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June 22nd, 2014

[info]yerawiz in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to the HP Peeps
Right, so tracker removal party in our flat? I don't know about you lot, but I don't want anyone tracking my every move.

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Get this thing out of me. Now.

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

Filter to My Rhodey and Agent Pepper
So, who wants Big Brother taken out of their arm? Line starts at my door.

[info]spidershape in [info]thedoorway

[ NEWT ]

Come cut this thing out of my arm.

[info]swearjar in [info]thedoorway

EVERYTHING is such a downer lately! SHIELD blah blah. I know what will make everyone feel better:

for image, no filter )
LOOK AT MY BURD! He is so soft and so pretty pretty.

[info]screwdestiny in [info]thedoorway

SPN PEOPLE (+ Veronica):
Because of course we're chipped.

Party in the kitchen. I'm used to taking out bullets, I can get you all sans microchip.

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

I am sure each and every one of us wants these microchips out of us as soon as is humanly possible. I could not agree more with that sentiment. That said, it is best if it is done in a safe sanitary manner that does not lead to a sudden rash of people with infected cuts needing further medical assistance for it. As such, I have opened the clinic tonight. Doctors and other trained personnel are welcome to join us, even if you do not normally work at the clinic. No refugee will be turned away under my watch. May we all be through with this as soon as possible.

[info]thepartinglass in [info]thedoorway

Crazy Lynette wasn't so crazy. People actually do have microchips in them. You know, when I lost my journals, knowing someone was watching my every move probably would have helped me find them faster. Who wants to have a Microchip Removal Party?

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

ooc: posted not long after the news of the tracking implants in the refugees broke, and shortly after Sharon Carter's post about where they can be found.

As a doctor, I can not impress on you enough just now important it is to avoid infection after you have removed the tracker implanted in you by SHIELD. I will be more than happy to remove any and all implants tonight, and I will, of course, be available to keep an eye on incisions made. If you've already taken yours out, please allow a medical professional to see you, to ensure that you remain infection-free.

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway


So I dug that tracker thing out of my arm myself because fuck that. Need bandage. I don't heal quick like you guys do.


Quite the show you put on today. You need to do it again sometime.

[info]plasticed in [info]thedoorway

Well, this has been a few week. Two weeks. Fantastic, really.

Filtered to Whoverse/Friends
Sorry if you lot were worried. We lost comms for awhile, but we're all right.

Filtered to Martha Jones
Hey, you. I just got your texts a few minutes ago. Everything all right back there?

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

Text Message to Oliver Wood
» Hey, handsome
» What's your plan for today?

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Color me not really surprised at all this news breaking out about being tracked. I wonder where earlier!me went to? I bet her map's utterly fascinating.

Fury (616)

That said, should I take mine out or leave it be?

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

My baby! How can I go to the fan conventions now?

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

Well, given the revelations recently posted on the network, that unexpected attack does make quite a bit of sense. And here I thought they could read minds.

I don't know how any of your feel about preforming field surgery with a wing, a prayer and and a med kit, but I don't suppose we're left with much of a choice at the moment.

[info]snipe in [info]thedoorway

Hey so remember that resume you helped me make for fun.

Yeah you're not allowed to go on vacations anymore.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

Who: Natasha Romanoff & Nick Fury
When: June 16th
Where: You don’t know where.
What: Nick & Nat, Spy Friends, Dead Man’s Swap
Rating: PG?

And what about you? )

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

So because we're refugees, we have no rights here. Which means that, what, they felt they were allowed to do this to us?

They did it. They actually did it to us. All this time.

[info]shadowedgrace in [info]thedoorway

Well that's interesting news. Ah don't like it none, although ah doubt ah'm all alone in the matter.

Ah know you and ah don't really know each other but knowing you, ah figured ah'd tell you direct, apparently they stuck tracking devices in us. Ah've been reading the network and ah know where they are. Going out for a few minutes but when ah get back wanna meet up and ah'll try ta get it out of you? so what if ah'm going to touch a surgeon? no one's gonna know

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Victoria Hand]
-- You know, I finally did something smart
-- My bar's pretty low for that statement, because I just meant buying a bikini
-- But I'm going to be a while getting back from Taipei
-- Because the Avengers are ridiculous and we somehow ended up on a boat.
-- I mean it's a pretty sweet boat
-- Attachments : [Several pictures of Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Happy Hogan, Johnny Storm on a boat. Also Alex]
-- But it'll be a while
-- But
-- When I do get back
-- We're gonna go on that trip
-- And I'm going to hold you to all the things you said, Victoria Hand.
-- "All mine" I think it was?
-- I bought you something ;)

[Text to Tony Stark (MCU)]
-- Hey T.
-- So, update, we got your boy out of whatever the chinese slang for prison is.
-- And then long story short we are now crossing the pacific by boat
-- Which I don't know how long that takes, but Barton says he's "pretty good at boats"
-- So I dunno.
-- We'll probably run out of gas in a few days and have to be rescued by the navy
-- Or pirates
-- Are they still a thing?
-- So there's your update.

