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October 3rd, 2014

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

Fall was already my favorite season, but I've gotten around to trying a pumpkin spice latte and wow! Where has this been all my life? Now, I feel inspired to make pumpkin cookies.

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rory Gilmore
When: Throughout September & first few days of October
Where: Her bedroom
What: Rory is figuring out if she does have powers or not
Rating: G

She didn’t have an invisible shield )

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Nick Fury, Natasha Romanova (616)]
You were right, whatever was out here in Colorado is long gone. We found a burnt out warehouse that might have been where ARSENAL was stored, but there's not enough evidence in the wreckage to confirm.

Steve and I are stopping off in New York for the weekend. There's an engagement party that Rogers has a "best man" duty to attend, but after that we'll be coming back to Europe.
[Falsworth, Dum Dum + Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Hey there,

We've been out of the loop with another mission, think you can catch us up on what's been happening with the Coventry team?

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

[Ororo Monroe, Rachel Summers, Charles Xavier]

Hi. I spoke to Ms. Monroe last month about a weird event that happened to me. Well, now I think I definitely have a power. It doesn't happen very often, I suppose only when I'm scared or think I'm going to get hurt from objects being thrown at me.


Doctor, I apologize for not responding to you last month in regards to the weird event that happened to me. In answer to your question, yes, I think I did. And it's happened again.

[info]twicenamedkane in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Kate Kane

It's that time... (at least in my current time zone.) So basically, please NOBODY POST ABOUT FOOD. OR ELSE.

[info]avenging_son in [info]thedoorway

I think it's official. Torunn's not here anymore.

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Filter: The Doctor
Would you be able to take Helena and I away somewhere tomorrow?

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

-- You little shit

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Scott Summers]
--A package arrived for you.
--I left the contents on the counter in the dining hall.
[Text Message to Logan Howlett]
-- Does the group discretionary fund still cover locking horns with Avengers?
-- If so I might borrow 300 dollars from it for a few weeks.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway


I bought a bunch of candy today and you're welcome to any of it!

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Ororo Munroe )

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

Who: Usagi and Luna
When: Backdated to two weeks ago
Where: Usagi's room
What: Watching Sailor Moon
Rating: G

It was becoming a ritual for her and Luna )

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

This wasn't the best day to start off the weekend. I don't think saying that I was fired is very accurate. It was sort of a mutual agreement that we couldn't make our schedules work. Doesn't feel great, no matter which way you spin it.

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

[Nick Fury (616)]
I need about two grand. Think you can spot me?
[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Ask your mom if you can come out with me this weekend.

[info]galilee in [info]thedoorway

Who: Llewyn Davis & Irwin Garden.
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: Room 407.
What: Music is for sharing. In your living room. With your roommate. Right?
Rating: Low; potential for discussion of alcohol, drugs, suicide, and more.

but soon an express all my sorrows suspended )

[info]falsworth in [info]thedoorway

Filter to New SHIELD, Coventry
Some of you may already know this, but we'll be in front of the U.N. at promply 0930 local time on Wednesday, October 8. We've been vetted by France and Greece prior to this, and today Parliament in the UK has also chosen to do the same. We're having a videoconference at 1300 UTC via normal channels for such things. Please plan on attending if you're able.

This has come up previously, and so I'm going to state it here for those who are uncertain: we will dress as the officials and professionals that we are. That means business suits for all, with a skirt optional for those who wish to go that route.

Ladies and gentlemen, never in recent memory has teamwork been so important to us. We must present a unified front of an organization determined to protect the peoples of this world from the scourge that is HYDRA.

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

I admit I'm so glad to have been admitted and to be working on a nursing degree, but, I'm also really sorry of spending basically every free moment studying. It's possibly made worse by the fact that I haven't done schooling, or Muggle schooling, for quite a few years.

So, tonight, is a free night. I refuse to consider chemistry for a moment more!

[Filter: James]
I'm so sorry I've been such a bookworm recently. And the kitchen is a disaster. Let's go out for dinner?

[info]thehereandnow_ in [info]thedoorway

-- You know how I made you sleep through Neal's fussiness early this morning and fed him and let you sleep in a little?
-- Remember how I texted you a little while ago saying that I was going to leave work a little early to catch a nap?
-- I just woke up with a raging headache and a hell of a lot of new memories.
-- Is that how it works here?

-- What do you want for your birthday?
-- I mean, we got you a pretty fantastic early birthday present but I guess you'll want something else. ;)
-- Seriously, name it, and if it's something I can do for you, it'll be done.
-- Let me know what you want to do -- we could do the ever-awesome family vacation. You, me, Neal, your mom, and Hook.

[info]punkrockclone in [info]thedoorway

Filtered Post: Sarah Manning

[Filtered to any acquaintances of all sorts of Felix Dawkins]

My brother isn't answering his phone has anyone seen him where is he?

[Comments mild TW: drug rehab/use mentioned]

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

Do the numbers 64-37 -- 176-95 -- 632387263000000 mean anything to anyone?

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

Tonight begins the fantastic and gruesome nights of fancy at Fangtasia.

The wonderful Caroline has a line up of haunts and their escorts for each Friday leading up to Halloween. This week is themed off the Scottish play.

Nothing says dance party like murder most foul. Of course all done in fun and good spirits. No one will actually die. But do be careful what drinks you accept from mysterious women with cauldrons.

[info]inpavidus in [info]thedoorway

New York has some pretty great food, I'll give it that much. I think the pizza might be my favorite, but if you think you can wow my taste buds even more, I'm taking suggestions.

[info]mrlilyevans in [info]thedoorway

Oi. You lot better still be around even if my biggest fan's buggered off.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

Seriously, Tesseract?

How many times are you going to

Officially swearing off men relationships. There's no point when the bloody Tesseract only takes them away just as things have gotten really great.