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February 1st, 2014

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Text Messages

[Separate Text Messages to Dana Scully, Spock (tos), & Christine Chapel sent around 5am]
» I'm headed north
» Just so you don't think the Tesseract has stolen me away
» I'll be back in a few days

[OOC: Phone is turned off shortly after sending messages]

[info]super_conner in [info]thedoorway

Y'know, I should open a delivery service for like, food or something. I'm not talking like, pizza either. Unless you want real Italian pizza. Or a fresh pineapple from Hawaii while stuck in cold New York. Real Chinese food... Granted could only do an order at a time though...

[info]xlharris in [info]thedoorway

Who: Xander Harris.
What: Xander dreams a comic book dream
When: 2/1, early morning
Where: Xander’s apartment
Rating: G
Status: Complete; log.

Yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream - Khalil Gibran )

[info]xlharris in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Buffy/Dawn/Willow

(sent around 4am on 2/1)

Guys. I had a dream. And not the dream, but dreams of everything. Everything. I know I didn't live it, but it feels like I did. Dawn Even after reading it, having it in my head makes it that much more? Real? - I don't know.

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

Filter: Lily Potter & Christine Chapel
Welcome to the clinic. I'm emailed you preliminary schedules based on what information you provided about them. If there is any conflict, please let me know. I look forward to seeing you in coming weeks.
Filter: Luna Lovegood
I've rescheduled your appointments. If you are unsatisfied with the progress of your recovery, let me know. I have come up with alternate treatment plans. And we also have a witch from your world now on staff. There may also be a magical solution.
Filter: Severus Snape
Congratulations on your celebrity. I did not know you stayed so fit. Would you be interested in additional work? It would not require your presence. But you are the most skilled potion maker in this tower. I would like to stay stocked, medically and magically. You would be compensated for your time and efforts.
One of our physicians slipped on some ice and has now had surgery. No, it was not anyone in this tower, though if you would like to sign a card to express your good wishes, there is one available behind reception in the clinic. This does mean we are in need of a physician. If you are qualified and interested, let me know. If you still need to be certified in this world, I have the paperwork for that. I will give this one week before I begin interviewing additional doctors from this world.

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

I swear, the next person who asks me what it's like to sleep with Klaus will get to hear about how Hank is in bed- Oh my god, I didn't, and I wouldn't, and dear God it was in the creepy messy woods! Totally a worse decision than when future!me killed those witches. Fangtasia is sparkling practically, now. And my apartment.

Everyone who expressed interest in bartending at Fangtasia, I am going to host a party - the 15th. Let that work with your schedules because I would like you to bartend. The first 100 people 18+ to RSVP will get invitations.

[info]ginnerly in [info]thedoorway

Text to Harry Potter

>>Three Things.
>> One. The dog needs a name.
>> Two. The dog chewed on my favorite boots.
>>Three. I am holding you responsible.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

[Peggy Carter, Howard Stark*]
Thank you both for inviting me out last night. I appreciate the fact you're both very busy, so taking the time meant a lot. I really enjoyed getting to know each of you better, and getting a better grasp on the differences between our universes.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

So, January is like the Wednesday of the year. You know. Hump day. February and March are Thursday, April and May are Friday -- and then we hit the weekend again with the summertime. So I, for one, am pretty damn pleased to say goodbye to January.

And good riddance.

[Jim Rhodes (MCU)]
What are you doing this weekend? I just bought new cotton sheets with your name on them...
[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
So. How's life? (Or something like it.)
[Nick Fury's Angels]

[info]coffeeforblood in [info]thedoorway

Well... this place just got a whole lot better, my kid showed up!

[info]pink_sunglasses in [info]thedoorway

OMG. OMFG. Rory and Lorelai are here! I LOVE GILMORE GIRLS. Sorry for shouting... just excited.

[info]girlsleuth in [info]thedoorway

So, most modern tv shows are more than I want to handle, but Once Upon A Time is a really good one.... I really like it. I really feel bad for that Regina girl.... even if she did some bad things.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

It's hard to believe it's already February. This time last y It seems every year goes by faster than the last, and I don't think that's just because I'm busier.

