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April 1st, 2014

[info]warningsiren in [info]thedoorway

FILTER: August Booth

Hey, I'm starting a detective agency. I was told you're the guy to talk to.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Hello Stark Network.

When I am not musing upon new and creative ways to set my living room on fire, the intricacies of human decomposition or the complexities of handwriting analysis in the digital age, I like to curl up with my insomnia and philosophise. Not in any grand, existential way. That, I leave to the modernists, but on much more pressing and present matters.


Why isn't palindrome spelled the same way backwards?

(warning: some mention of alcoholism/addiction in the comments)

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Happy Birthday to the guy who truly makes my life something special. I'm so glad I didn't shoot you after that first case, Castle.

Filtered to friends/family; minus Castle * )

* (if you think you a character falls into this category, then they do and are invited along with a plus one of their choice. This applies to both friends of Kate and Castle because, chances are, you'd have met one if you know the other. And if not, you can meet at the party! We aren't threading the party, just assume it was awesome and shenanigans happened.)

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

I've signed up for classes this summer. It's a little anxiety-inducing because I haven't taken classes of any sort in years and it's been even longer than that since I've taken any for Muggles. But I am also going to take some from the SHIELD educational services so that I can hopefully brush up.

I always wanted to be a healer at home, but I never got the opportunity, and it seems I never will at home. But considering I'm still here and people seem to stay for a very long time sometimes, I've decided I'm going to start classes for nursing so maybe I can become a nurse in this reality and help people here. I have no idea if I'll be here long enough to complete it, but I ultimately decided that it doesn't really matter. It's the journey that is important isn't it?

[Filter: James]
I told Severus we would give him his cats back. He asked about them. I know we said we weren't giving them back, but they are his cats and he did ask and giving them back is only the polite thing to do and I'm trying to be a grown-up about this. Even if I feel like a little gir Even if I'm going to kind of miss the little fluff balls. Sort of like I miss Se

I was thinking maybe we should have people over - sort of a friends and family of the Potters get together?

ALSO - I know it is April Fools tomorrow so whatever you and Sirius are planning and plotting just leave my shoes out of it.

[Filter: Professor Dumbledore]
Professor, I don't suppose I could bother you for a moment of your time?

[info]jadegiant in [info]thedoorway

I thought maybe I should mention that I'm back in the tower. I'm sorry to all of those that are in my classes and Floors 9&10. I'm back as your Housing Assistant and will be back teaching. I hope you guys made it easy on my substitutes.

I'd also like to apologize for the mess I made.

[info]arme in [info]thedoorway

before Kate's comment back to her
Because I refuse to just pick one of you, the first one who comments gets to be my date to a Bond-themed surprise party.

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

One of my favorite things to evolve from the internet is the April Fools changes that various websites make. What's your favourite?

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

Who: Walter Blythe & Anne Blythe
When: Monday night (slightly backdated)
Where: Anne's apartment
What: Anne meets her son; Walter is reunited with his mother.
Rating: PG-13 -- possible triggers for infant death, PTSD, wartime violence, suicide by enemy fire.

Heaven help me.  )

[info]toomuchspirit in [info]thedoorway

Good morning, New York.

I've never much been one for chatting on the internet; my good looks and charm are much more useful in person. But I suppose I'll have to lay that aside for a moment, and instead try to use my verbal and written skills. Maybe it'll make Syd proud, anyway.

ANYWAY, are there any other artists here? I'm wanting to take classes, but there are so many available I'm a little overwhelmed.


Are you sitting down? I have a job. Well. Sort of. Part time. At an art museum, guiding tours. It's only two days a week, but it's something, right?

[info]creptuponhim in [info]thedoorway

It's so pretty out today. I saw the first flowers this morning. I'm thinking maybe I can get used to it here, even if it is colder than home. It's also...

Well, better than home. I can have a future here. A better one than at home. One where I don't have to raise a family alone.

So...maybe it isn't so bad here. Maybe this will work out after all.

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Oh -- science and the pursuit of discovery. May you never lead mad geniuses into making questionable life choices or ethical judgement calls.

[Dr. Jekyll (...and Mr. Hyde? I don't know how this wor]
So. Hi.

I'm Peter and I work as an intern for Stark Resilient and Tony Stark and he thought it would be a good idea is I sort of shadowed you this summer after my finals are done. You know, be your intern. Help you with the science. I swear I'm good for it. Make sure you don't start out good and turn evil, like Sean Bean in every movie.

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

There are pokemon on google maps.

Don't say I never did anything for you.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

I had my very first modern manicure today, and now my nails are a lovely shade of light pink, almost a nude, really. It's really rather perfect as Spring seems to have truly arrived in our city, despite the slight chill in the air. While I was eating breakfast this morning, I found myself watching the Weather Channel and they were giving the weather reports for points farther west, and it is very warm indeed just a few states over! Perhaps we will follow suit in the following days and the sun will shine and a walk in the park will truly be a beautiful experience.

It truly amazes just how big this country is; distances it would have taken days to travel now only take hours and one can travel across an entire ocean overnight. And if that is not feasible, within one city there are now pockets of cultures and you can taste them all if you spend but a few hours exploring and talking.

One final question: is there anyone here of an artistic bent and who would be willing to take on a small project with me? I am perfectly willing to pay you, although I'm afraid it might not be very much.

[edited later, after she looks at her calendar]

Wade! Happy birthday!

[info]warningsiren in [info]thedoorway

LEFT FOR WADE ON THE KITCHEN TABLE... slightly NSFW in the last image )

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Mara Jade

I thought April meant spring, but it seems Potts Tower thinks winter is still upon us.

And my coffee is... insufficient.

