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April 23rd, 2014

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

EMERGENCY ALERT: I need -- fuck, I need healers and any doctors who have experience working with magical or supernatural patients at 53 107th Street now. Or-- any other relevant expertise, I don't know, it looks bad.

We've had a vampire attack on a former tower resident. He's been badly beaten, and he's lost a lot of blood.

The attacker is no longer on the scene, but if anyone sees David Boreanaz, stake first and ask questions later.

That's 53 107th Street. Hurry. I can't help him like this, and I'm afraid to move him.

[ This message has been transcribed by P.E.P.P.E.R. ]

[info]deadp0ol in [info]thedoorway

I have been having the time of my LIFE with Clarence. He's the best pal-slash-pet a dude could want.

He's a great advice giver, too. Like, last night, I walked into the living room when Terry was watching TV. I looked down at him and said, "I just ate like, 6 burritos. Should I let one rip right here, five feet away from her?"

He looked up at me and yelled "WYNAUT!" So I did.

I love this little guy.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes (616)]
Hey, you don't happen to remember going up against Baron Blood the Nazi vampire, do you?

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway


Anyone want to tell me why there's a goddamn season ending big bad running around in the streets and no one decided to call it in?

I don't care if Angel is a friend of any of you. He's attacking people then he is a target. If you can being him in alive we can interrogate him but if it's not an option, then you are absolutely authorized to use lethal force.

All units not currently on assignment, suit up with vampire gear. We are taking out this infestation.


You quit and then decide to put this city in danger because you can't be bothered to play well with others?

This is my goddamn world Summers, my people your old flame is deciding to chow down on. You do not leave us out of that I don't care who the hell you are back home!

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes (EMH) {ETA: Bucky Barnes,(616)}]
I need you to pick a lock for me.

ETA: One Armed Bandit: You're out with Steve right now, aren't you? What's happening, have you found anything?

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Refugee Supernatural Task Force, minus Angel/Angelus, eta Sookie Stackhouse]
As most of you know Angelus is currently out in New York City - from the bunch of vampires Buffy, Faith, Sam, Charles, and I ended up fighting last night, he's been busy.

Last night Angelus attacked Dorian Gray and after the very public discussion this morning, I'm guessing this situation is now on SHIELD's radar, which means that what we've been trying to do quietly is now less quiet. I need everyone who can help with this to be on board. If you can call in sick to work and are willing to do so, please do. If you need a doctor's note for that to happen, then I can probably get something arranged. If you are SHIELD and you'd prefer to not be privy to what we're doing due to conflict of interest, let me know I'll remove you from this filter immediately.

Research & Magic - Right now we have no idea where Angelus is. We have some idea from the locations he's been recently, but that only gives us so much to go on. Tracking spells, any sort of magical ability, or frankly access to city cams or other options. I'm not overly concerned with legalities at the moment other than to not get caught.

Fighting - we have a choice to make here. There are only so many of us and it's a large city. My inclination would be to keep a strong rotation here, Angelus tends to fixate on people he knows and most of those are in the tower currently. If anyone knows of anyone else that lives somewhere other than the tower who might be fixated on by Angelus, please let me know immediately. We need to ensure their safety. Beyond that, anyone who has tracking abilities see what I told Research & Magic above. I'm open to suggestions as to how best to track or contain Angelus.

If we can get him to Sam Winchester's cabin, then we can keep him contained until we figure out how to put his soul back. However, we can't do that until we can find him.

Ideally, we would like him alive.

[Filter: Buffy]
Add in any further directions you have to give. I'm going to attempt to talk to Angelus myself.

[Filter: Lilah]
I'm still alive and moderately unscathed for what it's worth. I still plan on taking you to that embarrassing high school ritual, so stay safe.

[Filter: Angel]
You never call, you never write. Do you really like your new friends so much better than us?

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

Who knew a soul could be so slippery?

[info]reluctantroyal in [info]thedoorway

[Rose Hathaway]
Have you seen? About the Strigoi from another world?

[info]copilot in [info]thedoorway

Today is my birthday.

I almost forgot.

[info]stackthehouse in [info]thedoorway

network post: sookie stackhouse

Filtered to: Buffyverse
You got your hands full, and I'd like to offer my help, if'n I can. I never talked with Angel much, but he was a good guy as far as I know. And I don't like folks who normally got their heads on straight and don't go around killing people getting turned to gooey blood or dust or whatever it is they go to, if it can be helped. I'm a telepath, and vampires are like dead spots. It don't work across something as large as Manhattan or even the whole tower. But I can tell when there's a vampire nearby. And I know it works on your kind. They've come into Sam's, and I seen them around. It's my night off tonight, and if you'd like my help, count me in.
Filtered to: Sam Merlotte
And here I go, sticking my nose into vampire business again. It ain't the smartest, but they're good people.

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

In light of that very public announcement this morning, I'd like to take this opportunity to warn the inhabitants of Potts Tower. Here's a few safety rules in case you don't know them.
  1. Crosses, holy water, and garlic do work on our vampires. They don't kill them, though, but they're a good temporary deterrent to get away.
  2. Stake to the heart, decapitation, ingesting holy water, fire are the only ways to kill them. There's a few creative ways, but they're not to be trusted.
  3. Our vampires cannot get into your home without an invitation. That invitation needs to be done by someone who lives there, and not a guest, and it's the easiest way to stay safe.
If you've invited Angel into your apartment or home, let me know. We'll get one of our witches over to revoke his invitation, but I ask you not to make that public at all. Keep it strictly to this filter. I've made sure Angelus cannot see it.
Okay, this is a thing we both hate. You know it, I know it, and you probably even know what I'm going to ask.