Hey, Happy, do you have any idea what's in the Happy Hot Chocolate at City Bakery this month? It'll be there on the 15th and 27th, looks like. Maybe Tony could go bug them about it.

Our flight leaves on the 5th out of JFK, 2:10 pm. We should be there a couple hours early to get checked in. James and Rikki, remember to wear something comfortable because it'll be a long flight, even on first class. Don't forget your passports.

Excited yet?
Headed to Russia for a couple weeks. We're - me and Natasha, the other one - are taking James and Rikki to the Olympics, and please save the lecture, I know it's dangerous. This is something they'll never see, and we have an entourage of Buckys.

Personally, I'm looking forward to these interviews about how I feel about their laws regarding equality. I've been writing speeches. Does anyone want souvenirs?
How are you settling in?

[info]thelongbottom in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Neville Longbottom

Oi, I can't believe it's February already. And this winter hasn't been a very good one, but there has been some good things since I've been here. Some very good things.

It's going to be quite different without Hermione being here. Quite.

Tomorrow is a big game, called the Super Bowl. It looks like it's as popular as the Quidditch World Cup. I'll have to check the telly and see what it's all about.

Filtered to Willow Rosenberg
The garden is beautiful - it's one of my favorite places to go and I enjoy tending to the plants there. If there is anything I can do to help since Hermione is gone, please let me know. I was wondering if it was alright to bring a muggle with non-magic powers up to it? I wanted to ask permission first.

Filtered to Alexis Castle
I've heard there may be a dance of some sort this month, and I'd be remiss if I didn't ask if you'd like to go. With me. On a date? Oh what have I done

[info]snipe in [info]thedoorway

Who: Director Hill & the World Security Council
When: 8am
Where: HQ
What: Meeting
Rating: PG

[info]creptuponhim in [info]thedoorway

There was a little boy at swim class this morning who had never been in the water before. Four years old, and he'd never been in a lake or a swimming pool or a river or an ocean. It made me sad, really really sad that he'd never done that before.

Being in the water is so peaceful, and when you're under water all the scary things go away and you don't have to be afraid anymore because the screaming can't reach you there.

[info]homosuperior in [info]thedoorway

Perhaps I allowed my anger to move my words ahead of rational thought. I think I spoke in haste last time.

[Filtered to Raven Darkholme]
Not that my opinion has changed, but it would do us well to organize. The other me, he may be a complication, but I will see where his loyalties fall.
[Filtered to Erik Lehnsherr (XMFC)]
How are you enjoying working for the enemy?
[Filtered to Christopher Pike]
I have given it some thought, does your offer still stand on that hover chair?
[Filtered to Alison Hendrix]
When last we spoke we had discussed the possibility of physiotherapy or magical intervention. Could we look further into this? I would like to walk again.

Additionally, what can you do for headaches?

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[From a burner phone to a burner phone]
-- Status: Alive and haven't killed Barton yet.
-- What has the council done so far
-- And how's Maria handling?

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Victoria Hand & Maria Hill
Scientists are stressed but focused on their research. Carol Danvers and Hercules Hansen observed the others closely. A large number of agents made sure not to have any reaction at all. Some are that way, but others are trying not to stand out. Carter was impatient, but considering what went down later with Cross, it was most likely related to that upcoming action.

Filtered: Fandral
How are you with the care of felines? Take the question literally.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

"There will be risks, as there are in any experimental program, and sooner or later, inevitably,
we’re going to run head-on into the law of averages and lose somebody. I hope this never happens…
but if it does, I hope the American people won’t feel it’s too high a price to pay for our space program."

