July 2016



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July 25th, 2014

[info]ladyofspoilers in [info]thedoorway

[text messages to the Eleventh Doctor]

> sometimes I hate how melancholy I can get
> mostly I hate how much I miss you
> we hardly ever called it love
> but it was. Once.

(a few minutes later)

> oh ignore me. I'm being stupid.

[info]pinkypinkerton in [info]thedoorway

[Mara Jade]
My girl, you've been far too scare for a women whose found herself with so much free time, I'm sure.

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

San Diego Comic Con is an interesting event. I have been mistaken for Patrick Stewart more times than I can count, and the reaction when they realize I am not Patrick Stewart is priceless, usually. Although after the tenth or twelfth person - you realise that there's a remarkable similarity between reactions and maybe they are less priceless than you originally thought.

Over-all, however, whilst I may not be putting it across well, it has been and is being an enjoyable experience.

I may have to take another few days at the beach before I return to New York, however.

Seriously, we should have switched these - Comic Con, then resort in the middle of paradise.

[info]sendintheclones in [info]thedoorway

So, how do you feel about checking out some of those locations Ben mentioned? Interested? Patrolling with you is more fun than patrolling with grow ups.

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Gert Yorkes
I want to bond.
Filtered: Nico Minoru
I have saved enough money for us to learn how to drive stunts. Are you interested? When you're back from LA.
Filtered: Runaways
I have the leapfrog parked in the garage, set invisible. If we need it, we have more than one way to run. SWORD knows.
Motorcycle lessons vs. flight lessons.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

The tesseract does not think we have enough of Iron Man. I now have one of Tony's suits. It doesn't look like much, but it survived Ultron.

[info]becauseimhappy in [info]thedoorway

I'm not very good at drawing, but I woke up early this morning and decided to try to draw something.

cut, not filtered )

Filter to Billy Kaplan, Doctor Strange, Gwen Stacy, Buffy Summers
I got a boat. Who wants to go out with me on it tomorrow?

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sharon Carter]
All right. I've done my part. We took back the Kremlin. We defeated the Nazis. Three cheers.

I'm getting the fuck out of France, and I'm going to sleep for the next month or so. If you need me, you can call me in September.
[Filtered to Laurie Juspeczyk]
I may need a lift from the airport in the morning.

[info]falsworth in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Paris Crew
What a lovely day, ladies and gentlemen. With your help, we were able to accomplish our goal and have taken back Escargot, in all of her French glory. Our next order of business is to put her back to rights, along with Old Blighty, and from there we can begin to look forward into the future and what we need to accomplish next.

Et cetera, and so on, blah blah blah.

In all truthfulness, after the past few months, I believe that we are deserving of a holiday.

Filter to Howling Commandos
Chaps, good work today. Steven, I never knew you could be so charming. I was charmed myself, all the way at the top with HYDRA's leaders.