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December 2nd, 2014

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

I barely remember the day my son was born. I remember leaving the base in a panic, and then I remember hearing him scream bloody murder and thinking this child was going to give us hell. Everything in the middle's a blur now. He was the light of our lives for eleven years, and then his mum died, and nothing was the same. I was a shit father after that. He was raised by machines more than he was raised by me, and I dragged him halfway around the world just so I could feel useful, so I could take revenge on the creatures who'd destroyed so much. He became a better pilot than his old man, and he knew our jaeger inside out. And he died. Because I made a mistake. Because I couldn't see through the trees clearly enough to know when to stop. All the time in the world can't make that right.

No one ever prepares you for that, as a parent. I don't think anyone can. I lost part of myself that day, and I've lost a part of myself twice here, each time he's left. And it's bullshit - to give us something and to take it away. It's bullshit. Once was enough.

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

Two weeks I will have a first complete semester of education complete. One semester towards getting my nursing certification and while I know I still have a rather long ways to go, I'm still so glad to be moving forward. I only hope I stay long enough to fini In the meantime, I'm absolutely thrilled about Christmas and that we can go out and get a tree this year, and that my son and my husband are both here as well as my good friends, and honestly even the test I have tomorrow that I should be studying for right now can't bring my spirits down.

Potts Tower is home, new home, and I'm rather exceedingly fond of it.

When I finish finals, I want the three of us to go ice skating at the Rockefeller Center - what say you?

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

Santas have popped up like starbucks. I do so love the holidays.


My darling I was wondering if perhaps I might be able to steal you away to pick your brain about something.

I can promise a delightful lunch if that persuades you at all.

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

The U.S. Treasury estimates that the average life of a one-dollar bill in circulation is 5.9 years. Roughly six years ago, I was obliged to spend a one-dollar bill (series 1993, serial number L 67301723 C) in a vending machine outside Ashland, Maine. It was brand new when it was given to me, and, accounting for the presumably low vending machine traffic (or indeed any other kind of traffic) in and around Ashland, Maine, I suspect it's reaching its shelf life right about now.

So, here's the deal: anyone with the time and inclination for scavenger hunting who wants to track me down said one-dollar bill, I will give you a less beat-up one-dollar bill and have your name retroactively added as a co-inventor to U.S. Patent No. 5,614,39X.

Happy hunting.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

To: Director Abigail Brand
Cc: Lilah Morgan
Bcc: Jack Harkness;
From: Ianto Jones
Subject: Termination
Attachment: letterofresignation.doc. DD-2586; DD-214

you have 1 new message )

[info]audreynathan in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Floors 9 & 10
So it appears that we have a few more neighbors, Sam, Michael, and Hannah. Welcome! I'm Audrey, and I'm your housing assistant. I'm in 901, and I'm always available via text message at [cell number], but don't be concerned if there are times when it is a few hours before I can respond. I'm a cellist with the New York Philharmonic, and my concert and rehearsal schedule can be a little crazy.

I'm planning on seeing the lighting of the Rockefeller Center tree tomorrow evening, if any of you would like to come along!

Filter to Michael
You're coming with me to the tree lighting.

ooc: edited to add
Don't forget about the tree lighting in Rockefeller Center tomorrow night! It's always beautiful and cold.

[info]feigenbaum in [info]thedoorway

Can't believe it's already December. Then again, it was just February before I got here. How does that work anyway? With the whole skipping like six months things? Technically you should be "and a half" on your birthday, but I haven't done that since I was eight.

Okay, so hear me out. I've never been to the Rockefeller Center yet, and I haven't seen a tree lighting that wasn't the one in San Antonio which may as well have been a cactus.

So I was thinking maybe we could go tomorrow? Hang out, listen to the music, see the tree lighting ceremony?

I don't know. Maybe we could go get some hot cocoa or something after. Together. You and me. Maybe like a d

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway


Now, the hard part is to try to get Batman to NOT knock over any of the ornaments.