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July 23rd, 2014

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Harry Osborn]
Hey Harry, so.

We need to talk about your future.

[info]idonotbrood in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Mako Mori]
I was wondering if I might ask a favour of you, Mako. I have received notification that the tesseract has sent me a gift and I was hoping you might pick it up and hold it for me until I return.


[Filtered to Cora]
The tesseract has sent me an item that belongs to Hawke.


[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

It is beginning to feel a little bit more like home. The Tesseract decided to send me a portion of my closet from home. I was beginning to be afraid I might have to attempt to make some clothing, which could be done, but it's been a while since I did any sewing of my own and nothing so ornate as this.

[Filter: Mal & Zoe]
You should both come for dinner sometime this weekend. I'm beginning to think it may be possible for this apartment to look like home.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

I was recruited to help with the Youth Center's activity tonight and this afternoon. Starting around noon, anyone who is interested in participating should meet at the center. We'll be designing and then completing a mural on the wall near the pool and garden on the thirteenth floor's patio.

(Younger children will be decorating stones and making mosaic tiles to put in the garden)

If a few of your teenagers don't mind sacrificing an afternoon to a good cause, I'd love to see you there to help out & paint.

[Anne Blythe]
Where should I meet you?
[Basil Hallward]
You think you're ready for this, Hallward?
[Bucky Barnes (616)]
Tony wanted me to ask you a question.

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Dana Scully]
» attachment

[info]becauseimhappy in [info]thedoorway

Delivery of creepy art to Steve Rogers (EMH).

Delivery of creepy art to Steve Rogers (MCU)

Both framed prints are delivered with a note that says "From Happy."

Each is a high-quality print in a nice frame. Artwork is culled from this google search.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Happy Hogan, Buffy Summers, Magneto, Loki]
Happy says we can use the basement of his place to build an aquarium, so I was going to go over there today and take a look.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Couldn't sleep last night, decided to draw something, and then thought, wait, I know people on here that would appreciate it so I thought I'd show it off.

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And then drew this during break this morning!

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Needless to say, my hand is sore. And I forgot to eat lunch. Oops. Who wants to head to the aquarium today? I want more inspiration. We can grab some grub along the way too.

[info]falsworth in [info]thedoorway

Alas, I received notification a few days ago that I've a package from the Tesseract. I'm fairly eaten up with curiosity as to what it is, but it will of course have to wait until I am stateside again.

Unless I am able to persuade some lovely soul to mail it to Falsworth Manor, at which point I'll pick it up at my earliest convenience.

Filter to the Paris Crew
Comrades, plans are falling into place. It is looking more and more as if Friday will be the day which we've been waiting so patiently for. There will be a meeting tomorrow afternoon, at the rooms which I am renting during our stay here.

Perhaps this isn't my place, as to this point in my life I was never a SHIELD agent (despite holding some positions of authority within the organization during my older years), but I must say how proud I am to be fighting alongside you all. The work we are doing is quite important, and ensures the safety of millions of people. Do not forget that those who we have set free are looking to us for our guidance and our leadership in the days that come, and we must not fail them, or ourselves.

ETA: Filter to SWORD
I've received notification that a package arrived for me a few days ago, via the Tesseract. I would greatly appreciate it if you would put it into the keeping of Miss Clara Oswald, who will then ensure that I receive it. Thank you.

[info]flameon_ in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Peter (616), Ben (616), Clint (EMH)
I tried counting the birds who landed on the building to poop, but I lost count.

Is there a way to make money off of bird shit? Because if there is, I'd be swimming in it.

I mean, we're sure about this information, right?

I'm hungry.

OOC: tw: allusions to prostitution in the comments

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Peter Parker (616)]
Hi honey,

I spoke to Harry like you wanted.
[Alex Vause]
Do you ever wake up and just say to yourself, 'my life could use some more corporate espionage in it'? Yeah? Okay good. Because I need your help with something.
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Just tossing this idea out there: how would you feel about a biomedical engineering subsidiary? You know, for Christmas or something.

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway

I guess now I can talk about my college days too.

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[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

When you become a parent, you should also get free access to someone who has already gone through this in order to ply them with the ridiculous questions that books and the internet just don't answer.

For example, why are maternity clothes are insanely expensive? I own leather jackets that cost less than one sweater.

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]
Heard anything yet?

[info]thebanshee in [info]thedoorway

General poll: if you ever got to meet your face-twin actor in person, anywhere (although a comic-con would make more sense), what's the first thing you'd say to them? Past the usual salutations.

Filter: Rhodey
This is the first time we're taking an out-of-state trip together that doesn't involve ESD, isn't it? Clearly this requires celebrating.

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

-- So...
-- Funny story.
-- They're really very serious about not opening up the gate door once they close it.
-- Who knew?