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April 24th, 2014

[info]fuckingamayzing in [info]thedoorway

[Level 8+]
Retrieval was a success despite the lack of support. The woman known as Raina has been taken into custody.

It's in my report on your secure line, but...he was hooked up to some sort of machine. I think they were trying to go into his memories - he says he doesn't know what they were doing, but I'm not sure that's true.

Ready to talk to me yet?

Good job.

[Phil's team]
Good work.

[info]godbe in [info]thedoorway

-- Are you inside the tower or out and about?
-- And any Magnolia Bakery requests for tonight?

-- I know this probably goes without saying, or you've probably already heard my voice saying this by now, but, be careful, don't get too injured if you have to
-- And I promise wheat cakes after all of this is over.
-- By "over", I really hope it doesn't come down to killing him because he doesn't
-- Or these marble with buttercream cupcake batch that I'm staring at right now in the bakery that I didn't help bake but, I assure it, they taste amazing.

[info]ex_quicksilv340 in [info]thedoorway

Who: Pietro Maximoff and Penelope Featherington
When: Wednesday evening, after this
Where: Pen's place at the tower then around the city
What: A rescue mission for a missing Pokemon.
Rating: TBD

Conceal, don't feel, don't let her know )

[info]neverfit in [info]thedoorway

So, let me get this straight. There's a vampire running around NYC? Not just any vampire, but one of the most famous vampires from one of the most famous cult tv shows of all time.

And there's apparently a prom this weekend.

The things I miss.

Filtered @ Coulson
Hey. How are you How are you doing?

[info]t_drake in [info]thedoorway


So this is some sort of spacial convergence centered around one single object. I suppose my days of allowing anything to surprise me are about to be very much over.

Anyway... I should probably introduce myself. I'm Tim. If anyone would mind helping me get acclimated a little bit here, I'd appreciate it.

Filtered to Conner and Cassie

I know that technically you guys could be from anywhere so here's hoping: do you both know me? It'd sure make it a little less stressful around here if I at least have you guys...

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to team brain]
Do we want to go to the prom?

[info]keephersafe in [info]thedoorway

I have a deep dislike for portals.

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers

I need to go grocery shopping. I've pretty much been eating instant oatmeal for a week now. Today I found a really old snickers bar left over from Halloween and that was totally my lunch.

[Filter: Captain Americas]
So. I know this is totally out of like, all of the fields, left, right, and otherwise, but Hi. I'm Dawn Summers, you probably know my sister, Buffy, cause everyone knows my sister. And you probably also know about the fact that her former boyfriend from ages ago has gone all Grr, and we've been trying to keep him out of the tower and that sort of thing.

ANYWAY... the reason I was filtering to you was because I need a date to that prom thing. But then all this stuff happened and I happened to think, well maybe I shouldn't go to the prom because Buffy will kill me if I leave my apartment. BUT then I happened to think? Tower? with lots of people in one place, like a dance? That might be a party Angelus would be interested in crashing so maybe I should go. But I'm not so much with the fated super power strength thing. That's where you come in.

So, if either of you weren't going, or don't have dates to go, and you'd like to come to prom with me, I promise I'm a pretty good dancer, and I'm really good at the picking out Vampires thing, and we could try to make certain no Angelus stuff goes down at prom.

And if you're already going with other people, then just ignore the fact that I asked, and maybe just keep your eyes open for trouble. Yeah?

[Filter: Alexis Castle]
So, I totally just asked Captain America to the prom. Both of them. Except kind of not. Cause, it was kind of a go and protect people with me thing.

I think this Angelus thing has made me go certifiably insane.

[info]flameon_ in [info]thedoorway

Prom's tomorrow night. You know what that means. Sex ed. Kitty's teaching it, and I'm helping. So you should go because this shit's important. There will be goody bags.

[info]thiefsie in [info]thedoorway

Think I might just keep to the rooftops and shadows until this person everyone's kicking up a fuss about is caught or dead. If the Haunts couldn't catch me, don't reckon he will.