[About twenty minutes later, text to Victoria Hand]

-- How do you feel about Tahiti?

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce and The Doctor (10)]

I was wondering if the two of you could help me. I need a safe place to move myself and the others from this world into...preferably an autonomous location containing three or four separate apartments. The problem is, I don't exactly have the resources I did in my world to secure such a place financially.

[Filtered to Rose Hathaway]

I wanted to make sure that, well, things between you and I were alright.

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway


I just want to have you all know it's been an honor serving beside you. I'm not sure where SWORD's going after all this, but I'd love to have any of you by my side if I can.

That being said, given everything that's happened I don't think the military is the proper place for these meteor fragments. And we've a med tech who is ready and willing to help with the transmitters. Apparently saving their life makes them willing to remove them without the military's go ahead.


Sidewinder has been taken back from HYDRA. It is in the hands of the US military currently. But at least they're not HYDRA as far as we know.

We do have a couple more allies by way of this assignment though.

[EMH, Kamala, Jan, Sam, Tony(616)]

We have communication back online, still won't be back stateside for a couple more days.

Anyone want to fool me in on what happened while I've been gone?

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Pepper Potts & Tony Stark (MCU)]
You and Mr Stark have been unfailingly generous with those of us who have come in from different worlds. I've been honoured to work as a housing assistant in the tower to help those who have been stranded, for lack of a better world, in this reality. This is prime real estate and you could be making a lot of money off of it. Instead you're housing strangers from other planets, realities, whatever & that says a lot to me.

Right now people are on edge, and they're anxious. They've been shot at, told they've been chipped - which I'm going to extend some faith to assume you didn't know about - and the short version is a lot of them seem to feel exposed, or worse, targeted. People who feel exposed and targeted tend to be more likely to do rash things and that's bad for everyone.

I doubt either of you are unaware of this sentiment, and my point is not so much to bring it to your attention as to offer my help in trying to improve Tower morale, and perhaps lessen the burden a bit for Stark Industries. To that end I have a few ideas, if you're open to hearing them.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

I'm sorry that I've been so distant lately to everyone. But I want to let you know that I'm here to help with anything. I've dealt with a lot worse than this....so if anyone needs any help you can come to me or my sisters.

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life about all of this. Jesus Christ this is some serious shit going on right now. Beginning to wonder if its even safe here anymore or if I should move out or go on a very long vacation somewhere.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tony Stark & Steve Rogers
When: (Backdated) Saturday afternoon
Where: Hospital, Washington DC
What: Tony absolutely did not drive down to Washington DC to visit Steve, Pepper. Since he's still recovering he totally was just in his lab for a few hours doing nothing strenuous at all he promises. Except actually he drove to DC because Rhodey wouldn't fly him and he sent Happy to Tai Pei so he couldn't stop him
Rating: PG

Steve, I think it's time someone told you about the LifeAlert system. )

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway

Ah goodness. I don't know what I'd know what to do with my life if there wasn't a tracking device somewhere in me.

[info]resolveface in [info]thedoorway

Nothing like shopping for a new computer to remind you you're twelve years in the future. Even the cheapest ones at Best Buy make my computer back home look like a Commodore 64. It's pretty overwhelming. Also awesome!

Does anyone have any suggestions, as far as laptops go? Does anyone have a touch screen laptop? I can't tell if that would actually be useful or if I'm just getting distracted by the shinyness of it.

Also, we're a little short-handed at the magic shop. And by "a little short-handed" I mean there are only three of us. So if you've found yourself out of work for whatever reason... I'm not asking questions. Except "Do you have retail experience" and "Are you free Saturdays".

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

TEXT TO Maria Hill:
-- A tracker?
-- Which I'm assuming was removed when you had me go underground.
-- I'd be annoyed but it's not as if I haven't used tracking charms.
-- I won't ask if things are going well
-- Obviously it isn't.
-- If you need my assistance, you know where I am.
-- Or not as the case may be.

