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October 30th, 2014

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

-- Want to go for a drink sometime? It's been too long.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

You know how everything caught up to you, a little while ago?

I think the same thing happened to me last night.

I feel like I should say I'm sorry, even though you don't know what I'd be sorry for, even though-- well, I said something to Dean last night that I didn't really mean, except in the moment. That I wanted to go home, but it isn't true, I just want things to be the way they were at home-- for him and me, I mean. I don't know if it's ever going to be quite the same way again, and I don't know how to deal with that.

But I don't want to go home, because things between us are messed up in a different way, and everything else is worse, and most importantly, you aren't there. It's not even that I miss anything at home, I think it's just that I miss the way it was before he left and came back. So, I didn't mean it, and I knew that even when I said it, but I meant it enough to say it. Enough to feel bad about it now.

I'm sorry, cricket.

[info]theprotege in [info]thedoorway

Encrypted Filter: Nick Fury (616)
I know you're probably busy with important things if you're still here. Or you could be dead which would explain why Daisy hadn't heard from you in awhile. Everyone is dying these But if you are alive and out there somewhere, I hope you see this and can help. I was wondering if you'd heard from Daisy lately? Or if she is with you. She hasn't answered any of my calls or texts and she always answers.

[info]diogenesagent in [info]thedoorway

I have been reading up on the history of this world, which is so similar and yet so very different to my own. It is, without a doubt, fascinating, particularly when I think of how the changes will affect the future of my world. I'm told there are books that tell of it but I haven't read them. I'm not sure I wish to know how an England overrun with the Dracula's get adjusts to a King who may well not accept their interference in his rule. And given my own aversion to being turned and the enemies I have made recently, I suspect I may not live to see much of it anyway. Unless I am very lucky, that is.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

[Joan Watson]
Jefferson, you should know, has ceased to exist. Our numbers are down, now. Do you think we ought to recruit, or should I just try and get in bed with one of the other agencies. Or the Doctor? Or additionally, the Doctor?

Oh, and our show is back tonight. Hurrah. I still don't think they noticed we snuck into the panel at NYCC. Which says something, I think, about the quality of our disguises.

They really ought to consider you for Batman -- we'll move Ben Affleck to the role of director, I like his films.


[info]aj_crowley in [info]thedoorway

Anyone in need of a house plant that is not living up to its potential superfluous?

[Filtered to Aziraphale]

I'm in need of an excellent meal, followed by a night at the theater.

Tonight? Tomorrow night? Or Saturday night?

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (616)]
We need to talk about philanthropy. I was speaking to Steve Rogers and he made me feel absolutely superficially miserable.
[Basil Hallward]
You, you and Walter.

You're poor now, aren't you?

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Well, my Halloween costume is nearly all set. Though I may have to work on my broody sex appeal stare to perfect the Captain Jack Harkness costume. And work on that "Hello" that seems to frustrate the Doctor so.

Well, looks like we're going into space. I know it's old hat to you, but is there anything I need to know.

Do you think I should tell Brand & Danvers about the whole incident in the alley before we go? And Dr. Crusher? I don't know if it would come up in the physical.

Added later:

{Abigail Brand & Carol Danvers]
Before we head out on this mission, there's something I should probably tell you. It was an isolated incident after the white event, but I still figured you would like to know.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Teachers dressing up in costume for halloween: lame, inappropriate, or great?

[Beverly & Jean-Luc]
I feel like it's been ages since I've seen you both. Any chance I can persuade you both to join me for dinner sometime in the future?

[info]maybeblonde in [info]thedoorway

For once I have to thank the tesseract for doing something nice without doing something awful at the same time. Maybe Diggle will show up now too. It's been so Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.

[ Barry: ]
There's something I totally forgot to mention yesterday.

[info]antgirl in [info]thedoorway

Why do I always end up in parks when creepy stuff happens? First the freaky skeleton graveyard and now freaky... helpful... janitor ghosts? At least I had my phone camera ready this time.

[ in-character this link goes to the video on Cassie's youtube channel ]

I need to stop walking home from work alone.

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway


Are you going to Fangtasia tomorrow night? I'm thinking of going once I get off work.

How is work for you these days?

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Byron Sully
I hope that I am not overstepping my bounds, but you said that you live outside of the city, and that I might visit at some point. When may I? I feel as if I need a change of scene, even if it is a small one.

I've been unable to find a Halloween costume that I would be comfortable wearing, so I am afraid that I am going to spend my Halloween exploring the poems and stories of Mr. Edgar Allan Poe. That will easily appease the requirements of the night, I think.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
Plans this weekend?

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Guess who's gonna be working at Parker's starting immediately?

THIS GIRL. I was so nervous talking to MJ that I couldn't stop myself from hovering around everywhere. It's probably a miracle she was even willing to hire me.

(Also, to those of you I haven't gotten to see yet, which I think is like half of you: hi guys!)

[info]screwdestiny in [info]thedoorway

Hey. I'm sure we've met in some other life I don't remember, but you come pretty recommended as a boss. Any chance there's space at that bar of yours for me?

You holding up? I feel like I should be looking after you since you stuck your neck out like that

Hey, trouble. Looks like moving someplace bigger might actually happen, but I have to ask: I get that the shelter gig is important, but they're paying you, right? We've been freeloading way too long.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

Currently at work, each of the attorneys needed to complete their individual business development plan for the coming year, and an email was sent around to remind everyone of this and included the individual plan itself. One of the other attorneys took it upon herself to finish hers today and instead of submitting it to the correct individual, she hit "reply all". Upon opening the attachment, I discovered that she had, in fact, completed the *group* plan (how she obtained a copy of this will likely forever remain a mystery). Never mind the fact that the group plan is substantially longer, is filled with questions pertaining to information that--as a non-group leader--this attorney would not have access to, and is titled (in bold, underlined words) "Practice Group Plan." Nothing, apparently, seemed amiss to this individual. For the questions which required information that she did not possess, she either guessed or simply made answers up. ...and this from an individual who makes their living by reading the fine print.

I'm sure HR enjoyed reading it as well.

Did you settle on what's being done tomorrow night?

[Regina and Inara]
Wes and I are moving in together.

[info]provenmettle in [info]thedoorway

I'm returned from Asgard.

I found myself even more disquiet there than I was here. Though no-one would ever admit it, spirits at the palace are low. And I suspect there isn't anywhere in the Nine Realms where I will find peace besides.

[info]drgates in [info]thedoorway

I've figured out why people have been so excited to see me.

Have mercy.

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

Now I'm wishing those poker games last night had been with money instead of candy.

In other news, I finally decided on tomorrow night's costume.

[info]keephersafe in [info]thedoorway

It had been some time since I've played cards.

And it's good to know that I still have a talented enough hand at them, no matter the world. I'd very much like to play this poker again.

[info]changetherules in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Helena G. Wells

It's been quite some time since I participated in a "round robin" storytelling, but it occurs to me that this medium is well suited to it.

Would anyone else find it diverting to tell a Halloween tale together?

[info]audreynathan in [info]thedoorway

-- Okay so I'm being pulled away from my tea and Hulu by a zombie.
-- So, you know, if this is the end, it was really good getting to know you.
-- And I think you're really cute

-- Okay so I don't have Happy's cell number
-- But the zombies are back and I am being led to the elevator
-- And I think maybe someone ought to check and see if the surveillance stuff is working, maybe?