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December 1st, 2014

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Last year the Potts Tower Date Auction was a huge success, and it has become an annual event. This Saturday, at 7 pm, Fangtasia's second floor will open early for the date auction. For one night only, anyone age 15 and older will be welcomed to Fangtasia with open arms and a festive red bracelet if you're under twenty-one. A free drink for everyone who attends, two for everyone who volunteers to be auctioned off. All dates may go as they please, but if you empty your pocket book winning a date, you may enjoy a complimentary meal at Fangtasia. So come one and all, for charity and good cheer. All money raised will go to The Robin Hood Foundation. Sign up here or any day this week at Fangtasia. BYOM*

Filtered: Robin Hood
Forgive me if this is too forward, but could I interest you in participating in the auction? Everyone knows your name, and the charity has even named itself in honor of you. You could bring in a great deal of money. And convincing the rich to part with their money with a drink in their hand can be even more effective than a bow and arrow in this day and age.
*Bring your own mistletoe.

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

Filtered: Potts' Knitters*
It's getting cold, and we're still having people arrive here, whether from tropical weather or hells or just with a single set of clothes on their back. It's hardly enough to keep warm in the winter, and the $1000 stipend only goes so far when you're starting over from scratch. I'd like to start knitting sets for new arrivals: gloves, hats, scarves. It's not much, but it can make all the difference in keeping someone warm when they most certainly will be distracted. If you're sewing for yourself or others, please still come. But I hope some of you join me.
Bundle up everyone. It's no time to get pneumonia.

*OOC: Even if your character didn't reply about knitting before on the network, if you want them in, consider it done.

[info]80sreference in [info]thedoorway

network post: peter quill

If Groot were here, I wouldn't need to buy a Christmas tree. Just let him sleep in the corner on Christmas Eve, grow some flowers, scare Santa saying "I am Groot". Wouldn't need lights, but we could give him some decoration. And Santa better not have anything Rocket wanted, or he'd end up in his own bag. Hey, anyone here from a world with an actual showing up meet him face-to-face St. Nick?

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway


[Carol Danvers (616)]
I think we're at the point in our relationship where we can start talking about serious things. Like what your feelings are concerning Cher.

[info]mrlilyevans in [info]thedoorway

It's Christmas month! Happy Christmas, everyone.

Don't forget to check out P&P Menagerie when shopping for gifts! Along with our usual selection of items intended to magically make your day to day life easier, we've got magically self-warming blankets, hats, scarves, and mittens, perfect for the winter season. And there most certainly isn't a secret catalogue available, for those who've been very good this year (or is it for the very very naughty?). You didn't hear anything about it from me.

Alright, you lot. It's time to get us a tree.

You're welcome.

[info]alanablooms in [info]thedoorway

As a reminder, I am currently out of town so the Refugee Survivors Group will not be meeting this evening. We'll pick up next week at 7pm.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

What kind of plans do you have for Christmas? Think this is the kind of thing I should make actual plans for.

[info]metallic in [info]thedoorway

» I remember everything.
» Don't come looking for me.
» You won't find me.
» How do you cope?
» Knowing what you did?

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

Oh, hey, look, a break in the getting back into the 9 to 5 vibe!

I'd just like to thank everyone who donated food, time, and/or money over Thanksgiving weekend. It meant a lot to me and Shirl and definitely brightened the days of everyone who showed up looking for a good warm meal. So, thanks again for giving us even more to be grateful for.

[info]byronsully in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Byron Sully

There's a candlelight vigil tomorrow night in Denver in remembrance of the Sand Creek Massacre. If I'd read about it sooner, I'd have probably been there, but I'll be lightin' a candle of remembrance at the ranch tomorrow night around 7pm and if anyone wants to join me they can.

[Penelope Featherington]
Thanks for letting me do thanksgiving with you. It was a pleasure. I hope the parade lived up to your expectations.

[Donna Noble]
I know we spoke before when you first arrived, and I keep meanin' to ask if you've settled in, or if ya need anything. If ya do, just say the word and I'll see if I can help.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Jasper Sitwell
I have a trip down to South America to see if I can interest Agent Grace for more than painting the town, jungle, and isolated compounds red. What progress have you made with Barnes? Has Steve's ghost shown up again anywhere? And anywhere you can track down before it's after the fact.
Filtered: Nick Fury (MCU)
How long would you bet I can take Ward out on field trips before Coulson notices?
Filtered: Steve Rogers (MCU)
All's well with Simmons, yeah?
2014, you happened so fast.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

I am so not ready to celebrate Christmas without my family. New York doesn't feel the same.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

This is probably the most beautiful display of books I have seen in a long time.

Filter: Friends & Fantastic Avengers
I'm startng my Christmast/Holiday gift list. I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, but if you would still like a holiday gift, let me know. While we're on the subject, I'm trying not to think about the fact that this is my first Christmas away from home. Which try to not thinking about anything and you only think about it more. School will help as we get close to finals, but I'll always welcome a distraction.

[info]sjw in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Regina Mills]
How do I feel about auctioning myself for charity?

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

I think I forgot to listen when you told me how hard it'd be to go through everything involving Bucky.

[info]thetroubles in [info]thedoorway

Who: Audrey Parker, Nathan Wuornos
When: Backdated to 11/9
Where: Outside Audrey's apartment
What: The two meet up after he gets there. Audrey starts talking about the White Event. Go figure.
Rating: PG

''Hey, Parker.'' )

[info]ocorellia in [info]thedoorway

I saw this today. Anyone interested in putting one together?

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

After how freezing it's been, it is weirdly warm for December. Not that I'm complaining, I kind of like the not having to put on a million layers.

[Young Allies]

We've managed to put a damper on production locally, but I think Jon and I have some possible leads on where outside Gamma Candy shipments are being stored. Nothing concrete enough to tip the police, but if we can manage to get in and out and verify, there's something something for them to move on and get this stuff off the streets.

Problem is Jon and I have been to these places. We were weirdly lucky with the whole assassin attack with the Chemist, but if cops pull a raid right after we've been there it's going to look pretty sketchy.

[info]srslypads in [info]thedoorway

Um, James. You seem to have misplaced a tree, a bucket load of lights, some garland, and mistletoe.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

-- Okay
-- I lied
-- I'm not okay