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June 1st, 2014

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway

Who: Johanna and Finnick
When: Tonight
Where: Johanna's place
What: Finnick's not coping
Rating: Medium for angst and language

... )

[info]rlpn in [info]thedoorway

Who: Remus and Sirius
When: Saturday night.
Where: The streets of NYC
What: They talk about this mess
Rating: TBD but probably low

Would you like to go for that walk now? )

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Went and saw A Million Ways to Die in the West. I haven't laughed so hard during a movie in a long time. It was long overdue!

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Now this is the life....sitting by the pool with a drink in hand. Yes, decided to go on a much needed vacation.

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

I have learned how to play poker after watching Rounders. There were once poker games played here, not for $25,000 dollars and with less threat of violence. If those continue on, I would like to join. If they do not, I say we make poker a game here once again.

Filter: Runaways
See, we can pick up new hobbies. You should join me.

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

If you have not read the Daily Bugle or heard about it second hand, I'm sure one quick look out the front door of the tower is enough to tell you there's some anti-vampire sentiment at the moment. Some of that is well-deserved. April and May were not the easiest of months for this city with respect to vampires, and a lot of them who don't like to play by the rules are still out there. I have faith that none of our tower's vampires killed Morgan Meier, but Potts Tower is one of the easiest places to come down on about this.

Fangtasia, potentially, is another one. We haven't had any trouble yet. I'd like to make sure it stays peaceful and, should that not be possible, minimize injuries, especially to innocent bystanders. As such, I am looking for more employees, with a focus on bouncers, hosts, and bartenders. Experience with these jobs is a plus but not mandatory. Training, skills, etc toward identifying someone who wants to cause trouble and non-lethally handling it with minimal injury to surrounding parties are wonderful. Please feel free to respond here. Filter your response to me. After talking here, we'll talk at Fangtasia.

Short Form

Filtered: Hank McCoy
I refuse to let this all get me down. It is June, and the weather is wonderful. I have a hot boyfriend, aaaaand I'd love to go out on a hot date with him. What do you say? I'm patrolling Monday & Tuesday nights now, for vampires, but tonight or Wednesday I could be all yours. I'd also enjoy cuddling up and watching some film together. Posting for Fangtasia always makes me feel like Caroline Forbes™, and I want to spend some time just being Caroline.

Filtered: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Have we reached a calm spot yet? I know there are still vampires, and you got a drugged up angel and a baby demon on your floors, joining your spies and superheroes (like woah, 18 & 19 are a piece of cake compared to that), but I think we should start knocking activities off our list. And I want to make Hank a scientist build-a-bear. So I may have to declare it build-a-bear santa season, and I deputize you as my elf.

[info]flameon_ in [info]thedoorway


I was supposed to jump out of a plane last weekend.


Filter to Starfire
I'm really sorry about last weekend.

[info]pickyourpocket in [info]thedoorway

I went out to get pizza and while I waited I wandered into the local pet store. There was an adoption event going on. There were three adorable kittens who were all brothers and had the names Sam, Dean and Cas. It amused me when I heard two women talking about Supernatural. And of course I had to pet every cat and kitten there. She was really trying to get me to adopt one! I figured I should talk to my roommate first. I'm not really sure a wolf and a kitten should be in the same room!

So. What do you think!

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Avengers (All.) + Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts MCU]
So some of you already have some idea what's going on, a few of you don't. I'm not going to float around too many details, but as of this Friday, I'm going to be out of commission for about ten days. If anyone needs anything during that time, I'm sure Steve or JARVIS'll be able to point you in the right direction. If you've got a question for me, now would be the time to ask.
[Howard Bruce Banner (MCU]
I'm leaving you in charge of Creative at Stark Industries until I'm back on my feet. It's all you buddy. I know I can count on you.

If you get stressed. You know where the stash You know the drill.
[Howard Stark]
Got a minute?

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

For those of you who knew him, Henry Pym Jr has been sent back.

