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April 20th, 2014

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Check out the eggs I did today.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

My apartment has felt far too large and empty since I lost my roommates and I finally decided to do something about it.

Everyone say hello to Cricket.

James & Lily
I think we're going to have to arrange a playdate for our fur babies ASAP, yeah?

[info]deadp0ol in [info]thedoorway

Some dude just gave me an egg. Said to do a lot of walking.

Considering all the other formerly fictional things and people here... I have my suspicions.

Omg if I'm right this is going to be the best day EVER.

I'm gonna go walk until I find out if I'm right.

UPDATE: I knew it!!! I went for a run and by the time I was done? THE EGG HATCHED. POKEMON ARE REAL HERE TOO!!!!

That's right, you're looking at the brand new owner of a cute widdle Wynaut!!!

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway







[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Happy Easter! Who wants some deviled eggs? Thought I'd offer some to everyone before I take them somewhere.

[info]undercover in [info]thedoorway

One of my neighbours told me that I could send a private message this way. I do hope that I'm doing this right. I wanted to say thank you for the lovely gift of chocolate. It's so much different than the kind we had at home, and so delicious.

I do, however, feel terrible that I haven't a gift to give to you in return.
The younger version of my aunt sent me chocolates for Easter.

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

It's the cutest thing ever. Pokemon in real life are the best.

Cut for pic, not filtered )

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Filtered to: Fangtasia sans Angel/Angelus
It's been less than 48 hours, I know. But the place is all cleaned up, repaired, and we're opening tonight, business as usual. I'm going to be splitting time as a bouncer and on the dance floor keeping an eye on any vampires that show up. This kind of trouble isn't going to scare me into closing or doing business. But if you see something suspicious, let me know.
Filtered to: SHIELD independent VTF sans Angel/Angelus
Unless you were there, you might not have heard: some Buffy style vampires caused a scene at Fangtasia Friday night. With SHIELD's help, it got handled. I'm not 100% convinced of anything about it, other than it was trouble. Perhaps it was Angelus stirring things up. Perhaps it was just some vampires getting testy. But if you'd like to come by, I'm extending Fangtasia's free entry to vampire world people to include everyone else here on the VTF, vampires in your world or not. Whether you just want to have a good night our or would feel better keeping an eye on the vampires there or think Angelus might show up, you're welcome to come.
I think this is the first Easter where eggs have hatched pokemon. It's sort of in the spirit. Easter's traditions already combine pagan holidays with a Christian one. Still, I'm alright without one, cute as they are. I'll go for my large chocolate bunny.

[info]marchaprilmay in [info]thedoorway

My egg hatched too. I have a Cleffa. It's so fuzzy.

And yes, I have an evil twin.

It's been a weird week.

"4/20? You mean 1/5 reduce your fractions did you even learn math"

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Easter has been a blast, spent it with my sisters and also working on my column. I swear I'm going to get those people back though for screwing up my document when it was all finished. I always say that payback is a bitch and you don't want to mess with a witch!

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Highlight of my Easter was watching the Easter Egg hunt in Central Park. Really made me miss Gus though, could have strolled him around and had a blast with him getting eggs.

[info]maybeblonde in [info]thedoorway

[ DC (comics/animated/tv/whatever): ]
Okay, this is weird, but does anyone know someone named Oliver Queen? I think he'd go by Green Arrow which is. Or a Ms. Lance?

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

Is there a Billy Kaplan here?

ETA [Filter to Phil Coulson]
When was the last time you spoke with your Fury?

[info]hammergirl in [info]thedoorway

I'm not even mad that my egg wasn't edible.

cut not filtered )

Seriously, this is the best Easter ever.

[info]kickerofbutt in [info]thedoorway

There is a bouncing blond baby with pink skin in my apartment. Anyone know how to take care of one? I'm assuming this doesn't belong to anyone and I'm now some sort of mother figure.

[info]byronsully in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Byron Sully

It's always nice to have folks out at the ranch and get to know more of ya. I'm gonna spend a few days here back at the Tower though. Just finished up a table and chairs and gotta get it to the shop for sellin'.

On an unrelated note, those of ya who have watched, or do watch your shows - I'm just curious, are you glad you did, or did you regret it?

I've been here a long time, I suppose I've gotten what folks would call some 'spoilers' about my own life, but I ain't been keen on sittin' down and watchin' it. It just didn't seem necessary in the end. It's nothin' I can do anything about and if it don't turn out like I'd like for it too, that seems like it could be a hard call.

At the same time, I guess I've been thinkin' about home a bit. Wonderin' about folks back there, and how they're doin' and the show would be one way to know about it.

Guess there's some pros and cons both ways, and I'm curious for those of ya who've gone through the experience, what's it been like?

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

Take care walking about the apartment. I've hatched an egg. Well. Not literally. I didn't pop a squat and out came an egg, that's an entirely different species of humanoid beings capable of--anyway. Cute little thing, likes to sit on my shoulder when I'm around. Left it at the flat to go buy cupcakes to use the last of my edible ball bearings on. And some extra toothpaste. Do you need anything?

Has anyone taken bets on how long our latest visitors will be around?

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

Uhm. This hatched this morning? Help? I don't know what to do with it, or what it is. It's terribly adorable, though, and has been responding to me calling it Hyacinth.

cut, not filtered )

[info]punkrockclone in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Sarah Manning

[Possible trigger warning: child abduction (depicted on the show)]

[SUPER MAJOR ORPHAN BLACK PREMIERE SPOILERS IN POST! Cut OOCly for spoilers but not ICly cut or filtered )

[info]toomuchspirit in [info]thedoorway


>>So this prom thing.
>>Are we going?

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

I have no Pokemon.

There is no justice in this world.

[info]thebanshee in [info]thedoorway

» I have spent most of my day getting my face-twin dolled up in the right accessories today than I have ever spent on myself.
» That's selflessness, I think.
» But at least I'm done with my shopping. How about you? Still considering a top hat with yours?

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

[Castles, Rose, Doctor]

To celebrate Kate's promotion, we're going to play laser tag! Hope everyone is up for it.