You have that weird... gift thing. Can you use it to find Angel? I know you don't particularly value human lives, but I know you value Angel's, and if you don't help me, they're going to kill him. SHIELD's already got lethal permission.

[info]badwithcontrol in [info]thedoorway

Locked to anyone who isn't an evil vampire

I hear there's a vampire problem about. I've had some experience in taking out Strigoi and would like to offer my services in helping contain and eliminate this threat.

[Lissa, Sydney, Adrian]
If I'm going to hunt this Strigoi like vampire, you three are sticking together inside holy ground someplace, got it?

[info]lostfaith in [info]thedoorway

I've got someone else who wants to help us with Angelus.

Her name's Rose Hathaway. She has experience fighting vampires in her world.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Bruce Banner]
Are there like... vampires? Is that a thing now? And it's not just like 'fetch' where we can make it not gonna happen?

[info]dr_gottlieb in [info]thedoorway

I have been asked a number of times whether it would be possible to build a jaeger here in this world. This world obviously has the same access to resources and people to create the infrastructure required to do so. That only leaves the subject of money. Disregarding the lack of any real need for a jaegar - other than, as one questioner put it, because it's 'cool' - I estimate, based on the cost of building Striker Eureka as well as the original initial start up costs of the Jaeger Program and taking into account the lack of urgency here that would increase certain costs but decrease others, that to build a jaeger in this world would require close to $200 billion. So the answer to the original question is yes but only if you have $200 billion to spare.

[info]particlethief in [info]thedoorway

I have no urge to make dinner. Is it safe to go out and search out food?

[info]thepartinglass in [info]thedoorway

[Sam Merlotte]
Hi! This is really random, but I was wondering if there was any way that we could borrow your kitchen for a baking club? There's not enough room in our apartments for everyone to be in one room cooking and someone said you might let us use yours. If not, I totally understand. Sorry for bothering you!

-- Guess what.
-- I found my dress!
-- Look!
-- Whaddaya think?

[Sophia Burset]
-- Are you completely booked for prom?
-- I thought I could do my own hair but... yeah, nope.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

-- I know that this isn't really the reason you gave out your cell number to your students.
-- But I have a problem and you're the only person I know who has any sort of experience with pokemon.
-- Hyacinth has gone missing, and I haven't the faintest idea of where to begin looking for her.

[info]raisingkaine in [info]thedoorway

I'm staying at Jessica's until this fucking vampire shit blows over so don't look too hard.

[info]theironpatriot in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Tony Stark 616]
Hey, how are you holding up? Is there anything I can do to help you and Dorian? I'm in DC this week, but I can always fly back.
[Filtered to Tony Stark MCU]
Don't think you got out of talking about what happened in Milan just because I got busy with work. That conversation is still happening.
[Filtered to Sharon Carter 616]
Tell me you've got a day off coming up some time before May.

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Molly Carpenter

Molly, I'd like to ask you a question.

Please understand I'm not asking as the Summer Lady. I'm asking as someone who knew your predecessor and watched her change over several centuries.

Have you felt the influence of your Mantle?

[info]methlab4cutie in [info]thedoorway

this is so fuckin weird
i need a haircut and a shower.
does anyone have clippers?

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SHIELD]
Following up on Director Fury's post, a few timely reminders:
  • If you become aware of a threat to the city, world, or even just an apartment building with a supernatural or extraterrestrial origin OR ties to any paramilitary or terrorist groups, you are required as a SHIELD agent to report it to a CO through the proper channels.
  • The badge you carry symbolizes an oath you took to this world and its defense through this agency. If your friends and hallmates do not understand that, perhaps you should be questioning if their interests are anything more than self-serving egotism before SHIELD questions yours.
  • This network is a privilege, at times a rare advantage, but first and foremost it and Potts Tower are a public forum packed with not only one of the highest residential populations of SHIELD agents in this hemisphere, but also a startling number of civilians. The same tenets of compartmentilization of intelligence apply to it as they do to any other facet of your life. I should not have to say not to discuss the existence or details of your work on the open network. Remember that just because people live next door to you does not mean they're trustworthy.
  • Also, to whomever posted the flyer about their kittens on the 12th floor break room's cork board, if they are on this network, I have removed it. Do not repost it. That is hardly an appropriate use of SHIELD communication space or resources.
For some reason I'm reminded of my daughter's kindergarten. Although at least those kids seemed to benefit from the military setting.

[info]juergensamy in [info]thedoorway

Hello? Someone told me that I could introduce myself here.

I'm Amy. I'm not entirely sure what else I should say. It's really weird being here. I've always wanted to go to New York City but not like this!

I feel really embarrassed asking this but does anyone know where I can get some maternity clothes?

[info]deafenstein in [info]thedoorway

Texts to bay Kennish

-- we should go out tonight.
-- dinner and a movie.
-- you can pick the movie.