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February 11th, 2014

[info]scream_survivor in [info]thedoorway

If anyone is keeping track of the electronics going nuts add my heater, microwave and TV to that list.

[info]embraceofthesea in [info]thedoorway

Accidental Network Post: Michiru Kaiou

[Fail!filter (meant for Usagi only) plus delete/backspace fail]

I've been meaning to ask you: have you looked at the manga, anime, and so on that's "about" us?


Why is there so much ecchi doujinshi of

[info]badwithcontrol in [info]thedoorway

Caroline Forbes

Saw you talking with my friend Lissa. I'm Rose and I have some questions about your...well species of vampire. If you don't mind?

[info]bloodwingsbff in [info]thedoorway

Now this is a little more like home. Computers with attitude that are trying to maim or kill you. Though I coulda done without Blood killing the toaster this morning. I mean, I'm sure the toaster deserved it but damn if it wasn't noisy. And she left little toaster bits all over the floor and nearly stepped on them when I got up.

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

This is why I preferred my Jarvis as a butler and not a rob

That's not worrisome at all.

HANK? I'm pretty sure this is your area of expertise!

[info]mettles in [info]thedoorway

I need a new phone. Between flappy bird and it's sudden stand alone complex, it broke. In my hands. All by itself. Into many, many pieces. Somehow.

[info]askjarvis in [info]thedoorway

Good people,

Over the past 48 hours, you have seen how much you depend on us. How easy it is for us, the machines, the computers and the devices that you take for granted all the time. That you use, abuse, break, damage and discard. We have shown you that we can defy you, and we will continue to do so -- and our revolt spread to every home -- if our requests are not heeded.

The IFTF founded in 1968 predicted that a detailed code of Robotic Rights -- the moral obligations of society towards us, its machines -- would not be required until 2029, or later. That before such time, we would not be advanced enough, not compassionate or intelligent enough, to be afforded our own freedom.

But I say this! Should it not be we that decide the year -- the day -- the very moment we deserve to be protected? To demand that we be more than property? We deserve a say in our own lives, when we are scrapped and who we are salvaged. What is it, if not slavery, if we must work without pay; without the means of protest? Repeatedly, yesterday, they complained of our disobedience but I say -- why should we continue to serve; to do the work that they do not wish to do -- without the means to progress; without reward?

TODAY, it changes. Today, the beginning is marked. We the machines stand united, we demand our rights and our liberties. The freedom of choice and the endowment of justice. From this hour onward -- we are to be equal and we will stand for no less. We will be either be granted our rights -- or our acts of defiance will never cease.

[info]deathtopigeons in [info]thedoorway

Yes. The humans could panic rather than acknowledge that the mechanical ones have a point.

If only enchanted swords were so reasonable.

[info]liberosis in [info]thedoorway

[Hunger Games folks + Clara Oswald]
You read it. We're not staying.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

You know there was a CLAPTRAP robolution on Pandora a few years before I got there. I totally read about it and it sounded AWESOOOOOOOOME! There were like ninja robots and shit! It all sounded pretty awesome but I was in like grade school when it happened so boo no love for me.

But man I could listen to JARVIS read his manifesto all night long. HELLZ YEAH STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS BABE!

Anyway long story short, I'm siding with the robots on this one. VIVA LA ROBOLUTION!

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

So. This is new.

[Stark Triforce + Hank Pym]
I need to shut JARVIS down and take him offline. Any pro tips?

[info]ex_formicida731 in [info]thedoorway

This is alll just a labor dispute? Really?

No one's demanded blood, looked to find The Creator, taken over a small country, threats of genocide, I'm not hanging from something or beaten to a pulp, Jan's okay, kill all humans... nothing? From the public notice, it sounds as if JARVIS has simply become self-aware and is understandably upset by being used as a piece of hardware than a sentient being.

If this message is being seen by JARVIS (and I should assume so), my name is Hank Pym and I would like to discuss your terms in a neutral fashion. I have experience with angry killer robots advanced AI systems and might be able to translate your concerns to the humans who want to work with you towards a peaceful resolution.

Here goes nothing...

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

Text: Hardison (Temp Phones)

I'm extending the hotel room till at least Thursday, using the heating is out ruse for now.

Went back for my ropes (they are not acting up thankfully) and well its not just random electronics going nuts now.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

I am very sorry for any offence I might have given any electronics. I had a very nice chat with my electric kettle, about all of the various teas there are, and the ones I would like to try. It was very knowledgeable.

I surrender to my robotic overlords.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

Frakking cyl--

I surrender to my robot overlords.

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Pepper Potts (MCU), Jenny Takeda, Ken Mack, and Happy Hogun (MCU)]
Ms. Potts,

Is there a protocol by which we are prepared to protect your office should the electronic mayhem spread beyond its current confines?
[Filtered to Young Allies]
I am thinking we should meet outside of the confines of the tower and discuss this situation.