Got a fun job this weekend. Company I work for wants me to break into this rich merchant's apartment and steal everything that isn't nailed down to test his security. Just like old times except I have to give everything I steal back. Get to test some new gadgets though, designed to beat these mechanical and electrical things used here. If they work, I get to keep those so it's a win in the end.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

[Nick Fury (MCU)]
We haven’t really had the chance to talk, and now really isn’t the time. Suffice it to say, in my world I fought alongside your father during World War II, and I consider you to be a friend, and someone that I trust. We’ll reminisce one day, I’m sure, but right now there’s a problem that needs attention.

I do believe that Ms. Summers team can and will neutralise this threat, and that she and her team are the most capable to do the job, so while I’m as frustrated as you are that this was kept a secret until someone was hurt, I’m under the impression that she’s from a place where vampires were always under the radar so I can understand why she acted the way she did. I plan on doing what I can to help her, support her efforts and stay out of her way.

That said, she’s mentioned that their resources are a bit limited when it comes to protecting the tower. As much as I can, I’m going to be working with the other off-world Avengers to concentrate our efforts there. We’ll be centralised, If there’s anything else you need from us, that’s there we’ll be.
[Avengers. All.]
First things first, I need anyone who assisted Tony Stark yesterday to report in, tell me what you went up against and what happened.

Secondly, as you’re all aware -- there are a lot of cooks in this kitchen. SHIELD is doing their job, and those who’ve dealt with these types of vampires before are doing theirs. What I don’t want is to get in anyone else’s way with this. (At least, not until we have to). With that in mind, I want us to double our efforts at keeping this tower safe as there are a number of residents here who might be potential targets.

And when you’re on your patrols these next few nights -- please -- report vampire sightings before you engage, so if you need back-up, we know where to go.

[Jan van Dyne]
So did you manage to get the smell out?
[Wanda Maximoff]
I have a favour to ask.
[Anne Shirley]

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Albus Dumbledore & Dr. Strange, Buffy & Sam Winchester can read]
I'm sure you've all seen right now that there's a vampire running lose without a soul. Normally he has one and he's not dangerous, but somehow it's been taken away from him. In our world this is usually a spell, or perhaps some sort of demon activity.

In this one - well, the number of different worlds represented here is making it difficult to track down what may have caused this, and therefore I thought I would ask from you if you knew of anything - demons, spells, or otherwise in this world or any of the ones you're familiar with that might be likely to be able to take someone's soul.

I appreciate your time.

[Filter: Severus Snape]
I don't suppose you have some fancy locating spell up your sleeve? Or a time turner?

[info]basilhallward in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Friends of Basil & Dorian]
Good gracious. This is by far the worst that portrait has ever looked.

Even that hideous portrait in Chicago looks pleasant by comparison.

[info]rubythewolf in [info]thedoorway

All right this whole business with being taken into another realm really starting to get old.

On the upside, I've always wanted to visit New York City. I thought about leaving for Boston before, but this is so much better.

Okay so lovely people with guns say there are people here that I know. I would say its a relief, but it only validates the theory I have behind this.

Reduby Lucas, at your service!

[info]littlecastle in [info]thedoorway

Who: Alexis Castle & Tim Drake
When: Shortly after his network post
Where: Meeting in the lobby to start
What: Alexis gives the new arrival a tour
Rating: TBA/probably low

--- )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers + Howard Stark (all MCU)]
JARVIS - Load up BtVS episodes - 02x14-22, 03x08, 03x10, 03x17, 05x07, and Angel episodes - 01x11, 01x17&18, 02x05, 02x07-09, 03x01, 04x10&11, 04x12, 04x13-15, 05x08, 05x20 Cut out the boring parts and pretend I don't have that memorized.

Boys (and Natasha). Research party at my place.

[info]mrssnakehole in [info]thedoorway

This sucks.

My husband isn't here (but there's a guy that LOOKS like him, no fair, universe).

Everyone is all happy and stuff about the stupid prom. No, I'm not going. I don't want to be around a bunch of smiling, dancing people.

And a dog pooped in my shoe.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

I have a very specific request. And I'm wondering if I might engage with a particularly brave and cunning volunteer.

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Beverly Crusher, cc: Victoria Hand]
Dr. Crusher, How does your schedule look for tomorrow?

