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December 3rd, 2014

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered: Sadie Kane, James Rogers, Illyana Rasputina, Kamala Khan
Next month, I will turn 18 and gain more rights in this society. I'm coming up with a to do list, to revise as needed before then. If you have recommendations or thoughts, please give them.
  1. Register to vote. That anti-powers senator was elected this November, and I will not allow that in the future without participating in their system of governance. Sometimes a king or queen would be better.
  2. Take the private investigator exam (February 2). I've been studying since I joined X-Factor this summer.
  3. Register for bail enforcement courses. It's the closest license I've seen for avenging.
  4. Obtain a driver's license. It is easier then.
  5. Get an adult passport. Fewer restrictions.
  6. Do something irresponsible. I haven't decided what.
Filtered: Ororo Munroe
I plan on adding a bail enforcement course to my coursework this spring. It's not quite a vigilante license, but it will allow me to legally fight crime. With the uproar about those teenagers who failed at being avengers and becoming legally responsible for my actions, it's a decent choice. If it manages to actually help pay for college, all the better, but I'm not doing it for money. I'll be able to do it regardless, but as my mother and my advisor, what are your thoughts?
What did you do when you turned 18? What do you wish you did or did not?

[info]dumblebee in [info]thedoorway

How strange that my first Christmas after finishing Hogwarts is in a world that is not my own. I always liked Christmas at Hogwarts. I went home for the actual holiday, of course, but the lead up at Hogwarts was always fun. We always had a huge tree in the Great Hall and my dormmates and I would exchange presents on our last day. Usually just before a mad scramble to pack our trunks because of course we hadn't done the sensible thing and packed the night before. I rather miss all that, even the mad scramble to pack. And somehow I'd always end up with one of Elphias' socks in my trunk and not discover that until I was at home. How that happened without fail every year is just one of life's mysteries, I suppose.

[info]kreewarrior in [info]thedoorway

I got two jobs. :) And a half, although I won't be paid for that one.

Why is it socially acceptable here to pay a charity for a date with a person, but it isn't acceptable to pay the person directly?

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

There's this website that lets you see if you're on Santa's "Nice" or "Naughty" list.


Image )

I mean, I figured it didn't count for much, and that it was just like -- randomly generated. But then I got this...

Loki's Results )

Anyway, you can find it here, if anyone wants to see.

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
I think the milk I had with breakfast may have been bad. I'm going to have to bow out of dinner tonight I'm afraid.

[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

The tree lighting was so beautiful tonight and I'm so glad that I went out to see it. I admit I rather feel inspired to do something with my apartment now. Kaylee, what say you?

[info]shabbywolf in [info]thedoorway

Right, so! Bit of trouble:

Full moon's sneaking up on me. Coming through the portal-or-whathaveyou has shaved about two weeks from my regular schedule.

James and Sirius: First, do you know a place we can go and second, will you come with me?

Severus: Is this Wolfsbane Potion something you can manufacture within the next two days or is it the sort of thing that requires time? James says you're to be trusted and I've got to take it on faith you don't plan on poisoning me.

I assume you keep track of the moon, but my furry little problem rears its ugly head Saturday. How I'm feeling Sunday is anyone's guess, but my guess is "terrible."

[info]lildampeer in [info]thedoorway

As much as I really appreciate the jailbreak, Tesseract, there's kind of some important shit going down for me at home and I probably need to be back there to deal with it. Plus, I can't really feel Lissa anymore and that's kind of freaking me out.

Adrian? Where are you? Someone told me you were here.

[info]lildampeer in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rose Hathaway and Adrian Ivashkov
When: Shortly after her arrival
Where: Potts Tower lobby
What: Rose's arrival + Running into someone?
Rating: TBA, but Rose likes to swear. And hit things.

what? she was hungry )

[info]snowglowswhite in [info]thedoorway

Is this what it's like to be a prospective college student in the US? I mean, it must be, because that's really what I am. Accepted to a university, but waiting to see if I pass the relevant tests before I can say that I am a student at ESU. On the 17th I take my GED, and pending passing that, I'll be officially a college student. :)

But this spring, There's going to be a short film about Anna's birthday. I don't know how I feel about this. I mean, I would celebrate Anna's birthday every day if I could. It's just that I somehow mess things up with my powers, and I don't like the sound of that.

[info]thekaijugroupie in [info]thedoorway

Alex I hope you've accepted the fact that when no one bids on me, you're going to have to spend all your hard earned money on buying me pity ice cream. Also pie. To go with the ice cream.