This morning

His ants were

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Unsent Email to Harry Osborn.

To: "Harry" mrbr1ghts1de@hotmail.com
From: "Peter Parker" Parker@starkresilent.com
Subject: I almost hope you're not using this email anymore

Save Draft? )

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

Miles is gone.

[info]lostfaith in [info]thedoorway

Buffyverse + RSTF
Have you guys looked outside today?

'Cause it's not good. Angel, you might wanna avoid that large mob right outside the tower for the next, well, forever. Just sayin'

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

You know, today is one of those days when I'm really glad I can apparating. Venturing outside would be a right pain in the arse, otherwise.

[info]rightingwrongs in [info]thedoorway

In the interest of finding a job, I'm taking names of nearby places that might be in need of a good bartender.

Or, you know, maybe I should apply to take over Java Moment. I hear it's kind of between owners at the moment. Too soon?

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

Where's Ken?

[info]dressedforrio in [info]thedoorway

MTE, Wonder Woman.


[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sherlock Holmes]
How is our mutual friend settling in?

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered: Next Avengers
There must be some wrong for us to right in this city, something that we can go and do something about. I am not content to sit back this time.
I don't care about the protestors.

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

Hey, Tiny Stark.

I know we already did the whole "birthday" thing, but I got a present for you today at the garage sale.

It's a book that I think will be very useful to you at this time in your life.

I believe it's called, "Why Am I All Sweaty?"

You can come by and pick it up whenever you like.

[ Dorian Gray ]
You want to help me finish Parker's research project for him?

[info]marchaprilmay in [info]thedoorway




Miles is gone.

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway


I think Chase is gone.

[info]swearjar in [info]thedoorway

» https://vine.co/v/Mn9bBTQp71V

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

I kind of wish there was a video of this.

[Filtered to Phil Coulson]
So how's your schedule look?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[ veronica ]
So, I was wondering whether your thoughts have changed at all on moving out of the tower. Because it's getting a little crazy around here.

Also-- I love you.

[ molly carpenter ]
Hey. You still around?

[info]thornedroza in [info]thedoorway

Posted earlier in the day to Lissa and Dimitri

I'm going to take a look outside. Lissa, don't go out until I come back or Dimitri's with you.

[info]bloodlost in [info]thedoorway

So hitching a ride to LA with a guy I just met is probably a bad idea, right? Just double-checking.

[ XAVIN: ]
You ok?

[info]soulownership in [info]thedoorway

When's school out?

Okay, Nico. I think I'm ready to try that cross-country thing. I just need to make sure that Gabe's not sitting there waiting for me. I should have done this ages ago
[Pretend this is before sundown. Because.]

[info]justhitjackpot in [info]thedoorway

Peter, our baby, our Mayday is really hurting right now. Loss of her first boyfriend. It's gonna be so tough on her.
Hey, you guys know any secluded places good for screaming and throwing things without anyone calling the cops on you?

[info]bythefiber in [info]thedoorway

network post: beverly katz

This is hands down the strangest way I've seen someone get away with murder. Find the evidence and get taken to an alternate universe where no one I know in Maryland or Virginia has the same phone number. I've had a lot of "sorry, you must have the wrong number"s tonight. Government can be good, but my takeout places even have different people answering the phone, the ones that are still there. So it's ye olde fashioned, post on the internet, and see who comes. It's like being fifteen again.

[info]screwdestiny in [info]thedoorway

Sam Winchester:
Other than that one girl, are all your friends still good? Looks like there's been some kind of purge.

Veronica Mars:

You're screwing my brother.

[info]hellonewfriends in [info]thedoorway

-- For your thoughts I will pay six Grubfars
-- And I can purchase many of the ice creams.

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

22 Jump Street is coming out in less than two weeks. Has Hollywood run out of ideas that they have to recreate and then make a sequel? It's going to be a terrible movie. Wish mom were still here to see it with me and then we can talk about how horrible it was and what a waste of money and most likely go see it again, but watch something else in theaters too.