-Astronaut Virgil “Gus” Grissom, later killed in the Apollo 1 fire, January 27, 1967

Yesterday, NASA had an agency wide day of remembrance for three disasters that have occurred in their space exploration.
-Apollo 1 in 1967: A fire broke out in the capsule, killing astronauts Gus Grisson, Ed White and Roger Chaffee
-The space shuttle Challenger in 1986: An O-ring failure caused the shuttle to explode after liftoff, killing astronauts Francis “Dick” Scobee, Ronald McNair, Mike Smith, Ellison Onizuka, Judy Resnik, Greg Jarvis and Connecticut teacher Christa McAuliffe
-The Colombia shuttle in 2003: The shuttle broke apart during re-entry, killing astronaut Rick Husband; pilot Willie McCool; mission specialists Kalpana Chawla, Laurel Clark and David Brown; payload commander Michael Anderson; and payload specialist (and first Israeli astronaut) Ilan Ramon.

I have seen enough deaths in my work that it's something I feel keenly. Everything has a cost. Space exploration, like almost anything else, is not without it's risks. I have known too many brilliant men and women who's lives were lost in Starfleet, but nonetheless, I still believe that space programs are worth the time and money we put into them and the risks, however great, are worth it. I do hope that some day I get the chance to get back out there.

[Tony Stark MCU]
Tell me what you need me to do for Starkfleet. I need things to keep me busy.

[Pavel Chekov]
Do you have time for chess sometime soon? Would that be okay? Given everything.

[Dr. Crusher & Nurse Chapel]
Can we step up my rehab? I want to be running by summer.

[info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

network post: pavel chekov

Filtered: Hikaru Sulu
With watching mice and running about 22 miles each day this last week or so, I never mentioned and I really should have, but Pike and I aren't... whatever it was we were doing. Anymore. Maybe I should stop liking people who think they are all messed up. What does that say about me?
There is run coming up to raise money for Children's Tumor Foundation. Cupid's Undie Run. I will be signing up. If anyone would like to be on team or sponsor me, let me know. It is not long race, like marathon. Or just come and cheer in two weeks.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filter: Ororo Munroe & Pepper Potts (MCU)
Ms. Potts,

As you know, Ororo my mother is moving soon to the X-Men's house. I have not determined where I will be moving. But I wished to know whether I would be allowed to live in a single in the tower. I am seventeen now. Whether I am or not, I'd like to have the information before I decide what I am doing.

Thank you,
Filter: Next Avengers
It's time I figure out where I live next. If I cannot have my own single here, I am inclined toward the House of Life. But I care about your opinions.
Filter: Sadie Kane
Not that it is decided, but could you make changes to my bedroom at the House of Life?
Less than one year until this world considers me an adult.

[info]snipe in [info]thedoorway

Meeting went about as expected. Implement the following:
- Budget reapportion; 40% cut to ops move to R&D
- Choose new head of R&D ASAP, avoid those with obvious ties to Sitwell
- Inform above ground field agents that Fury, Sitwell, and Barton are priority collection targets.
- Inform current HQ staff that security assessments are taking place this week

As I'm sure all of you are aware, there have been some changes here at SHIELD HQ. I'd prefer to discuss how this affects the Avengers Initiative with you personally before the week is out.

WSC is sending in a team to 'assess' current security risks. When you're interviewed, I want an assessment of the team.

Are you currently in the building?

As of today, consider the VTF budget suspended. Any consultants willing to work without compensation should be considered unregistered sources of volunteer aid and are not to be included in official reports or permitted access to classified documents. Please inform your team that their aid has been appreciated, but due to cutbacks we are no longer able to support them.

First of all, I want to reiterate my appreciation for your work in London. Without you, the damage may have extended well beyond our containment area, and SHIELD is grateful for your bravery and skill. Unfortunately, budget restrictions no longer permit me to keep you on staff as hired consultants. For those of you whose motive for aiding SHIELD was not monetary, I will be willing to keep you in mind as unregistered volunteers. For the rest of you, thank you again for your service and I wish you luck in your future endeavors in this plane. Should circumstances allow us to renew your contract, I will make contact again.

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[Four dudes and a safe house]

Got word that SHIELD's taken in David Cross for treason. They went straight for the head of internal affairs, even had Carter help take him out for extra irony.

