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April 19th, 2014

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Some people go to church, some people dye tons of eggs and hunt them. The Castles? We embark in a game of wits and electromagnetic radiation complete with a marshmallow center.

cut, not filtered )

Many Peeps were harmed in the making of this network post, but none were wasted.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam & Veronica
What: discussing souls and soullessness and promises to murder friends. You know, stuff.
When: directly after this, which was directly after this, which was...Friday morning? Idk.
Where: in the car--> the cabin
Warnings: see the 'what'. Otherwise TBD.

... )

[info]bigwolfpants in [info]thedoorway

So, you know how we love the weird cases?

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

(pretend this was posted way earlier, right after Buffy's post)

So, two things.

Don't invite a guy named Angel into your flat.

Also, kind of related, I could use your help with some protection spells.

[info]anotherway in [info]thedoorway

Jet lag's a bitch. I'm back from Italy, and I come bearing gifts.
You've always wanted to help catch a vampire, right? It's your lucky day.

[info]idonotbrood in [info]thedoorway

I am becoming heartily tired of people asking 'do your tattoos go all the way down?'.

And before you ask, firstly, they are not tattoos, they are brands. And secondly, of course they cover my entire body. The lyrium was branded into my skin to provide my former master with a source of power whenever he wished it. Do you really think he would have limited himself to merely my neck and arms?

[info]ex_ladypool494 in [info]thedoorway

Best honest... which dress will look better with my swords? One or Two.

[Filtered to Wade]

God, are you gone too? It'd be lot of pressure to be the only Deadpool around here. I mean I could handle it, but eugh pressure.

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Rikki Barnes]
I had thought, in speaking with the Winter Soldier, that this matter was handled. I am quickly learning that has clearly not been. What is it your and your team wish from me?
[Filtered to Bucky Barnes (616)]
If I may, can I ask you another line of questions?

Perhaps, somewhat more personal in nature.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

Hey, has anyone ever notices how much the end of The Fox and the Hound is the same as Pocahantas? No seriously. It's sort of like... identical.

[Miss America]
I'll buy you a cake if you take Loki to the prom.

[info]naturevsnurture in [info]thedoorway

Hey lady, what are you up to?

[info]cosmicflame in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Rachel Summers

The timing of this will either seem really appropriate or really not because of the holiday, but here goes. My Mutant Studies class has a unit coming up about the Phoenix. There are a lot of misconceptions and opinions about it, so I wanted to offer people who aren't my students a chance to ask questions.

I know there are some really mixed and heated emotions about this topic. Just please keep it respectful and thoughtful, okay? This is about educating, not debating.

Filtered to Jean:
Let's talk privately about any questions you might have, okay?

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

I've found a new background for my computer cut for coffee porn )

Sitwell, thought of you when I saw that.

I know we were thinking of going away for our wedding anniversary - but a bunch our friends here weren't there the first time. Maybe a nice cocktail out / shindig for them? (In addition to going away from everything for a few days - no tech, no nothing - except the vortex manipulator so we get back on time.)

[info]kickerofbutt in [info]thedoorway

» You have a date yet to prom?

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Loki]
Brother. Where are you? We must speak at once.
[Filtered to Avengers and Asgardians (MCU)]
I am concerned something has befallen the young Loki.

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Teen Team Iron Man
Ok, before anyone says anything, the singed fur smell and Batman refusing to come down from the top of the fridge totally isn't my fault. This time. No, really, not my fault. Zero faults of mine.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Annie, Wanda, Jan, Lydia, Laurie, any other female friends of Pen's that I've forgotten
Would anyone like to go shopping with me this sometime this week? My dress for prom is not the gown I thought I would be wearing -- it's better -- and as a result, I find myself needing accessories to go with it.

Filter to Wanda
I'll probably make a fool of myself if I attempted to dance any of these new dances, in all honesty.

Did anyone else come into possession of a curious egg today? I was told to keep it close by, but I'm not entirely sure why. The man also told me that walking is important. I agreed with him, because it is. But I do admit to some confusion.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

Death Trap and Skull Cracker are now proud older brothers to their new baby sister, Nightshade.

Isn't she precious?

Cut for picture, not filtered. )

[info]notaparker in [info]thedoorway

Anyone in the tower have some bananas and nuts I can borrow for tonight? And maybe something to calm Jessica down?

I'm so sorry about the mess! I'll clean it up tomorrow.

Um are you busy? Like... now? Like right now?

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway

[Jack Harkness]

How the vampire population looking?

Because if what Buffy's saying is going on, we have a problem on our hands and civilians in the crossfire. Just because she doesn't want to blow the whistle on her ex-boyfriend going batshit doesn't mean we can't use our teams to try and minimize the damage he's out there doing.

[Military Task Force]

Where do all of you stand on your hand to hand training? Also any weapons other than guns.


There been an uptick in assaults in any specific areas of the city?


I'm mobilizing bodies on the streets. Get him taken care of.