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December 4th, 2014

[info]kickerofbutt in [info]thedoorway

Who: America Chavez and Julie Power
When: December 3rd, evening
Where: Out and about in the city
What: A run-in and then an impromptu tree-lighting-watching
Rating: TBD

This was why she normally kicked portals everywhere. )

[info]sciencedivision in [info]thedoorway

-- Barnard and Kendra are doing well. I very much appreciate your help with them.
-- I do still feel that I owe you a proper dinner though.

[info]weareleaving in [info]thedoorway

This'll be the first time I've been around for Christmas in three years. I spent two of those Christmases in the freezers and the third? Well, picture a mudheap of a planet where it never stops raining and you keep getting attacked by semi-sentient slime spiders and you'll see why we completely forgot about Christmas that year. This will definitely be a change for the better.

[info]theprotege in [info]thedoorway

To: Newt Geiszler, Felix Blake, Sharon Carter (MCU), Anne Weaver, Alex Vause, and other friends*
From: cwise@gmail.com
Subject: Happy Thursday!

you each have 1 new message )

*If you've spoken to her at least once and think she'd have a reason to have your email feel free to assume you are included.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

I really, really want to know what Master Yoda would say to this.

Cut but not filtered )

And yes, I got some. They're kinda glittery.

[Filter: Rikki]
How's Anya?

[info]aj_crowley in [info]thedoorway

I will never understand Angel candles during Christmas. Or at any time, really. I mean, you're basically setting an Angel on fire. And the people doing it are the ones who supposedly like Angels.

And while I'm on the subject: Angel, your cat followed me home again. So, you know, if you're looking for him.

[info]alanablooms in [info]thedoorway

It's a struggle being back after such a great vacation. I should take more time off than I do.

I've given our discussion some thought, and I'm in. It's a breach of my ethics and could get me disbarred, but I can't be blind anymore. I have to help.

[info]lildampeer in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rose Hathaway and Sam Winchester
When: Thursday evening
Where: Some park in NYC
What: They're both out for a run when Sam sees a familiar face
Rating: TBA but probably low

After everything Adrian had dumped on her last night, it felt good to just let go and lose herself in her technique, in the sights and sounds of the park and on watching the path in front of her as she passed several of the other joggers who were out there. )

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I've been sepped on by an angry Hutt and every time I even look at food....I'll spare you the details.

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

Filter to SWORD
This does it. People have been coming into to medical all day, complaining of being ill. Coming on the heels of our recent mission to Galia-9, I am initiating a quarantine of all SWORD personnel and facilities until further notice. Tests are being done to determine the nature of this illness, but until we know more, the normal care for norovirus-like illnesses is recommended: rest and plenty of fluids. If you are unable to stop vomiting or otherwise, anti-nausea medication will be administered.

ETA:Filter to Inara Serra
Hello, Ms. Serra. I'm Doctor Crusher, and I work with Kaylee at SWORD. Today we became aware of what appears to be a nasty virus that is affecting the crew of the Ascension, those people who were part of the mission that Kaylee was involved in shortly before Thanksgiving. I have taken the liberty of placing everyone on quarantine until we determine whether this virus was given to us on the planet we visited, or if it its origins lie on earth. As it is likely that Kaylee has been in contact with you since she was exposed to this virus, I would ask that you consider yourself to be under this quarantine, and to remain in yours and Kaylee's apartment until test results are available to us.

I apologize for this inconvenience, and all further inconvenience it will cause you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, and if you start to feel unwell, do not hesitate to let me know. My goal is to see to the safety and health of all involved, and as of right now that involves you.

[info]wintermagic in [info]thedoorway

When I first got here, it was hard to see how I could even be who I was meant to be. How could I be a Guardian on my own? Or if there wasn't even anything to protect like there was in my world? And then I tried to have a little fun, to do what I always did before and bring laughter into people's lives, and they get mad about my magic, instead of finding it joyful like it's supposed to be. Does anyone know what that does to someone like me? My entire existence was dependent on kids believing in me. In us. If they forgot us, we'd disappear. Poof. That's it. So it's awful to find people who don't like it, who don't think it's fun or a good thing.

But it is, and I know it's not childish or stupid or inconvenient to bring some happiness into the world. I know it's important. It just makes me angry that other people dismiss it as something annoying or stupid when there's already too much bad stuff in this world.

So I've been trying to figure out how to still be who I'm supposed to be, and I saw one of the Santas, the ones at the malls. And I got to talking to him, because he recognized me, and he said he visits sick kids for Christmas, too, and brings them presents that people have donated. So I'm gonna go with him, because the kids'll know me, and I can make it snow for them or whatever else they want. There are a lot of kids who don't have much this year, or any other year, and if all of us gave something - a toy, winter clothes we don't need, there are a whole bunch of groups that take donations, or you can go to the post office and get one of the cards a kid sent to Santa and fulfill their wishes - we could bring smiles to a lot of faces.

And that's really what it means to be me.

[info]river_dance in [info]thedoorway

You have to stand sideways to make the tree go staight.

Simon, there are pine needles in your bed. Please do not harm yourself on them.

[info]runbarryrun in [info]thedoorway

FILTER TO BARRY'S FRIENDS (if you think you're one, you are!) MINUS JOHN CONSTANTINE:
Anyone have advice for sharing an apartment with an exor...cising demomologist?

Possibly a sofa if I walk in the door and there's a real-life Ghostbusters thing going on?

[info]willbestrong in [info]thedoorway

I've been here long enough that it's definitely time to start looking for a job. Running my own club might be a bit ambitious in a city where I don't know anyone and don't have my dad's money to back me up, but if anyone knows of a place that needs a server or bartender or anything along those lines, please let me know.

In other news, my room is all Christmased up. It's not like home, but home isn't exactly like home anymore, either, so I'll take it.

( Filtered Private to Sydney Sage )
How are you holding up?

[info]inpavidus in [info]thedoorway

We didn't really do Christmas where I'm from, but I've been reading about the origins of the holiday and I think some of the decorations are kind of nice, so I'm determined to give it a try. I've also discovered that I am a fan of egg nog and assorted holiday sweets, so that is a definite argument in this holiday's favor.

( Private to Clarke Griffin )
How would you feel about us decorating our apartment for the holidays?

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

Anyone up for hot cocoa, candy canes, and decorating the 3rd and 4th floors for the holidays this weekend?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Hey. I have a question for you.

So I was considering what to get Titan for Christmas, and I found this.

DEAN, MARA, ILLYANA, & ANGEL (separately)
What do you want for Christmas?

[info]ooooshiny in [info]thedoorway

I thought I was gonna get out of this weird sick thing but I guess not.


Hey. I'm sick. I've got whatever bug they think we brought home with us. Inara and me are quarantined in our apartment 'til they figure out if it's somehting bad from the planet or just a regular bug.

I hope it's just a regular bug and not a space bug.

Anyway I just wanted to let ya know.