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June 30th, 2014

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

» [attachment of base layout]
» Pass on these credentials to Widow: [attachment]
» Hey have you realized that technically, we're not coworkers anymore?

[info]ex_quicksilv340 in [info]thedoorway

» So I did as you told.
» We went out for dinner last night.
» You can't hound me anymore.

» Have you gotten up to any trouble yet?

[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

Is anyone in the tower interested in music lessons? I'm thinking of advertising for those outside as well, but I thought I would give those of you inside the tower first opportunities.

[Filter: Christopher Pike]
Thank you very much for a lovely weekend. I very much enjoyed the opportunity to ride again, it's been so very long but thankfully it seems I have not forgotten the essentials.

I was wondering if perhaps you had suggestions for things I should see in the city as well? Now that I am getting more settled I should like to get out a bit and see a little more of what there is offered here.

[Filter: Zoe]
I know tea isn't really your thi I was wondering if perhaps we could get to know each other a bit better. Would you want to go out somewhere sometime?

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway


Hawkeye and I are hiring an intern. This is an exciting opportunity to be an intern!!!

cut, not filtered )

Also. It's okay to print this out and give it to your less cool friends.

[info]imengineering in [info]thedoorway

I was thinking Would you Would you say a packet of information documents would trump a flash drive? Considering that it's the information on it that's more important than what it's stored on. No one but the person holding the packet would have that information. In theory.

[info]drfrankenstein in [info]thedoorway

Someone appears to have attached a map with a penknife to the front of our door. It's addressed to you, but since I'm telling you about it, if it yields any treasure, then I'm entitled to half.

If it yields danger and hardship, though, it's all yours.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Hey, I missed you yesterday.

[Bruce Banner, Clint Barton (MCU)]
Are you both still going to make a face if I mention the word "Shrimp"?

[info]thiefsie in [info]thedoorway

So. These tracker things we all had taken out of us. Anyone know if they're still transmitting? Or if the signal is still being received anywhere? I've been laying false trails for the last few days and I want to know if I can leave off or if I need to come up with a more permanent solution.

[info]snowglowswhite in [info]thedoorway

Who: Anna and Elsa
When: Sunday afternoon/evening
Where: Their apartment
What: Reunion!
Rating: Low.

At least, this time, Elsa will open it when she knocked.  )
Tags: , ,

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Housing Assistant Floors 22 & 23 (Richard Castle*), Housing Assistant Floors 9 & 10 (Bruce Banner) and Helena G. Wells
Good evening, Mr. Castle and Mr. Banner, my name is Myka Bering. Mr. Banner, my partner and I, Helena Wells, are currently in a two bedroom apartment. 1009 to be exact. We spoke about and agreed upon moving up to the 23rd floor if there is a one bedroom apartment available, which is why I’ve added Richard Castle onto this filter. Neither of us were sure what steps needed to be taken for this move to be possible. I’d like to reassure you that our decision to move into a one bedroom on another floor has nothing to do with you as a housing assistant. We both were looking for a change of scenery and to be closer to friends.

*OOC: Dee, while its technically a filter to Castle I don't see any reason why Kate can't answer as I'm sure the two of them share the responsibility of housing assistant in some way. So if you wanted her to answer I say go right ahead

Filter: Eleventh Doctor
Helena and I talked and came to the decision that we would move higher than the 17th floor. If this move goes through we’d still like to have you over for tea sometime.

Filter: Helena G. Wells
With everything lately I forgot to mention that I may have found someone willing to be our assistant until she passes her licensing exam

[info]notjustamachine in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Rommie Ascendant

Thinking too much has always been my problem. But it's been 906 hours, 54,360 minutes, and 3,261,600 seconds I have been here and away from my crew and they won't even notice my absence. How do you all deal with being here and not back in your home worlds?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Unfortunately, the name escapes me, but to whomever asked about how long Java Moment would remain an active crime scene, as of today the shop has been cleared. Unfortunately, I don't know what Mr. Meier's family or associates plan to do with his business, but if any interested parties wish to look into it, the Tower's caffeine dependency would thank you.

Additionally, the person responsible for Meier's murder has been apprehended and formally charged. If you want to read the details, I'm sure it'll be in the paper in the morning.

[Private to 'the boys': Sam, Angel, Wesley and Castle PLUS Caroline Forbes and Beverly Katz}
Drinks are on me, whenever you want them. Least I can do. Though, really, I think your assistance might be needed by the guys at SingSing. Imprisoning a vampire is kind of a first.

I'm kind of sad it's over. It's been a pleasure working with all of you. And Caroline, Beverly, thank you for helping as well. If you ever need anything, just ask.

{Private to Castle, Sam, Veronica, Angel, Ten and Rose]
Short notice, but, Castle wants to go to the Hamptons this weekend, and the place we are staying has extra bedrooms if you want to come with us. Angel, I know you probably can't go considering the sun and all, but I thought I'd offer.

[info]basilhallward in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dorian Gray]
You know, I saw you on the television the other day.

[info]cosmicflame in [info]thedoorway

Narrative: Rachel Summers

Who: Rachel Summers (closed narrative)
When: Late June
Where: X-Mansion
What: Rachel starts on her super popular "let's see if the Phoenix is here" plan. Yay!
Rating: All ages

Aren't you so excited she's trying this??? )

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

Damn, I wish Sookie was When I first got here, I was of the mind that watching that piece of shit show I'm on was a mistake, and pointless, and wouldn't do anyone a bit of good. That worked for a good long while. Then I changed my mind.

Should've stuck to my original plan.

[info]janebejane in [info]thedoorway

-- You looking for an astrophysicist?
-- Because I know one that is out of the job now.

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

who the 10th doctor & river song
what catching up
where her flat
when shortly after she's arrived
warnings spoilers~  I HAD TO OKAY

... )

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[ dean ]
So, since the NYPD and the criminal justice system is willing to consider 'vampire' as a factor in one of their criminal cases, I've been thinking about joining their ranks. I consulted on the case for a friend, and I think I could manage it.

It would interfere with hunting, though, or at least it would mean having to do it legally. And I don't know if you'd be alright with that. The best solution (in my mind, at least) would be for you to join too so that we could partner up, but [...] I'm not sure whether you'd qualify in your current state. Once we've cured you, maybe. You could pull off being a consultant in the meantime, probably, but that's not quite the same thing.

What do you think?

[ cas ]
Got any profound words of wisdom for me on balancing family, love, and a career? In approximately that order.