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June 15th, 2014

[info]mostlymortal in [info]thedoorway

Who the hell is Captain of America?

Was this what you meant by shit starting to hit the fan? I take it you're getting updates on the situation, given the fact that you're using your demon powers to contact people on the inside.

When you start drinking Dean's blood, we need to have a chat.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Completely unexpected turn of events, party of three two.

[Filter to Wesley, Angel, Sam, Dyson and Castle]
I went back over all the information on Meier Saturday afternoon, there's a pattern on his MTA card that would seem to indicate he spent a lot of time in Alphabet City and Chelsea at night in the months leading to his death. Lots of swipes for the 2nd Avenue F Train and 14th Street, which unfortunately could be the L or the A C E. I'll see if I can pull security tapes of the turnstiles to verify that since MTA cards are hardly exclusive, but there are charges to his bank account to deli's and coffee shops around those stations.

I'll text all of you the addresses, maybe something will pop in terms of vampire clubs or activity in those areas. We can't keep hitting dead ends forever, its just not logical.

[Filtered to Castle]
First thing Monday, I'll make an appointment. But the real question is if you are going to be able to keep this a secret until the first trimester is over? I wish Alexis were here. She'd be so excited. Or maybe just twelve weeks. Whatever we think its best.

[Filtered to Dyson]
Think you can meet me a little earlier than usual on Monday? I need to talk to you.

[info]neverfit in [info]thedoorway

Heavily encrypted to Team TAHITI + SHIELD L8+
I found Nash.

[info]avenging_son in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (MCU and EMH)]

I don't know if you both'll be able to see this with all the crap going on but Happy Father's Day.



Walked around the city last night in a Captain America shirt I found the other day. Few tough looking guys tried to beat me up over it.

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Twitter has the seriously most crazy updates ever. Do people even think for themselves? Dumb question, don't answer that.

Boss, laying low is good. Anything you want me to do except keep an eye on things? This place is feeling a bit like home.

[info]ace_of_clubs in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sherlock & Gambit
When: June 15 - Noonish
Where: Potts Tower
What: Sherlock and Gambit meet.
Rating: PG-13 (You know there'll be cursing).

Captain America undies next time, s'v plt - G )

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

[Joan Watson, Tony Stark (616)]
Are you paying much attention to this business regarding the dear Captain?

[info]fabulousfee in [info]thedoorway

Text Messages-Felix Dawkins

To Angel
>>So your establishment is very interesting.
>>But I wouldn't mind seeing you when you're not at work.
>>Fancy a meeting?

To Harry Osborn
>>Well that was fun.
>>I wouldn't mind another drink.
>>Or something even more fun.
>>Because you're cute.

To Sarah Manning
>>Sister, we need to talk about this Helena thing.

To Alison Hendrix
>>Helena is calling me sister now.
>>I know you're sober but I could use a little of your magic.
>>Also, who was this hippy angel guy?

>>Love you!

[info]smoketastic in [info]thedoorway

You know I heard one of the stages of grief was paranoid delusions and the Internet always gets to that stage pretty quick.

So options are vampire, shape shifter, alien, Russian spy, and a few others. My money is that Cap is somehow all of them at the same time. So vampiric shape shifting alien who landed in Russia during the Cold War Cap. I mean that's about as legit as it gets.

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

I miss my dad. I hope that thing with the "your timeline continues on back at home with you in it anyway" is true because it would really suck if I'm not there with my dad on Father's Day back home. It's always been just the two of us since forever, and even though he worked a lot (he was in the FBI), he still always had me in his ear going "Hey, what mission are you on? Did you find the perps yet? Need help? I can be the Garcia from Criminal Minds, seriously! No, I didn't just hack into your laptop again, what are you talking about, god!" We did our own thing and a lot of times, I'd end up at Rhodey's with Tony, so that part isn't all that different but, uhh, no Dad going "DAMNIT, PEPPER" when he realized I really did hack into his laptop. >_>

I'm sure he's okay back home, though. Tony and Rhodey's family would make sure of it anyway. But uh, YEAH, happy father's day to your dads and granddads and brothers, maybe, if they're here or back home!

Filter: ESD
OKAY, SO! This probably isn't as fun of a topic as.. whatever else there is. But I was thinking.. finals are coming up and most of the us have the same courses so why not have study sessions together? There isn't really a private study room in any school we could go to and all the college libraries are probably only limited to their students. And our apartment has an overly friendly cat. (He's great but he likes to nap on books, so not conducive to studying.) BUT! Lydia's offered her apartment (1007) so all is not lost. We can do two hours, maybe 6-8 in the evenings, three days this week (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday?) since the finals are next week anyway. Yes, there will be snacks! Courtesy of ME! :D

You don't have to show up all three days. Or even one day. You don't even have to show up at all. Option is totally open though if you change your mind midway! Juuuust let me know! ^^

Filter: Steve Rogers (EMH)
HEY! I got this sandwich recipe with your name on it! Where are you right now??

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

People do seem to enjoy a theory - the wilder, the better, it seems.

[Filter: Pike & Sully]
I had a woman, Wanda, asking about the possibility of setting up a garden plot at the ranch. I said I would speak to the two of you to see if it were something that could be arranged. She didn't say what size, but I suspect she would be amenable to whatever was available if it were a possibility.]

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Times like this, I don't have any problem remembering I wasn't from this world.

I miss the petty problems from Neptune sometimes.

What do you miss about home?

[Private to Sam]

I hope you don't mind, but I've been talking to Cas. Getting to know him more. Actually, we've been sharing a lot, and it's really good, I just-are you okay with me telling him things? About us? He actually seemed interested in it, and it's a lot easier to talk to him now than it was before.

Also, should we do something about Jo? I'm worried about her being alone in the tower. She says she's fine, and I know we're crowded, but maybe she should stay in the cabin? What do you think?

[info]hertruecolors in [info]thedoorway

-- Where even are you right now?

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

-- Well.
-- Did you die?

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway


How'd it go?


How you doin' mama?

[info]neverfit in [info]thedoorway

Who: Skye and Grant Ward
When: After the ~thing with Nash
Where: The Bus in Ward's lock up room
What: Talking about what just happened
Rating: TBA/Mentions of death and stuff

--- )

[info]therubyred in [info]thedoorway

Who: Gwen Shepherd and Pete Wisdom
What: Random conversation while on Asgard...you know, like you do
Where: Waiting on Asgard to be taken to the Tower
When: Sunday evening
Rating/Warnings: SFW/None, I don't think?
Status: Closed; complete

It probably wouldn't be so bad if she didn't look like an extra from Little House on the Prairie. )

[info]jurassicsnark in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dr. Ian Malcolm & Dr. Jane Foster
When: Sunday Evening
Where: Asgard
What: Arrival through the tesseract
Rating: PG

Why don't people understand
My intentions, ooh, weird
Weird science! )