Widow's gathering more information for us on their end to try and find out where they've holed him up. Our estimates are he can maybe string them out for a week tops though. We've all still got our own outside contacts though, we need to find him. Because he might not be on SHIELD soil.

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

Filtered: Julie Powers
The Avengers encourage patrolling in pairs. Would you care to go with me some evenings?
I am now employed as a parking lot attendant, with duties also to walk rounds because they do not have security but are anxious.

[info]stackthehouse in [info]thedoorway

network post: sookie stackhouse

Filtered: Sam Merlotte
How'd it go with peanut butter cookies and you baking maybe the first time I ever seen it? If you need any more, I baked some a day or two ago. I want to hear more about this lady that can pull you away from the bar so easy.
Filtered: August Booth
I ain't ever dated anyone on Valentine's Day before. I don't know if you want to do anything for it. But I reckon I'd like to start making plans, if we want to have any.
Filtered: Derek Hale
How's settling in, going for you? You got a couple months to find a job, but there's the businesses on the first floor and a few more run by folks here that aren't, like the magic shop or that new Fangtasia Eric told me about before he disappeared. If'n you're a fan of pie, I got some extra slices of apple you're welcome to.
It ain't just in the red and pink going up around places. Folks are thinking about love and romance. I think I seen two ladies get asked out right in the bar that said yes this afternoon. It ain't even night.

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Charles Xavier (811), Jean Grey (1610), Logan Howlett (616), Rogue (616) and Rachel Summers (811)]
How is it I have spent decades more or less successfully working with other peoples' children, but find myself at an absolute loss handling this one who should be my own?

[info]snipe in [info]thedoorway

Who: Maria Hill and most of the Avengers
When: 1400, Saturday
Where: Her office
What: A meeting
Rating: PG


[info]mrlilyevans in [info]thedoorway

So, who wants to sponsor me to strip down to my knickers for a good cause? Think of the children. And the partial nudity.

Pads, you're getting in on this action. I won't take no for an answer.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Peggy Carter )

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Narrative; Fox Mulder

Who: Fox Mulder
When: February 1, Afternoon
Where: En Route to Martha’s Vineyard
What: Mulder goes looking for home.
Rating: Low.

The map is tearing at the corners/I can't remember where I've been/The world unfolding while the highway takes me home again  )

[info]thunder_girl in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Thor and Sif

Father, Mother

It has been brought to discussion where the Next Avengers may be living soon, and one of the possible suggestions is that we - and most of our parents - move into the House of Life where Sadie and Bast reside.

What say you?

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Angel Investigations]
Many of you are already on the vampire task force and so are no doubt aware of its being disbanded. For those of you who are not, it has been. This is leading me to a question of whether it is worth working together as a team once again. Spike, Angel, Drusilla, and Darla are not the only vampires to come through the Tesseract and we've seen others out in the city which means that there likely are more out there.

Officially I'm a resident assistant, and working part time at NYPL, but I'm thinking perhaps unofficially we ought to be more intentionally and as a group looking for signs of vampire activity - like we do at home, only without the hotel, or the lawyers, depending on when you're coming from.

The cons of course - we run the risk of getting the wrong side of SHIELD - but if there are budget cuts in one area, I wonder if they're going to be able to watch what is happening in the tower as well as what they have done in the past.

The other thought is whether or not we wish to pull others in - create a bit of a task force of our own. The list for the VTF would be a starting place for that, and of course those from our own reality who are used to fighting vampires.

Between Faith, Gunn, and Buffy, we'd also have an inside ear on SHIELD mechanics - not details necessarily, but a thermometer, if you will.


[Filter: Angel, Gunn, Faith]
I'm moving into 712 this afternoon. If you need me that's where I'll be.

[Filter: Lilah]
I'm in 712 for the foreseeable future.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
Is it just me or is Captain Jack's announcement a fascinating turn of events?

