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June 16th, 2014

[info]profdumbles in [info]thedoorway

Goodness me. It seems that while the Wizarding World has the... shall we say, creative stylings of Rita Skeeter and Xenophilius Lovegood (the latter far more benign and courageous than the former), this world has the internet. While I am infinitely glad that Ms Skeeter is not here to contribute to the hysteria currently on display, I must admit that a rather mischievous part of me would dearly love to see Xenophilius let loose on the internet. He would enjoy it immensely though I do worry that he might command it by the end of his third day.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

» Hey. Whenever you're not busy, I'd like to meet up somewhere outside the tower.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam Winchester & Jo Harvelle
What: they need to have a good talk. Well, Sam's hoping it'll be good, anyway.
When: Monday, lunchtime
Where: a deli type place a little ways from the tower.
Warnings: TBD

... )

[info]ohsodashing in [info]thedoorway

[Pepper Potts(MCU)]

My dear guardian of the tower Potts. Thor sends his regards and we have a delivery. The refugee sort of delivery. If it pleases you, I turn them over to your custody.

[OOC: Arrivals from yesterday can assume that they have been led by Fandral through the bifrost to Stark Industries for processing. Women can also assume that they have been flirted with because that's what happens when you leave Fandral in charge of things :D]

[Yesterdays tesseract arrivals]

Welcome to Midgard my new found friends! I do hope that you are finding it to your liking.

[info]yerawiz in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: assume this is after he's actually been to the apartment and seen James and Lily, mmmkay?]

Right, so I'm a fictional character from a series of books. I was somehow magically transported to another planet or dimension or what have you and then I was brought here on something called a bifrost.

Oh, and my parents are alive and barely older than me.

Really, I'd be quite happy to wake up at any moment, because none of this can possibly be real.

Filtered to Hermione
Right? Even if a dream, I think I can rely on you to tell me honestly if this is just a figment of my own imagination, because really.

I'm not even going to acknowledge the idea that I've apparently been here before without remembering

I'm Harry, by the way.

[info]jurassicsnark in [info]thedoorway

Test. Test. Three two. Test. Hello? Is this -- hello. Oh, hello. Hello Potts Tower.

Stephen Hawking cited a variation of the Fermi–Hart paradox as proof that time-travel didn’t exist in the future yet. The “Well, where are they” theory. The idea that time-travel would lead to tourists, because of course it would. You create dinosaurs, your first idea is a theme park, you invent time travel and you replace Mr. Toad’s wild ride. But this -- this is it, this is where we are. It’s impossible to travel in time in a single universe but jumping forward and backwards in a parallel world, well that’s it. That makes sense. A world where the rules of time and physics are different so they stack like layers of oil and water.

[info]thefirehawk in [info]thedoorway

I know I wanted to go explore the rest of the Vaults, but this was not on that map. First a place called Asgard then Earth? fascinating. Things seem tense. Should I know anything before I get settled, I mean, they told me I can't go home.

Who's gonna be minding my little followers if I'm here? Not that I wanted them in the first place, but you know how it is. A group decides your their goddess and bam CULT. My bad? Although I am kind of glad to be away from them, they were a little nuts.

[info]metallic in [info]thedoorway

Who: Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier. Cameos by Natasha Romanoff & Sam Wilson
When: At the end of today's freeway fight.
Where: Washington DC
What: Who the hell is Bucky?
Rating: PG13

The other man was strong, and he was fast, and Steve could barely keep up. )

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jasper Sitwell and a lady ( oooh. )
When: late afternoon sometime, 16 June 2014
Where: Washington DC
What: :(
Rating: :( x 100

He could trust the system to do the rest )

[info]dontdosausage in [info]thedoorway

Things got real interesting real quick around here.

We should have all met when you arrived at Stark Industries, but I know it's real overwhelming when you first get here, so hello, I'm Sophia, and I'll be helping get all of you sorted out here. If you've got any more questions, those of us with the Refugee Affairs Division are here to answer them. You should have a change of clothes now, money on your card to get you on your feet, an apartment. You're not going to find digs like these in all of Manhattan unless you can become a multi-millionaire, so make yourself at home.
You got any idea what's going on?

[info]shadowedgrace in [info]thedoorway

Who: Remy & Rogue
When: Monday, June 16th
Where: Out and About
What: Meet and Greet
Rating: PG13
Status: Complete

She'd been all over the place but never Asgard. )

[info]copilot in [info]thedoorway

I'm going to the Refugee Survivor's Group tonight. It's my first time going.

If anyone else wants to go and has yet to do so, I encourage you to join me.

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Cosima Niehaus]
Do you want to see something exciting?

[info]hellonewfriends in [info]thedoorway

There are terrible things happening on the television!

[info]mister_wisdom in [info]thedoorway

So. Mr. Wisdom's here. Welcome to Earth 2.0 or whatever version it is. Hurrah.

Of course, I thought I'd better try to do something that I once considered mundane, and I turned on the telly. True to form, I was confronted with all new things going pear-shaped and bloody ticker tape ticking along with the sort of news and conjecture that made me want to throw everything out the window. Without the benefit of opening the window first. What the bloody, bloody hell.

Forget all of the cold turkey rubbish. I've gotten hold of a pack and I'm going to smoke every single one. One right after the other. And then perhaps I'll stub them out on my face while I laugh hysterically like an absolute nutter.

Why? Because I can. That's why.

[info]ratingawesome in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone know what's going on here. I mean, not that this is an awesome city and all. But ending up on wherever I was and now being here, I'm certain something's up. Unless my mind is playing mind tricks on me.

[info]whatnoquip in [info]thedoorway

Well, I'll have to say that this is a vast improvement as to where I was yesterday. Being on another planet did not bode well with me.

[info]handofshield in [info]thedoorway

» I'm confiding in you. Please don't make me regret that.
» Do you remember the bear?

[info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: The Doctor (Tenth)
Have you been keeping up with the news? I feel like we should be doing something.

For the students currently studying away, I've packed a lot of snacks in the PTYC for more "brain power" as they say. Lots of grains and blueberries for you to snack on while you're hard at work. Also, thank you to those that offered ideas about what we can do for our new arrivals. Plans are being made, but there won't be any announcements until summer break starts.

Filtered: Clara Oswald
Which reminds me, when do you have time to get together? A girl mentioned a mentorship program for new arrivals and I think it's an amazing idea.

[info]helpwillgraham in [info]thedoorway

The death estimates from today's attack are starting to come in. A mad man and his cohorts disappearing off into the ether after killing possibly a dozen people. All to get at Captain America it seems.