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May 31st, 2014

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Who:Jamie Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes
When: After Jamie’s arrival (05/28)
What: Jamie has to convince Sherlock that she should be allowed outside with the rest of the people.
Rating: PG

I suppose that you and I are a destiny -- of sorts )

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

Hey, someone answer something for me! Over the summer when school's out, can you work full-time if you're 16, or is it still "nope you can only be part-time, kiddo"? Because if it's a no, then no point in asking for that many more hours at Widdershins. And if you can do that, but you've never worked that much before because laws, is that maybe taking on too much?

[Filtered away from Dr. Strange]

Also, hey, advice wanted! What do you do if your mentor/guardian/landlord/friend-with-mustache has stuck something interesting behind a DO NOT ENTER door?

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Hey, there's a star gazing thing on the Brooklyn Bridge tonight. I might swing by just to people watch. Anyone wanna tag along?

So I managed to find us two tickets to the sold out chocolate thing. Sometimes it pays to be a Daily Bugle photographer. Not when you actually take the photos, but sometimes! Anyway, maybe when we 're done we'll need to check ourselves into this one to work on your chocolate addiction.
[Remus Lupin, Henry Jekyll, Bruce Banner, + Tony Stark & Peter Parker (616)]
You guys doing anything street festival-y today or tomorrow?

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

It has been awhile since I was able to explore a city as fine as the city of New York without something getting in the way. And this one is all new, just similar enough but full of its own secrets and spectacles.

I wonder if anyone would like to accompany me to explore? I'd love an experienced guide.

[info]drfrankenstein in [info]thedoorway

You disappear for a few days, you come back and there is food in the refrigerator. Should I be worried?

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Fleet week followed by a science festival? Quite a good week. Classes are winding down and I'm starting to think about summer plans. I'll be spending a lot of time at the ranch, but also hoping to do some more riding competitions and maybe even a trip out to the Mojave.

I know it's been mentioned here already, but I will probably be at tonight's stargazing if anyone else will be there. Jean-Luc? Mal?

Fancy a bit of Star gazing tonight? I know I promised you some songs, but perhaps we could do both? Maybe even a scientific sail beforehand?

[info]jasontoddwayne in [info]thedoorway

[Teen Titans]

I want a check in, see who we've lost, who is still here.

Does anyone want to play rooftop tag tonight?

School is ending, do any of you want training, if so in what? I can cover hand to hand, and some weaponry, a bit of mechanics, detective work...

[info]godbe in [info]thedoorway

Out of complete curiosity and absolutely hypothetically, if any existing kitchen appliances in this apartment gets damaged, am I able to get it replaced or would I have to buy my own?

[info]sendintheclones in [info]thedoorway

Text message

--So, was that a decent birthday?
--Or at least okay?
--Sorry about getting frosting in your hair.
--Well, not really, because it was cute.
--It came out, right?

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

ic/ooc post ;; tony's 18th birthday

WHO: All friends of Teen Team Iron
WHAT: Tony's 18th surprise birthday party
WHEN: Saturday evening of May 31st
WHERE: 230 Fifth Ave

More info! )

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Sharon Carter (616)]
I ever tell you about this dream I had with you and your twin sister you forgot to ever mention?

[info]notabrokendoll in [info]thedoorway

[Text to the Doctor (10)]
Would you be interested in coming to a movie-watching party?

[info]fuckingamayzing in [info]thedoorway

I seriously need one of those....things. I think it starts with a v? Vacation?

[info]fuckingamayzing in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Sharon Carter (MCU)
Men are idiots. For the record.

[info]ex_quicksilv340 in [info]thedoorway

Filter: His students, including advisees
There is a month left in this term. I am sure you have been completely aware of that, but I hope you all are also aware that that does not mean you get to slack off with your work. I will not be easing up for anyone just because its warm and sunny outside. Upcoming finals means for more work.

Filter: Remaining Avengers Academy (;.;)
I don't know what the hell I'm even supposed to I'm sorry. For the fact that one of your own was taken back again. If it helps, she's not dead and still would remember you. As far as I know If you want to take extra training to keep yourself busy or if you want little training as possible, go right ahead.

Filter: Wanda Maximoff
So the last day of classes is the 25th. There are some students to whom I would no longer be either an adviser or an instructor.

[info]byebyebourbon in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Monty Falsworth]
Now if you don't mind me asking, what in sam's hill possessed you to go to Coventry?

[info]falsworth in [info]thedoorway

Who: Monty Falsworth
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: An undisclosed location in England (Not Coventry; the base shares a name with the city)
What: Monty visits the Howling Commandos’ stomping grounds on a whim
Rating: Pretty G

Well. This was certainly an unexpected twist to this trip. )

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dum Dum]

Why the hell is your boy messing with my stuff?


Last I checked you weren't interested in SHIELD. So you better have a damn good reason to be interested in it now for wasting my people's time having to come get you.


I need pie.

[info]arme in [info]thedoorway


I can't find Isaac anywhere.

edit like 30 seconds later: And I guess he's gone. I just got the notice on my phone.

[info]srslypads in [info]thedoorway

Oi, Parker!

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

I've got the best friends in the world. Correction: all the worlds. Thanks for letting me have them, super-powered blue cube.

Tony Stark & Pepper Potts (both 616)
And consider this my month's notice for the whole intern gig.

[info]ex_formicida731 in [info]thedoorway

Who: Hank Pym and Wanda Maximoff
When: May 23rd, evening
Where: a Potts Tower Workroom
What: Two Avengers feel rather like outsiders (OOC: log previously in gDocs, moved for activity's sake)
Rating: PG

I was working in the lab, late one night... )