[info]pickyourpocket in [info]thedoorway

Private to Dyson

I hope you don't have any plans tomorrow night, wolf man.
Tags: ,

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Those that volunteered to help, healers, Avengers, etc.]
You know, I've always been a cynic when it comes to the belief that people will help those they don't know, or even those they don't like when they're in need. I've never been so grateful to be wrong. I promise I'll thank each and every one of you properly when I'm a bit...better. But the portrait's magic has done it's work. I'm going to be fine. But thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart.
You know, Darling, I hope no one manages to kill you. I know there's a few who certainly want to -- but I would consider it a tragedy for any of them to succeed. Instead, I hope you get your soul back. I do, I really do, because when that happens -- I'm going to destroy you.
[Wesley Wyndam-Pryce]
I'm sure you're busy, but I'd like a word if you don't mind?

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Dorian
How are you feeling today, dear? You do know that you're not supposed to frightened the people that care about you like this, don't you?

I do want to speak with you about prom. Given the nature and severity of your injuries, I don't know if we should go. I wonder if it would do you more good to stay in with a good book tomorrow evening? I'll even come over, if you like, and keep you company.

Filter to Walter
How are you, son?

Do you know, I still have a thrill whenever I have a chance to write that?

I am able to say, after being here for a few weeks, that life here is endlessly more exciting than it was in Glen St. Mary. That doesn't mean that it's better, it's just more... exciting.

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

I just wanted to take this moment to introduce an esteemed journalist Christine Everhart. Ms. Everhart writes for Vanity Fair magazine, and is in charge of a piece on the refugees of Potts Tower. To really get the meat of the story, I've granted her access to the network. You can feel free to share your stories with her or not, I leave that to your discretion. I will, however, say that Ms. Everhart has a knack for timely and discerning stories.

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

In my time with the wardens I have fought many different sorts of monsters.

But I'm not sure we had anything like these vampires.


You are recovering well, I hope? Bleeding out isn't the most pleasant of pastimes. But you do have a very unique energy to you, I can't say I've worked on one exactly like it before.


I hadn't known teleporting was something an individual could achieve. Your power is quite amazing.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Quick announcement: the 2014 World Science Festival is going to run from May 28th to June 1st! If you guys don't know what that is, you're totally missing out! I mean.. assuming science is your kind of thing. We have a whole bunch of stuff that happens both inside and outside the NYU campus such as panel discussions, video presentations, and a pretty awesome street science fair at the end of it with interactive booths.

Seminars and panel discussions and whatever that are held inside the buildings would require tickets to get in but the street fair is open for all. And so that means you should all come and see it. And see me, of course.

Also, it's important that I mention this: Bahahaha Yankees are beating the Red Sox! \o/

Filter: Dorian Gray
Guess who has cannolis to share! If you're up for company..

Filter: Bruce Banner
I'm going to go ahead and assume that you probably wouldn't be joining me in that crowd. Mind if I bring in a minion or two? For the booth, of course, not the actual research itself. It may or may not include Peter.

[info]journalisthart in [info]thedoorway

Hello, Potts Tower. I'm Christine Everhart. I've been with Vanity Fair since 2007, and before that I worked for The Atlantic, the Chicago Tribune, and The Daily Bugle. I'm a graduate of Brown University, and I originally come from Texas. My editor has asked that I give him a story on Potts Towers, and the refugees who dwell within. I intend to give him that story, but I also intend that it will be your story. I will simply be the one who puts figurative pen to paper here.

This is your opportunity to speak to the world at large, to help them understand you, if you wish to be understood. The article will be approved by Ms. Potts, and it will only go to my editor to be printed if I have her okay. None of you have to talk to me. I have a consent form that will be signed by both of us, and notarized to reflect your permission for me to use your own words, as said by you, with context, and attributed to you. If you don't want me to use your name in any way, all you have to do is say the word and I promise I will abide by that.

And truthfully, this works both ways. If you have questions for me, ask them. I'll answer to the best of my knowledge. I'll tell you now that I have a brother who runs a photography studio in midtown Manhattan. He and his husband have two children, and right now I'm staying with them. I'm addicted to Starbucks and coffee in general.