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January 31st, 2015

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

Left outside Lily's door )

[info]notfastenough in [info]thedoorway

So, I wanted to make something like this out of the snow, but I'm not sure my Mech E skills transfer over that well. I think it needs an artist's touch. At least for the design aspect. What I'd love is to build a working snow-cycle. Maybe if we had some more snow and I could figure out a propulsion system that wouldn't run too hot.

[info]fereldensking in [info]thedoorway

As it turns out, Lord of the Rings is amazing.

[info]speedofsass in [info]thedoorway

-- A. You okay?
-- B. Are you at Lord of the Nerds?

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

The Super Bowl is on tomorrow, and even though it goes against every cell in my body to allow Patriots fans into my bar, I'll have the game on and I'll make an exception this time. I'll put the Puppy Bowl on as well, in case you'd rather see that. (Here's a secret: I'd rather watch that.)

I've started a Super Bowl Drinking Game list on the board. Here are a few:
- take a drink for every Frozen reference during the national anthem
- drink every time someone mentions deflated balls
- drink every time someone mentions the 12th man
- drink each time they show Gisele Bundchen looking unhappy
- drink whenever a coach throws a temper tantrum (drink twice if it's Belichick)
- drink if there's a power outage
- drink if there's a wardrobe malfunction during the halftime show'

I'd be happy to take suggestions too.

Valentine's Day is on a Saturday. You can work, or we can both take the night off. What do you say? It pays to date the boss.

[info]blanchard in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to parent & guardian types]

What were we thinking, bringing children into a world like this?

"The gift of life" -- it's not a gift we've given them at all. It's a burden. It's a curse.

[info]naturestoolbox in [info]thedoorway

Considering how much I just love those glowing orbs I made for the black out, I just couldn't resist getting this table to match.

It's just too perfect!

[info]thehereandnow_ in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Elsa, Emma, and Regina
I don't know what's wrong with Mary Margaret, but I need one of you to take Neal for the night. It's like she's depressed out of nowhere. Regina, have you sensed any sort of strange magic happening around the Tower?