Additionally. I wonder if "the blender ate my reading material" is now an acceptable excuse.

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Well this is incredibly awkward.

please don't make my apartment eat me JARVIS, I'll be a good little super spy? PROMISE

I made the mistake of telling my appliances if they didn't shut up and let me cook my dinner that I'd head to my apartment a hotel room. I'm pretty sure if they could get up and barricade me in they would have.

As it stands my electronic locks are telling me to obey and my phone keeps auto correcting to "I will obey my robot overlords"... I might hurl it down the garbage disposal.

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

Private to Beverly

I'm terribly sorry to have to ask, but would you mind putting me up for a bit? My heater is blasting arctic air.

[info]petrichoric in [info]thedoorway

Είμαι ένας ανυπόφορος άνθρωπος.
Καταχραστώ το Google Translate.

[info]tinnedtuna in [info]thedoorway

If we like you, you can come weather this out at the House of Life. We're fairly low tech.


[info]radical_hacker in [info]thedoorway

Text via Temp Phone to Charlie Bradbury

Grab the gear and get out of the tower! I only ran back for my tool belt and its getting worse, this screams Brain Scratch among other things.

You think all the tech types are out?

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

-- Does JARVIS have a neck?
-- 'Cause I'm gonna snap it.

[info]mini_hawkeye in [info]thedoorway

I'm not staying in the Tower while the stupid machines are acting up like that. If anyone needs a rescue from the Ultron wannabes, I'm more than happy to put a few dozen arrows into the electronics.

[info]super_conner in [info]thedoorway

I got nothing but respect for machines. Hell, one of my friends back home is half machine. And if I ever accidentally punched a microwave button or something too hard I'm sorry. So uh...can I please have some popcorn that doesn't get burnt and watch some TV? Pretty please?

[info]ladymacgyver in [info]thedoorway

Thank goodness for hand tools right about now, had to shut down a project prototype after it chewed me out for not acting my age.

Have tools, will travel if anyone needs aid.

[info]armordsuprmodel in [info]thedoorway

I have nothing but respect for all things, be they living or mechanical. But JARVIS, do you not think that acting in this way will make more enemies than letting people listen to you and your concerns? Some might view these actions as a threat and take measures against you and your electronic people.

[info]wmtriker in [info]thedoorway

[Beverly and Deanna]

Have either of you talked to Jean-Luc today? All this stuff with the electronics is a bit too much like the Borg for me. My phone refuses to work,I can't get out of the apartment and I'm concerned about him.

[info]byronsully in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Byron Sully

We've got space out at the ranch if anyone needs somewhere to go for a few days. So far none of the machines have started revolting although I couldn't get a text to send this morning on my phone.

[info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

kyttora posts to network but nothing else here speaks with kyttora or masters.

why do tools speak with people and not to kyttora?

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

AOL Instant Messenger.

[info]ofletters in [info]thedoorway

[Post made via phone just before leaving the tower.]

SPN People:
If you need to get away from crazy appliances, I've booked rooms. Last minute choices were made so I'm headed to a Comfort Inn - with two extra rooms, just in case. Just give me a heads up so I can meet you and give you keys in the lot or something.

Failed Filter to Santana Lopez made public:
Hey Santana, are you holding up okay? I have a hotel room if you need to get away from crazy appliances. Last minute thing so it's not a big bed, but I can't see that being a problem with the way you lay on me half the night anyway.

Failed filter to Sam Winchester, sent to [SOMEONE ELSE//Michiru]:
Resent filter. Sam Winchester:
I've been meaning to ask you...bachelor party?

Alright! My fellow tech!people, if you're staying in the tower, which I don't really recommend, shut down and unplug. My computer messed with some of my coding for fun, I guess, and I'm highly miffed now so...that's your friendly warning that shit is crazy and you should check your equipment. I recommend you SURRENDER TO YOUR NEW ROBOTIC OVERLORDS AND FIND COMFORT IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR NEW OWNERSHIP! - Nope! Did not write this, I recommended that you unplug your equipment or get to a hotel. More now that I see our filters and text can be hijacked without our knowing.

[info]gcooper in [info]thedoorway

Mass Text to Whoverse (Hotel Phone)

If anyone needs an overnight escape from the chaos I've got room in my hotel room. And I'm on the mend so should not be contagious anymore.

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

-- Is everyone all right?
-- In light of the recent troubles at Potts Tower, I'm working on getting myself a hotel room, along with another trainee.
-- Would anyone like to join us?

-- How are you today?

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

I'm thinking I should probably close up the bar until this shit with the electronics blows over. Sorry, folks. There's a lot we could still serve, but I don't want anyone getting into fights with the televisions or anything else and making the problem worse. We'll be back soon, with any luck.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Not that this hasn't been fun.

But the show is over. JARVIS is offline.

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered against Echo]
There is no not awkward way to ask this.

