July 2016



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July 13th, 2014

[info]punkrockclone in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Sarah Manning

Kira is here. KIRA IS HERE.

I know I haven't been at Sam's long, but I'm gonna to need time off for awhile before I can let her out of my sight. Got memories that say I just saw her like last week, but I haven't really seen my daughter in ten months-- damn good reason for a holiday, yeah?

Anyone got a twin bed they aren't using? Probably in a few days she'll want her own again instead of sharing. And any tips on cheap girls' clothes around here? Finally get to wear the necklaces Cos got us for Christmas but she's only got the pajamas she showed up in. Anyone I like who wants to meet her can, but you won't be seeing her on the network with all the shit we post.

Party, NOW. It's still morning for her and she wants to see everyone.

[info]potential in [info]thedoorway

-- Hey Pete
-- I think I found your tumblr
-- [IMG]

[info]byronsully in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Byron Sully

Guess I ain't the only one been havin' these strange dreams.

I woke up morning before yesterday with a whole stack of fish sticks next to my bedside table. I ain't certain how they got there, but it seems I ain't also the only one wakin' up with strange stuff next to my bed. Sort of smelled and I can't say it was an appetizin' smell, but I could stand with not havin' that happen again any time soon.

This world never does seem to disappoint when it comes to really odd stuff.

On the other hand, I've set a date to head out to Alaska like I talked about before. I've got one more table I'm finishin' up, and then I'm headed out -- I'm thinkin' that'll be first of next week.

[info]silentlamb in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Given what's been going on the last few nights, I'm suspecting the answer to this question is no but I have to ask anyway. Has the security on the tower been installing security cameras in people's bedroom?


Does anybody have a screwdriver and a hammer I can borrow?

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

Seeing posts like this makes me curious about my future. Especially anything that indicates friendship with Paris Gellar.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

YAY! My cat Luna is here and I'm not alone from my world anymore!

If you see a black cat with a crescent moon on her forehead, wandering around the tower: don't freak out! She can talk! I told her it was okay to talk to people here.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Potts' Tower Town Hall.

The Potts' Tower Town Hall met last night in a meeting space on the thirteenth floor. There have been fliers for this meeting in various locations around the Tower for about the last week. Every current resident is invited to attend, and this first meeting at least, is open to anyone who is a refugee or who has lived in the tower. Housing assistants will all be represented and Tony Stark will also be there to represent Stark Industries.

Details, cut for length )

So the floor is open. Was your character there? Did they have concerns? Did they have questions? Comment below with details please!

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Pepper Potts (MCU), Jenny Takeda]
I have returned from Egypt. I shall be back in the office tomorrow.
[Filtered to Young Allies]
I am back.

I have candy.

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway

In the interest of transparency, I am making a public announcement that the Sentient World Observation and Response Department, or S.W.O.R.D., has received an official charter for operation from the US government. In working with our allies in Asgard, the tesseract has been returned to Earth and is currently in our possession to protect.

The tesseract has been bringing items as well as some children and animals through recently. We will attempt to process all of them as quickly as we can to reunite you with them. Please allow us the time to properly do so.


So Thor was gracious enough to entrust the tesseract into our care.

I know we've only just started, but seems that the tesseract has other things in mind. Like this past December we've got a bunch of items and people belonging to people here showing up. Which means a lot of time sorting and trying to get this stuff to people. Last time it lasted a couple weeks, so hopefully it'll be slow and steady so we can keep track of everything.

It seems kids and animals are coming through. So are any of us good with them?

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

Backdated to this morning.

This is us checking in. Anything to report?

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Lilah Morgan]
Thanks for coming with me on Independence Day. I know spending the holiday with the local Angel Investigations may not have been your preferred holiday experience.

Are you doing anything tonight? Would you like to come over? I've got a bottle of wine that's looking like it needs to be drunk.

I've also got a work-related question for you, if you're up for that.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
How are things outside of the tower? You're surviving?

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

Who: Thor and Odin Loki the King of Asgard
When: (backdated) 8 July 2014
Where: Gladsheim, Asgard
What: Thor and Odin discuss the Tesseract and Midgard's politics.
Rating: Low

You wished to see me, Father? )

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Natasha Romanoff (MCU)]
How did the Jedi Initiation ceremony go? Any hiccups I should be aware of?

[info]spriteshadow in [info]thedoorway