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to former SHIELD people]
Well, wasn't that fun. I don't know about all of you but I'm glad to be home even though we all seem to be out of a job.

I don't suppose anyone has heard from the SWORD people?


[Filtered to Whoverse people]
Hi kids, I'm home! Well, been home for a day but I needed some sleep. I kind of went without for a while when we were sorting things out.

Anyone heard from Ianto?


[Filtered to Ianto]
Hey, gorgeous, I don't suppose you can see this wherever you are?

Want to send me a message, a text, hell, even a smoke signal?


[info]ex_quicksilv340 in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Penelope Featherington
There are a few things in your essay that I would like to discuss with you Are you free for What are you doing after the official end of My cat misses you

The essay is very well-written. I figured it would be best to tell you as soon as possible considering you are one of the very few that handed it in early.

Filter: Wanda Maximoff
I am in trouble.

[info]fereldensking in [info]thedoorway

ANYA. I think we should reenact your heroic elevator rescue so I can get it on camera. Nobody seems nearly as impressed as they should be when I try to tell them about it. I don't think I'm doing it justice.

Also can you please tell Morrigan I smell normal?

[info]antgirl in [info]thedoorway

[warning for discussion of terminal illness]
filtered to tony starks (616 and mcu) )

[info]imparateasa in [info]thedoorway

I hope this "network" is nothing like that Facebook monstrosity. It's bad enough that I've been pulled through time and space against my will - getting conned into using social media is really the last thing I want. I have no desire to "reconnect with old friends" (if we haven't spoken in twenty years, I assure you, there's a reason why), read anyone's half-witted take on politics, or see anyone's photos of their children or, worse yet, their pets. I was told this device is a resource for us, and I find none of the above topics to be at all useful for me.

[Filtered to people from "her world"]
So, let's see if this private filter works, or if any of you are actually here. Naturally, I'm more interested in some of you than others, so if by chance Adrian, for instance, is not checking this, please tell him I'm now stuck here too.

[info]thebanshee in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Friends
Oh, my god! Teen Wolf Season 4 starts tomorrow! I can't wait!

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

I'm not going anywhere, in case anyone was worried about the status of the bar. The last week's fucked up my profits for this month, but the best way I can think to give anyone who doesn't want us here a big fuck you is to stay put. This is where I put my roots down here, and this is where I'm going to stay. This is home, and we've got a strong community here, for better or worse. I'm not giving up on what we've got here, or we could have here.

As long as I'm here, the bar'll be too, and jobs for whoever wants one.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

natasha texts all the avengers

» I haven't seen you in a few days, and last I knew you weren't leaving Stark's side.
» Where are you?
» I have a book with your name on it.

» Where's Bruce right now?
» Strange of him to go missing.

» Has Bruce been to see you?

» You need a new phone.

» Will you be staying in Asgard for the foreseeable future?
» The regular rainbows not in the weather forecast look impressive.

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: ESP1]
So, you've all seen the network posts: SHIELD as an organization no longer exists and what's left has been labeled a terrorist organization. Our badges aren't going to get us anywhere except perhaps a military holding cell. Your tracker is out (thank you Echo and Sarissa) and you're free to go if you want: back to New York, or wherever your skills can take you. SHIELD isn't going to have any resources to help you, nor to hinder you I suspect.

I'm going to stay here for a while. The Treehouse is still standing, and it's still infiltrated by hydra. Hydra has gained enough from SHIELD's resources and I'm determined they won't continue to gain from the work of good agents who believed in the core of SHIELD's values if there's anything I can do about it.

It's been an honor to work with each of you and I'm happy for help if you want to stay, but it isn't coming as an order from your team leader. It's entirely your call. After what just happened with the trackers

Did you know


[info]byebyebourbon in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dum Dum Dugan
When: 22 June 2014
Where: the Grosvenor, an inn in England
What: Dum Dum checks into a hotel and other cunning spy adventures
Rating: PG

Reservation under Chester Wickham )

[info]byebyebourbon in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SHIELD Military]
Alright. Let's pack up. I know where we're meeting my friend, and it's a good bit more fun than a vineyard.
[Filtered to Monty Falsworth]
He gave you Coventry.
[Filtered to Steve Rogers]
So, now, what was this all about? I've heard a lot said, but I'm kinda wanting to hear it from the source.