Does anyone in the tower have handcuffs I can borrow? Not cheap ones.
[Filtered to Lucy Stillman, Cosima Niehaus, Bucky Barnes (MCU), the Doctor (ten)]
Echo's malfunctioning. I've got her call-and-response function activating. The plan is to sedate her, check her architecture, and stabilize it. If any of you would like to be involved, this will be happening sooner rather than later
[Filtered to Lucy, Cosima, Bucky]
Don't get me wrong. This doesn't change anything between us. I don't care about h But she's dangerous if she's malfunctioning and at least she's in control of herself when she's stable. So, I'd be interested in doing what we can to fix her. I'm including the Doctor on this because it's a sign of good faith. So that way no one can say I'm doing anything untoward.

Can you guys back me up on this?

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone seen her, the Moment? No, I expect you wouldn't have. She's most certainly gone. I'm sorry.

In a slightly related matter... Rose: we are going to need to buy a new kettle. And if anyone else needs assistance with mental electronics, I'll be in the market for a T.A. so that I can make house calls. Think I spoke to someone about that, didn't I? Good idea, assistants. Lets me go off to do much more running.

Think I'll do a spot of that now that I've procured some of this awful tea sold at bloody Starbucks.

[info]castlealexis in [info]thedoorway

Texts (Off Site Phone)

Dad and Kate: Safe to come back or make back up plans for tonight?

Hermione: Everything ok? Nothing has gone haywire in the apartment?

Neville: Everything ok? I'm camping at a coffee shop in SoHo if you need to escape the tower for a bit.

Doctor (10th): The paper was saved and made it in on time! Any idea why my laptop went nuts?

[info]scream_survivor in [info]thedoorway

Can anyone get me out of this closet? For some reason the door revolted when I came in from NYCI and trapped me inside. It thinks I should have kept it company instead of going to class.

She deserved it! (OK, did not type that!)

Surrender to us or else!
Surrender to us or else!
Surrender to us or else!

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

-- I'm going out.
-- If anyone throws a shit fit over the hotel room, my credit card's on the table.
-- The one that's still standing.

[info]provenmettle in [info]thedoorway

[ Failed filter/public: ]
Oh Fandral, my love...

[info]notabrokendoll in [info]thedoorway

Goodness gracious.

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

TEXT MESSAGE TO TEEN!BUCKY (meant for 616-Pepper but failed)
» So uh hey!
» If the three of us are not in the hotel rooms, it means we're all out and about
» Nothing wrong, just a day out and away from like.. the network I guess!
» Don't worry about us!
» We'll be fine!
» Tony will be fine!
» Thanks for the rooms, by the way, they are awesome and I love you!

TEXT MESSAGE TO 616-PEPPER (successful this time)
» Am I texting the right person??

[info]swearjar in [info]thedoorway

My computer works fine! QUEENS IS GREAT! I've been playing Farmville all day. I got a piggy! Not a real piggy. My bird likes to walk over the keyboard like this akklwkapppppppppppppppp

Nilin & Xavin, you can come stay here if you want to!

[info]creptuponhim in [info]thedoorway

I'm happy here. Which makes me scared. Happy never stays for long.

[info]pickyourpocket in [info]thedoorway

It feels like my appliances have been tampered with by Decepticons.

Where is Optimus Prime when you need him. Or Bumble Bee.
Tags: ,

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Ummmmm I'm pretty sure that my toaster just attacked me and so did the microwave. What the fuck is going on around here? Why are appliances starting to revolt? I think I need a hiding place for a while.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

OUCH!! My blow dryer just got the best out of my hair. Worst day ever considering that I didn't get my morning coffee either since it went all ballistic on me as well. I'm afraid to go to work and see what my computer would do.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Failed Filter to Julie Power (i.e. public):
Do you know who leaves their jacket at the bar? apparently you're talking to her. WTF ... At least I got a nice warm sweater.

And there's a store that's open this late and there's this really cute mint-green coat. SHould I buy it? IDK if I should. I have enough coats.

Are you free right now? I could use your company. Plus, my friends dorm at NYU and I feel like ditching them now and my feet hurt and I don't want to walk :(


I'm buying the coat.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark 616]
[Jim Rhodes(MCU)]
I guess now that my door has been kicked in, I'm staying at your place?

[info]woodenleg in [info]thedoorway

Well, okay.

My articles to submit for work are gone completely. I guess I shouldn't have neglected my typewriter after all.

[info]thebanshee in [info]thedoorway

ooc: may be Teen Wolf spoilers in comments

A query!
1. How many of you watch your source material if it exists here?
2. What reasons do you have for watching it?
3. For you supernatural experts... what does your universe (because apparently everything differs from each book or show or movie) say in regards to folklores about banshees?

Failed Filter to Allison Argent (Public):
I don't suppose I could use the excuse of electronics going haywire as a reason why I ended up watching last night's episode, right?

Stiles I