physical or verbal, please let someone else know. A friend, teacher, a police officer, just tell someone. Or you can come talk to me about it. What happened to the young girl the other day should have never happened, and no one supporting her should be attacked for that either. I know I don't need to lecture anyone here, but if anything else happens, I want to know about it. Having new abilities you don't understand is scary enough, but it doesn't make someone any less of a person. It isn't right to lash out at something you don't understand, and reacting in fear is not going to help anyone. So let me know - I think a lot of us can relate to not understanding parts of ourselves, and people out there still need our help and our support.

... This is weird coming from this face, isn't it?

So, you kicked Dorian, huh?

[info]skrullkree in [info]thedoorway


Didn't you say you had just been through a breakup?

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Wanda Maximoff]
Hey, mom? Are you okay? Nothing weird happen?

[Kate Bishop]
bb. You busy?

[info]nonbender in [info]thedoorway

Well, now I'm officially starting to see how weird it can really get here.

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

[Carol Danvers (616)]
Hey. Hey!

Are you... still you? I'd hate for your cat to get all confused if you were someone else, or something.

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

[Fantastic Avengers]

Are we all accounted for and in our own bodies?

Let's just say, I'm glad that I am here and not my brother Eren. We might wind up with a Titan who didn't know his own abilities walking around here if someone had switched places with him.

[info]srslypads in [info]thedoorway

Dare I ask who's run off with my pretty arse?

[info]river_dance in [info]thedoorway

I don't understand the scientific possibility of two individuals swapping bodies. Have their brains been physically relocated to the other body, or are their brainwaves merely rewriting over the host's existing brainwaves? How is one's personality affected by being inside a body of a different sex, with different hormones? Is it difficult to adjust to a different center of balance? Do super powers or magical abilities remain with the host body or are those transplanted with personality?

[info]willbestrong in [info]thedoorway

I'm ready to switch back now, okay, whoever's doing this?

[info]becauseimhappy in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Tony Stark (MCU) & JARVIS -- posted this morning
I'm afraid that other guy is going to wreck my Vette. You know, the one you helped me restore?

So I'm in a different body and I need to switch over my security access to this one until this is all over and done with. I guess he's an okay guy but I don't know him from Joe and I need to get into the system at some point today.

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Let's see. My father is a girl, my nephews are each other. Is there anyone else in my family that is presently not in the proper body?

It never hurts to check.

Please tell me you're still in your own body because I wanted to ask you something and I'd prefer that it actually be you as opposed to someone else.

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Brand & Danvers, early this morning
I will begin by assuming that you are aware that it would seem that the Tesseract has thrown yet another problem at us. I wasn't immune to this; I woke not long ago in a different body. It appears to belong to Mary Margaret Blanchard. I haven't yet made contact with her, but I hope to do so shortly. I understand that this will undoubtedly cause a security issue, and will await your orders.

Filter to Jean-Luc Picard
I'm in an interesting situation. Good morning.

Filter to Mary Margaret Blanchard
Good morning, Ms. Blanchard. I'm Beverly Crusher, and I know you're in the same boat I am. Or potentially am. I awoke in your body this morning. I want you to know that your son is completely fine. He's a bit fussy, but I'm chalking that up to him understanding that it isn't his mother who's holding him.

He's feeding right now, and I changed him when I got up. Whenever you come here, we can talk about his feeding schedule and anything else that I'll need to know as long as I'm inhabiting your body. But I promise, he's fine, and I think that he seems to be a wonderfully healthy baby. Based on what I'm assuming his age is, he's reacting to everything just the way he should.

I would ask, though, that when you join us, that you bring my blue lab coat that's hanging on the coat tree beside the door. It should have my tricorder in it, and I want to give us both an examination to make sure everything's all right.

[info]marytudori in [info]thedoorway

I do not understand what people are writing about on this...device. How is...what sort of witchery?

I don't think I feel very well at all.

[info]partsaregone in [info]thedoorway

[Fury (MCU), Romanoff (MCU)]
This is May. It seems that I've been swapped. In any case, I thought you all should know that Sitwell just tried to kill Coulson. I stopped him of course, but I don't know what that was.

[info]fourstarsaiyan in [info]thedoorway

Switching bodies? Aw, man, why do I have to miss out on that? I swapped bodies once before. It was pretty crazy. Captain Ginyu (yeah, I didn't make up that crazy name...his other gang members had even crazier names!) was able to swap bodies with ME at one point and I was him, which wasn't cool at all because he was evil and working with Frieza and all. But then, I swapped back and he got stuck as a frog. Ha!

Pretty sure I saw that my son Gohan found him later before a World Martial Arts Tournament that was hosted. I don't even think Gohan realized it was Captain Ginyu that he'd found.

It's not so bad, just so you all know. If anyone wants advice or whatnot, I've experience with this sort of thing.

[info]lady_ivashkov in [info]thedoorway

I tried the frappuccino that Dr. Gates mentioned. The drink was good, but I'm not too interested in the whipped cream.

Are we even close to finding this attacker?