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March 7th, 2014

[info]sendintheclones in [info]thedoorway

Who: Willow and JD
What: Random meeting
When: 03/03
Where: 13th floor
Rating: PG-13 for talk of violence & a kiss
Status: Log; complete.

But you’ve never flayed a human being, alive. )

[info]babsgordon_ in [info]thedoorway

For those who have been here longer than I have, what in the educational services division is lacking most? What is most needed?

Jason Todd

Thoughts on SHIELD?

Cassie Sandsmark

Jason suggested that you might be in need of some electronics help. Shall we get to know each other better?


Since it hasn't been a month for me yet, I'm still getting used to what's going on here and who everyone is. What's the most important thing that you believe I should know?

[info]gossipmagnet in [info]thedoorway

OMG I GOT IN TO COLUMBIA! I can't believe it!! I need to go out and celebrate!

[info]fractile in [info]thedoorway

As an artless segueway into something more interesting than myself, I find it simplistic and comforting to walk the halls of the auction house. When each footprint tracks up with the other and cocooned
lined in the familiarity of the art from my own age, I should think that whatever bricoleur (Tesseract) knit me, perhaps it was in those halls they meant me to find some article of peace. And even though I am nothing, even though my only role is conduit, even though this guile and this art flows through me, I am part and parcel with all that I have found.

It is strange, I think. Strange to be a man entirely characterised by death. A man who, if this painting is any indicator, lived a thoroughly interesting life (and I have been reading his letters; his life was interesting, he was fueled by doubt and faith entertwined, driven by the monsters in his own mind) and deserves to be remembered for more than a very untimely, tragic death. That is I assume how you remember m

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

There is nothing more hateful than the word I.

[SHARON CARTER encrypted]
Have you gone to ground or did the Tesseract have off with you?

[info]livingwarning in [info]thedoorway

[...] Sooooo there are way too many informative fucking pamphlets in this place for this to be anything my imagination could come up with. Blah blah crossdimension travel, death by OD blah blah whatever it is I need directions to better liquor stores I'm already sober.

Also definite proof that child murder is in noooo way legal here would be good too, so if someone who gives a shit could find me whatever laws these people have that says that, that'd be A+++

[info]auntie_snixx in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Santana Lopez

The ides of March are coming. Wouldn't it be a kick in the mouth if someone like Caesar or Brutus showed up. Or Titus Pullo. That would be awesome.

Anyone offering some kind of personal training? I want to get into better shape and need someone to kick my ass to get it done. If feel like I've hibernated a lot last month.

[info]goldenplatedlie in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Sarissa:
So. Finland. Heard it's nice this time of year. If you like snow.

And hey. Thanks for making sure I didn't look like a complete idiot on Tuesday, sicking up all over the damned place. I owe you one. Or five.

Filter to Bucky Barnes (emh), Pavel Chekov, Steve Rogers (emh):
You lot are still on for Mario Kart, yeah?

Tuesday was the first time in my life I've ever wished I'd taken one of the Weasley twins' Puking Pastilles.

Otherwise, we're approximately three months out from my birthday. Everyone, begin contemplating what you're getting me now. I haven't decided if I'll be celebrating my 29th birthday, or my 35th. But I do know that there will be one hell of a party. You are all forewarned.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

-- I saw this.
-- thought of you.
-- and your shower curtain
-- IMG

[info]talkstothestars in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Drusilla

My Spike is gone. Why is the mean thing taking my family away? I don't like it at all.

I shall have to tie Angel down with ropes and kisses so he can't disappear.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

So picked up a new video game because come on I needed something to tide me over till Titanfall comes out and I get to at least pretend to kill people with giant robots again.

And there's one sort of almost based on the whole tesseract thing. Portal, people showing up from another universes. And then it's basically invasion time. Outside of the whole "oh we're secretly evil" plotline the mechanics are good at least. And daaaaaaaaamn those graphics are pretty.

I mean seriously if they thought it'd take 20 years for some of the whack jobs in this tower to start trying to take over the world they clearly think that we're far lazier than we actually are.

Side note if any of you ARE planning on world domination and are leaving me out we are no longer friends. Not that I'm into world domination but hey I mean if you're going to overthrow the government I am all for that.

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

I'm officially ready for spring! Because spring means more outdoor stunts and rock climbing (among other thrill related things).

But I already have film work lined up into next month so I'm happy.

Hardison: Anything new on the hunt for Old Nate? But beyond that let's do something non work related soon? I also left a surprise outside your door, think once a year junk food.

Left outside Hardison's apartment )

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[ SPN + V ]
I think Dad's gone.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Dr. Strange]
Hi. So. Um. Sup?
smooth, Kaplan

I don't know if you know me. My name is Billy, Billy Kaplan. I'm the lost-soul reincarnated son of the Scarlet Witch. And I feel like you're probably the only person who won't find that weird.

I sort of also just recently found out that I'm the creator and destroyer of like, a few dozen dimensions and they call me the demiurge. I was wondering if maybe we could talk about that before I accidentally make a Meta-Crisis Earth-19999 version 2.5

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

Who: Erin Shepard & Billy Kaplan
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Erin's room, 1906
What: Erin wants to see what Billy can do, and he's always happy to oblige.
Rating: PG (Warning: Mention of Scarlet Witch's mutant "genocide")

Be careful what you wish for )