[info]mini_hawkeye in [info]thedoorway

So...I don't think I have one of those legal guardians since I'm under eighteen and apparently that's a no no in this day and age. And I don't think the Clint Barton of this world wants to be my guardian

[info]the_doctordonna in [info]thedoorway


Are you free for lunch today or tomorrow? I figured we should do something weekly since we're flatmates and everything.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

What exactly is ground hog's day? Is it a day to honor ground hog's?


There's going to be a parade tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Alex Vause]
Congratulations, you've just received a salary increase. Which is the best way to begin any conversation that continues with: I need you to find something for me. Because if Clint Barton is dead out there, far be it from me to ignore his last wishes.

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
I hate to break it to you, Honey, but unemployment really doesn't like it if you leave the country.

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

Severus Snape has been sent home.

We have cats now.

I just.

He's going home to di

They took all his potions stuff. How DARE they take all his potions stuff? He had tons of notes and now I'll have to try to - I'm going for a walk.

[info]snipe in [info]thedoorway

I am so pissed at you

That Avengers thing went well. Stark said "Avengers disassemble" which could have been so much funnier. if

needs more bourbon (23:06:06): Are you seriously online right now.

Supplies incoming, I was not about to mess with whatever is going on in that pot. Potter's got your stuff.

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sif, Volstagg, and Fandral]
I have been in contact with Heimdall. We move the Aether off realm tonight.
[Filtered to MCU Avengers]
Does anyone have a better understanding than I as to what just happened?

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Steve Rogers (MCU)]
S.H.I.E.L.D. disassembled the Avengers, and your interim position is good will ambassador to the Reds?

Are you trying to flee the country?

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

[Mr. Ichabod Crane]

How are you doing? Better, I hope?


It seems I should find an actual job now.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

Delivered via night messenger to Apartment #712 )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]

First. Aliens are not invading. I am not flying overseas. Or about to die.

Second. Are you sitting down?

[Jim Rhodes (MCU)]
I know all your military buddies hate me. But...

[info]goldenplatedlie in [info]thedoorway

When I was growing up, Mum swore that ice cream could fix anything. And when I was ten, I was convinced she was right. After Hogwarts I wasn't so sure but it was good to try.

All of that aside, I'm going for ice cream in about half an hour or forty-five minutes. Who's in?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce & Sam Winchester
When: backdated to after they got back from London dealing with the mara
Where: Starbucks near Potts Tower
What: talking about doing their work in this world
Rating: nah.
Status: logged, complete

If it’s the creators that create us and not us that influence them some how, I’ve got half a notion to call Stephanie Meyers up and have a tête-à-tête.”  )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peggy Carter & Tony Stark
When: Saturday Night
Where: Gramercy Park
What: A meeting in confidence.
Rating: PG

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. )

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Text message to Natasha Romanova from BURNER PHONE]
-- Nights like this I always crave vodka.
-- Reminds me how we used to get bombed and watch the stars
-- And how that one jackass used to dance.
-- Anyway, getting a new phone number (043) 424-2849. It's replacing 914-3423. Really babe, call

[info]spidershape in [info]thedoorway

Between the snow and the horse/bird game, this entire city has gone mad. Stranger and stranger.

[info]marchaprilmay in [info]thedoorway

So one time I was fighting this baddie and I ended up going BACK IN TIME and meeting my dad (who was like 'ugh you're pretty good for a girl') and Aunt May. It was very Back to the Future.

And now, because of this place, I GET TO SEE MY PARENTS GET MARRIED.


Better than photographs. Now to decide if I get Verne a tux or a dress.

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

ooc: pretend I didn't fail and this is written much earlier today

» OMG I know it was you because you said you'd do it
» Did you what I named it??
» Well, actually, no, you wouldn't because I didn't even name it yet!
» Batman? Or Cat Tony?
» Nah, he might get mad so I will probably just stick with Batman.
» ANYWAY! I think that you deserve a sort of thank you present for that!
» No, you're not allowed to say no, because my gift will, like, be nothing compared to yours
» Come out with me to lunch this weekend! Me and Batman!
» We're having Mexican. La Pulperia. At 12:30. 371 West 46th street. I read a lot of awesome reviews!