July 2016



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July 29th, 2014

[info]profdumbles in [info]thedoorway

I must say, I do like New York in 2014! The future, even if it is an alternate future, is a marvelously wondrous place. I have never ventured much into the Muggle world before for various reasons, most of which I am coming to see are entirely foolish or with little basis in fact. I even went to a... I believe it is called a nightclub last night with some new friends I met yesterday. I have never seen the likes of it before in my life but I did enjoy myself immensely.

What fools we were, Gellert and I! These people do not need subjugation. We would be wholly inadequate at ruling them. Abe is right. I was an idiot. A stupid lovestruck idiot.

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

More coffee please.

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

Happy, second day in a row you haven't made it into work. Are you all right?
Happy didn't come into work today. Again.
Have either of you thought about your futures? What you plan to do? College? That sort of thing?

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

It would be really nice if the portal ever took requests on gifts. Does it still do that once in a while? I wanted to try asking for my wedding rings back because those mini heart attacks I get when I think I lost them somewhere is getting tiresome.

Filter: Pepper Potts (616)
I know this must be really weird for you but I got a good chunk of years of memory in my head that didn't have you in them and if the Tesseract allowed us to keep our memories of this place when we went back.. I would have missed you so much. Got an afternoon or evening free for a meal? I'm buying.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Young Avengers (& Runaways), Gwen Stacy, Buffy Summers, Happy Hogan & Bucky Barnes (616)]

I accidentally manifes filled my boyf ... our... the... it Teddy's apartment with baby squids. Can I please get some help moving them to the aquarium at Happy's? Teddy wants to take a shower.

[info]askjarvis in [info]thedoorway

[Happy Hogan]

public struct Int32 {
public int value;

//other methods...

public override int GetHashCode() {
return value;

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

Astral Plane Chats

Who: aged-up!Illyana and octopus-loving!Dr. Strange
When: NOW
Rating: Not for impressionable young squids?

[The astral form of Illyana finally locates a possible Dr. Strange on the astral plane.]

Strange. That had better be you this time.

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

So my girlfriend's like eight years old right now. Great week so far.

[*this includes coworkers, probably regular customers, etc -- if they've talked, feel free to be included!]

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway


Voice command on? Hello? On? Oh, sure it's easy. Just tell it what you want it to do, and it'll do the legwork! Thing doesn't even respond when I ask it to.

Computer, this is your master speaking. Find me the nearest five and ten.

Open says me?

Voice command ACTIVATE!

C'mon. The future's hard enough without a maladjusted son of a motherboard not listening. Is there a trick I'm missing? Might as well just hit my head on a lamppost.


[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Anybody else experiencing weird powers? I have never had a physical power before, its kind of cool but different.

[info]undercover in [info]thedoorway

Did I tell you that I have Jasper's cat now? Yeah, he asked me to take care of her when he was in DC, and it turns out that it was a little more permanently. Aunt Peggy's nurse says Miss Maisie could be a good companion for her, so I think that might be the best thing for her. She's not so far gone that she couldn't take care of a cat.

My official walking papers came in. I feel so afloat right now with nothing to tether me to Is anyone else having problems letting go Guess I'm a free woman now.

[info]kamala in [info]thedoorway

This is the first time I've celebrated Ramadan/Eid without my family. It's felt.. a little off? I guess. Or just different. I think I used to sigh and roll my eyes a lot at my mom's traditions before and now that she's not here, I found myself doing the same things she used to do. Or at least as much as I can do. And oh my god, the fasting was much harder when suddenly being able to shapeshift means you eat like FIVE TIMES what you do normally!

But, speaking of food! I picked up a lot of things from Jackson Heights. And they're not a normal thing to serve during Eid, but I picked up loooots of samosas.

Also, also, look at what I got done!

cut for pic; not filtered )

Got myself a henna cone too so if you want pretty patterns, I can do...a mediocre job of it. Aaand now I'm going to have more free time to submit MORE FANFICS!

Filter: EMH!Carol
Hi! Did you eat yet? You should come by and have a bunch of sweet stuff I picked up!

[info]broodypants in [info]thedoorway

Don’t ask me what happens to you in the future. You don’t want to kn Pretty sure that’s a cardinal rule of time travel. If it's not, it should be.

[Private to self]
I don't know if your timeline will end up anything like mine did. I don't even know if you'll be able to see this when or if I go back. But just in case, here's a few words of advice.

Let Buffy go. Just let go of her. It’ll happen when it’s meant to. When she’s ready, and when you’re ready -- because we both know you’re not. Not yet. But you will be.

And stop worrying so much about Connor. He’s gonna be fine. You did the best you could with the time you had together. It’ll never feel like enough, and it’ll always hurt, but he knows how much you loved him. That’s what matters. Not how many times you got to say it.

Maybe try saying it a little more often to the people who are still around, though. When they’re gone, you’re not going to wish you’d said it less.

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

616-Filtered Network Post: Illyana Rasputina


If anyone has words for me, I might as well have them since I'm bored enough to sit through them. It can't be any worse than this muzak. But I can't necessarily speak for Scott or Emma, and definitely not Namor.

[OOC: plot aged!Illyana is post-AvX. Assume all comments are backdated due to plot's ending date]