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January 30th, 2015

[info]shabbywolf in [info]thedoorway

How effective do you find spells on things that don't originate from our universe?

Say, if the Tesseract were to do something, and you applied a countercurse, would it be remotely effective? Because if I can't do something for Sirius other than distract him with sex then I've failed him as a friend. It's not like I can access the library at Hogwarts and find some obscure spell that might soothe whatever powers he's been given, because (as a minor inconvenience) I'm in another bloody universe.

I feel like I ought to ask Dumbledore, but he's younger than me.

[info]raisingkaine in [info]thedoorway

Word of advice: lightning storms are bad. What the fuck was that last night?

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

I don't even know why I bother. Try to get your life together, move out of the place that reminds you of one kid while you're still struggling with the other's loss -- I don't even know why I thought I could do this. I should just give up.

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Network Post-Veronica Mars-Winchester

You know, if you would have told me 2 years ago that I would still be in New York and that I would be a married woman making a good clip towards a degree, I would have told you it was crazy. Totally, incalculably nuts. I didn't think I'd ever be able to get this chip off my shoulder. But would you look at that...mostly chip free.

Private to Wedding Guests
I want to thank everyone...for everything. Things have been so hectic so I've hardly had a minute to catch my breath, but know that I can't ever stop thanking you for making an already special day just that much more special.

Okay, no more sappiness from me, but I love you all.

Private to Sam

Favor to ask of you, husband of mine.

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Ianto]
We've both been working too hard and now that we're not with SHIELD or SWORD, the likelihood of life-threatening or even non-life-threatening emergencies interrupting our plans is pretty low, so... Saturday? Date night? Anywhere on Earth. Anywhen.


[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

Okay, so I've commandeered the 13th floor's entertainment rooms for this weekend and next week for a grand extravaganza!

This weekend, we'll be showing the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy! Because it's awesome and because some people who arrived were wondering what happened and stuff. Then next week, we'll do the Hobbit movies. I found a copy of the last one. Don't ask me where

I'm not bringing snacks for everyone. That's a long time, so you'll need to bring your own. Or if you want me to buy things, I can do that, but I need everyone to pitch in before they can have any of it. I work at a coffee shop, so I don't make a lot of money.

But we have the room, and it's got comfy seats and it's big enough for like 20 people or something.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Jasper Sitwell]
Ask me about my night.

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
What do you know about cadmium toxicity. Hypothetically speaking. Also I haven't slept in 72 hours. So coffee.

[Alex Vause]
I have a question about illegal drugs, and it's not "can you get them for me". May I ask?

You didn't fight a grudge match with the Empire State Building last night, did you?

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

For those of you that know him, Jack Frost is gone.

Okay. Trying to stay positive here.

[info]antgirl in [info]thedoorway

We should do something nice for Jan. Maybe have a group dinner, or a housewarming party, or something? I know it's not a lot but maybe it'll help.

[info]yo_abercrombie in [info]thedoorway

So I got the gym to keep in shape and all, but is there like, an archery range somewhere I could practice at?

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (616)]
I've been looking up the process for a marriage annulment granted by the Catholic Church. I'm not sure I want to try my luck with the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, but it may be my only option, since I can't accuse anyone of treason and cut their head off.

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

I just want to say thank you to everyone for your assistance. I am sorry that the creatures called Titans from my world made their way here, though I am fortunate at least that the Colossus or Armored Titans did not make their way here.

You all fought bravely and would be welcomed with open arms by anyone from my world should they ever arrive.

[Fantastic Avengers]

Thank you, team, for stepping up and doing whatever we can to defeat the Titans. You were all amazing.

[info]cylonfrakker in [info]thedoorway

There's nothing like watching your kid discover new things. Snow is a favorite so far.

Have you all been settling in okay here? We should all have dinner soon. All of us.

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
So I've got a job tonight. It shouldn't be too hard, but can you come back me up?

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

who ten & donna
what talking about what's up with that bow tie guy calling himself the doctor
where her room
when after eleven's arrival! i am so behind x.x
warnings do they count as spoilers if they occurred like 8 years ago? also, i fail at maths. mostly spoilers if yes and also angst.

... )

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

In lieu of all these different coloured 'outs' bringing about change, it's got me thinking.

How ruggedly handsome would I look with a beard and this brilliant hair of mine?

Additionally--there are hobbits here? Finally? Oh, I have got to start checking in here more often again! Missing out on everything!

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

Some birthdays you actually feel older, and some birthdays you really don't. And this isn't really a birthday where I feel any older, but it's been a good day none-the-less with family and friends about and so I cannot complain. Although, perhaps uncharacteristically for many people, I certainly cannot complain getting older either! I am grateful to be in this universe and to have the opportunity to get older.

[Filter: Severus]
Severus thank you so very much! the presents are so very lovely and it's so very good of you to remember.