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June 7th, 2014

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

FILTER: WHOVERSE + FRIENDS* (*As usual, if he's said he likes you--you are a friend!)

You lot all right? Unpleasant bunch of people out there, if you need help getting around... Suppose I could be a taxi until they realise they've better things to do with their time. Like crochet! Does anyone still do that? Brilliant hobby.  Much better than the manufacturing of Dalek merchandise.

I seem to have a penchant for teaching. Languages, they are brilliant, aren't they? More of you ought to study them, especially if I'm teaching them. Only saying.

[info]potential in [info]thedoorway

Who: Harry Osborn, Tony Stark (MCU)
When: Morning, June 7th 2014
Where: Norman Osborn's funeral, at St. Patrick's Cathedral
What: Funerals. Awkward chats about being handed the reigns to your shitty dad's company while barely old enough to legally drink your troubles away.
Rating: PG-13 for swears, death, angst, and sadness.

I’m here, aren’t I? )

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

Who: Billy Kaplan & Loki Laufeyson (Guest appearances by Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers (EMH))
When: Saturday, June 7th.
Where: Billy & Teddy's room in Potts Tower
What: In an attempt to make a playmate for direwolf Sansa Stark, Billy and Loki have acquired what they believe to be a ferret, fully intending to enchant it to make it a suitable companion for Sansa. Naming it Joffrey was Loki's idea.
Rating: PG. No ferrets or real animals were harmed in the working of this magic or the making of this thread.

It'll work! )

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mara Jade & Sam Winchester
When: 31 May 2014 (backdated)
Where: B Flat, Church Street
What: discussing things they probably shouldn’t.
Rating: low.
Status: logged, complete.

And I think the icing on the cake of this week is that there are weeds in the garden. )

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Fix and Sarissa
WHERE: Sarissa's apartment
WHEN: After Fix's arrival
WHAT: An uneasy meeting between Knight and Lady
STATUS: log; complete

Can you truly, wholeheartedly serve me given that I am the sister of your true love's killer? )
Tags: ,

[info]potential in [info]thedoorway

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of Stark Industries, et al.

Lovely to meet all of you. My name is Harry Osborn, recently appointed CEO of Oscorp. Mr. Stark set me up on this ... network thing as a demonstration of the blossoming peace between our two nations. We both may run large companies that have competed over government contracts in the past, perhaps even generated some bad blood. But I see no reason why we can't all get along moving forward.

So, who's been thinking of leaving SI and transitioning into the fascinating and fast-growing field of biomedical engineering?

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Young Avengers]
Funny story.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Peter Parker (616)]
So, I saw Harry Osborn.

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SHIELD Supernatural]
Pack a bag everyone. We've got a job up in the Himalayas. We're off to SHIELD's base in India to start with, to interview our witness, then up to Tibet to check the scene. So pack your hot weather clothes and your winter woolies. I'm not sure how long we'll be away. We've got a long flight so I'll save the briefing for the plane.


[Filtered to Ianto]
My team and I have been called off on a job. I'm not sure how long we'll be gone but it might be a week or so. It sounds like a hell of a case.


[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Pete (616)]

I think I've been out in the sun too long...

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[Everyone who isn't Harry Osborn, probably]


[info]blanchard in [info]thedoorway

In addition to my new job as Education Lead for the PTYC (which, by the way, I adore; thank you so much for the opportunity, Clara) -- I've just gotten certified by the Red Cross as a CPR instructor. I'd like to offer lessons to anyone here who might want or need them. If you work with children at all, you should know it's a vital skill to have. That includes teenagers who babysit after school or during the summer.

In fact, I think it's so important for young people that I'll train anyone under the age of 25 for free. Our first class will be next Friday afternoon (2:00 PM) at the PTYC, but if you can't make that, we can arrange an alternate time. You'll learn adult, child & infant CPR (hands-only as well as mouth-to-mouth), how to use an AED/automated external defibrillator (don't worry, they're not as scary as they sound), and First Aid. In the future we can also go into water safety, practice drills for specific rescue scenarios, and of course, refreshers to keep your skills sharp. Plus you get to use medical manikins. That's always fun, right? I hope to see lots of fresh faces there, as well as familiar ones!

For those of you who are a little older, course fees will be on a sliding scale based on income. I want it to be affordable for everyone, even if you haven't found a job yet, or if your line of work doesn't pay much. (Superhero types, I'm talking to you in particular. What you do is important and necessary, and we're all so grateful for it. Let's make sure you're properly equipped as first responders to help the people you protect!) I can come to you or your group, or you can come to me. We can do group lessons or private ones. Just let me know you're interested, and we'll work something out. I can't stress enough how empowered you'll feel once you have these lifesaving skills under your belt, regardless of your profession.

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

Aside from the James Potter/Harry Potter hair you got going there, you don't LOOK like a Harry Potter fan.

[info]flameon_ in [info]thedoorway

Anyone want to play hangman?

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Fox Mulder

It's fascinating to me how perspective can change. When I first arrived, the idea of being in a world where there were aliens and everyone knew about them was exciting I think. But after a year in this place I realise it's not so very different from my home. I mean, yes, aliens are acknowledged and every day this week I've made my way through various groups of protesters protesting vampires - which, would just get you laughed out of town in my reality, but it's clear to me that despite this general acknowledgement of things no one would consider to be true in my reality - there's still a lack of transparency about what's really known in so many cases.

The man I've come to realise here, was likely my father, would say that 'truth would cause a panic', but I can't help but wonder if half-truths, obfuscations, and lies aren't more likely to cause a panic.

You know, we were talking about getting an office out of the Tower - I'm considering maybe just moving out entirely.