[Filter: Sam]
First off, thank you, and secondly, I appear to be back in my old quarters with an extra piece of jewelry to show for my trouble.

[info]themagics in [info]thedoorway

Who: Willow & JD
When: March 31 mid morning
Where: Willow's room in the Tower
What: Kissing, talking, and sorting things out.
Rating: PG13/Rish.. for kissing & girls in bras.

We're going to double date with Buffy and Ben and make them so very uncomfortable. )

[info]arseniclace in [info]thedoorway

Who: Chase & Gert
What: Goofing/heading out.
When: 03/19 - evening.
Where: Rungalow.
Rating: PG13 - innuendos & minor displays of affection.
Status: Log; complete.

...maybe the novelty of having time and dating to date was all she wanted. )

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

Nice weather we're having.

Got released, for now. I'm still not convinced this isn't a joke, but I didn't argue. Thought you'd want to know.
I owe you an apology.

[info]ofletters in [info]thedoorway

Who: Charlie & Santana
What: After fixing the security cameras at the cabin Charlie saves the day and takes Santana's phone away; girlfriend stuff ensues. Deeper conversation takes place.
When: 03/21, mid morning-ish.
Where: ...The cabin.
Rating: PG13/R - some kissing and relationship stuff.
Status: Log; complete.

I'm not worried about losing you to cameras and wires. )

[info]handofshield in [info]thedoorway

You're not getting your cat back. You abandoned her.

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

Miss me?

[info]chernowolf in [info]thedoorway

network post: sasha kaidanovsky

SHIELD knows how to make Russians feel at home. I haven't had paperwork in triplicate for months. No American joke.

Mako, we're going shopping.

[info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

network post: pavel chekov

Three weeks until Boston Marathon. I am going to make weekend of it, traveling up Saturday morning and coming back Tuesday. I was going to invite friends, in filtered post, but with so many people leaving recently, it felt smaller than should be. It's good chance to meet new people. Whether you know me or anyone else running, marathons are wonderful fun. There's push-rim wheelchair (running and pushing wheelchair is even harder than what I'm doing) and handcycle (they have very fit arms) too. I haven't been to Boston yet, either, so I will see tourist sights. I've never even been there in another century. I'm booking rooms, though, if anyone wants to stay together.

Doctor (10TH)
Do you ever feel bad if you do something, just in case, then that case happens? I talked with you just in case Hikaru left. And now he's gone and not just him. I keep thinking Uhura or Pike will leave next. Maybe both of them, it's been happening in pairs. I know there's no pattern to it, and I know I didn't make Hikaru leave. But he's gone, and he was happy here. I still have photos from Valentine's Day.

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Fangtasia's gotten a little vampire light (and refugee light). As a vampire and refugee owned business, I'd like it to be an opportunity for people who are interested or may have difficulty getting a fair chance in non-refugee owned businesses (Sam, you are wonderful, no poaching, I promise!). While I hope this especially catches the eye of some vampires here who may not have heard of Fangtasia yet, everyone is welcome to apply. We're especially looking for bartenders, bouncers, and hosts/hostesses, but there is some room for waitstaff, chefs, and other positions. You're welcome to express interest here, and fill out a little form before an interview! Fangtasia pays a living wage and has a strict no feeding policy.

And if anyone came to the PYTC dance for Valentine's Day, yes that was Fangtasia!

Short Form

Filtered: Hank McCoy
Would you go to prom with me? xoxo

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

network post: moya

Happy Birthday Richard, Deadpool, Deadpool,
Deadpool, Headpool, and Moya

I made it, and I'm bringing it to the Deadpool party (I've saved a piece for you, Richard, in case you have other plans!!!). I'm so glad to share this birthday John chose for me (my second [didn't have a birthday] [I'm 27 cycles old, not 2 (if you were wondering)]) with so many other lovely people. Hugs for everyone who wants them.

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

Who: OMG FAMILY Jan, Hank, Henry
What: Introductions
When: BACKDATED to right after Hank's arrival
Where: Respective apartments
Rating: D for D’awwwwww
Status: Completed

''I have a surprise for you.'' )

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

Filtered: Chase Stein, Aracely
I should have known it was a good sign when Billy Kaplan showed up. I've never seen him and Dorrek VIII separated for long. And he's here. He hung out in our blanket fort. This is a good sign.
I am now a licensed driver in the state of New York. One step further along to being a valet. And I would not let a car fall into a large body of water.

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

I've picked up your suit from the tailor. You shouldn't have any problems with your arm or the collar. I've also had the watch cleaned up and polished. I did not have it fixed, however. I thought his family would be more interested in it as it was.

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

[Texts to Rose Hathaway]
›› Can you take Lissa to the feeder?
›› I'll meet you there
›› I have to go pick up Adrian across town

[info]broodypants in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to friends]

The comic about my life starts up again tomorrow.

So if you don't see me around for a while, that's why.

[ooc: feel free to assume you're on the filter if you want to be!]

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

Hey. Settling in okay? Not punching anything?
Hey, are you signing up for any classes?
Dude, I fucking wore a parka outside today, you little shit.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

[Anne Blythe]
I spoke to Bruce, I hope that's okay. He let me know that he was going to help you get all set up, so please let me know how that goes, and I really do hope you're all right & feeling better.

And I was thinking if you weren't busy tomorrow, we could head out to Brooklyn? Or if that doesn't work, whenever you're settled in. Just let me know.
[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Stop reading over my shoulder. And no, she's not my girlfriend.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

My head is swimming with terms like "units of inheritance" and "gene distribution" and more. I think I need a break from homework.

[info]itsgunn in [info]thedoorway

» Are you finding all the paperwork as fun as I am?