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May 18th, 2014

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

The city that never sleeps, huh? Sure looks like everyone's sleeping now.

How's it going over there? Find anything interesting?

[info]neverfit in [info]thedoorway

I am really freaking bored right now, so let's play a game, network.

Fuck, marry, cliff.

For those who don't know, here's how it works. I list celebrities/refugees/whoever and you tell me which ones you would marry, fuck, or push off a cliff. After you answer, then list three more celebrities/refugees/whoever of your choice for others to respond to.

Captain America
Lauren Graham
Tom Cruise

[info]keephersafe in [info]thedoorway

I have been contacted by a former place of employment. Apparently I ran a class on weekends to teach women of this city how to defend themselves against aggressors and it had been fairly popular. After speaking with a former student, I have decided to accept the position back.

However there are many people here in this tower as well who are not magical or have no extraordinary gifts. I wish to extend out an offer to teach basic defense to you as well if you have the desire to learn.

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

Six months ago, my son got me a dog. Lucky could have fit in Pepper's purse back then, and now he's...

cut for picture )

Well, there's never a dull moment around here.

After talking to Helena the other day, it's clear we're not the only ones who've lost a child. I spent months not talking to anyone about it. Back home, the best way I knew how to honour my boy's memory was to make sure it never happened to anyone. Here, I don't know what I've got. But maybe we can find a way to help each other out. So I set a room aside at Sam's on Thursday if you want to join us. You won't have to talk about your kid, or anything else, if you don't want to. But if you want to, at least I'll be there.

If I put some time aside to go to Sydney later this year, would you want to go with me?
You and Dani busy today?

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Who: Veronica Mars and Sam Winchester
Where: Their apartment
When: Sunday evening
What: Veronica gets a letter
Rating/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete narrative, but open for log with Sam

Never underestimate the power of a simple thing like a letter. )

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Regina Mills / Evil Queen

Filter: Mary Margaret
How would you feel about having dinner one night this week?

Filter: Emma
Consider this an olive branc While it may not be entirely necessary here I've thought about this more than once. How do you feel about learning to control your magic?

Filter: OUAT
You can choose to answer or not. The choice is ultimately yours to make. But seeing as there are quite a number of us here now...as far as your memories go what is the last thing you remember from our world?

[info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

If anyone has been testing out telepathic communication via dreams lately, it's typically polite to forewarn a person.

[info]hearthnhome in [info]thedoorway

Ok, so this day is turning out to be very odd. Was there any reason this could have at least waited until after dinner service? At least then I'd be wearing something other than my chef's coat.

So, I'm told there might be people I know here? This is Hestia Jones. Anyone care to help me make sense of this? I'll cook for it.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

For dinner tonight, I am having Sandwiches de concombre sans pain, assaisonné avec de la sauce Tabasco, le sel et le poivre. Avec un côté de l'oeuf à la coque, pour les protéines. I don't know about the life choices of the rest of you, but mine are exemplary.

[Caroline Forbes]
I have a few questions regarding the patronage of your establishment, if you don't mind.

[info]soulownership in [info]thedoorway

This is some bullshit here. I don't have time for this. Gabe, my little brother, needs me. He's going to be getting out of school any minute, and I have to pick him up. He's all alone and

[info]justhitjackpot in [info]thedoorway

So who is over 18 and needs a job?

[info]acanarycry in [info]thedoorway

Alternate universes.

Okay. I think I can handle this.

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedoorway

All right you lot. Summer vacation is almost upon us, so we need to do a rehaul on our programmes for the summer. We'll be expanding our child care for the summer, so we'll need to do some hiring right away.

Let's plan for a meeting tomorrow morning (8am) to discuss.

[info]notdying4creds in [info]thedoorway

This week in science!

Personally, I think the giant 17 million year old sperm is pretty freaking interesting.

[info]grantward in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Grant Ward

There's no sense having a dog when I move around as much as I do, but I kind of miss the one I had growing up. He was a good dog.

[Filter: Skye]
How are you feeling? Really? Marry, cliff, and fuck aside.

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jasper Sitwell & Mara Jade and maybe a guest star!
When: 7:57 pm, 18 May 2014
Rating: it's fiiiine

Phone call for Mara Jade )

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

Hey guys, what's red, white and blue. About 400lbs and likes bananas?
I'm taking this one to the Avengers Mansion. I don't want him to get any bright ideas about telling Bruce Bananer to smash for him or something
[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
You know, I really can see the resemblance.