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January 29th, 2014

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

I'm afraid to say it, but...I think I've finally adapted to one cup of coffee a day.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Wes]
» Gold or burgundy?

[info]raisingkaine in [info]thedoorway

Sorry, kid. Annabelle's been sent back.

I'm shit at delivering bad news
Annabelle's gone.

[info]defying in [info]thedoorway

Bonnie! Hi! How are you settling in? Less making out in the halls, I hope? :P (Love you!) I um...

I was kinda wondering something about back home. You got a sec?

This place sure has its ups and downs. Sorry if you're on the down side of it right now. I hope things get better.

[info]felinefatale in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Selina Kyle

I really hate seeing people draw me with my zipper open to my ribs. Or halfway down. Or past my belly button. With enormous Yeah, real good idea to swing around town like that... Basically: Ugh, MEN.

How about the rest of you-- what're the worst depictions of yourself you've seen?

[info]deathtopigeons in [info]thedoorway

I hope the horses trample the seahawks. This world has fine choices for entertainment indeed.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Nightmares. I've not had on in so long. I hope I didn't flail enough to wake up Dean. Where did THAT come from?

Walking down stairs in a state of half-dead sleep deprived imitation of a human is a bad idea. Who knew the wall was so hard? Ow.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[mara jade]
Hey. Long time no see. You up for getting together again, maybe sparring or having a drink, or both?

[angel & charlie, separately]
I'm not sure I want to watch the show anymore. I'm not handling the last few episodes as well as I'd like.

Can we make it a goal to get everything done by the weekend, and take some time off? Just the two of us. It's probably too cold to go anywhere, but we can stay in and watch movies or... whatever.

I could use some more time alone with you, this week's been rougher than I thought it would be.

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Lily]
May I see you at some point on the 30th? I would like to give you your birthday present in person.

Also I completed the photoshoot. They're still going over the images and they'll contact me when they decide which ones they intend to use. The whole thing was utterly ridiculous. I have no idea how people tolerate doing it for a living.


[info]jekyll_hyde in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dorian Gray]
Mr Gray, I would like to apologise for my harsh words the other day. I did not realise that you were not the Dorian Gray with whom I have recently had such unpleasant dealings. I was taking my ill-temper with him out on you and that was very wrong of me.


I must thank Miss Featherington for introducing me to the 'Google search'. The volume of information in the 'internet' is astounding and the sheer number of scientific breakthrough achieved in the 20th Century is truly astonishing. I have only remembered to eat and sleep when Edward tried to take advantage of my exhaustion barely been able to drag myself away to eat and sleep.

[info]snipe in [info]thedoorway

This is an informal memo about the formal discussion we're having promptly at 1800 in my the office.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

Who: FOXTROT (Peggy Carter, Finesse, Jenny, Spock)
When: 29 Jaunary 2014 - midafternoon
Where: Director David Cross' office at the Hub
What: FOXTROT finds the leak and plugs him up.
Rating: A is for action XD

Note: I'm setting up a vignette for any Foxtrot member to respond either IC or OOC with their character's happenings.

Gold, guns, girls. )

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

-- Thanks for signing up for American Facts! You now will receive fun daily facts about AMERICA!
-- A Chilly Commute: Alaska is the state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work! [ To cancel Daily American Facts, reply 'cancel' ]
-- Would you like to receive hourly American Facts? [ To receive hourly American Facts, reply 'hourly' ]

[info]schn_tgai in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Christine Chapel]
May I request your assistance with a personal matter?


I have found that the sense of humour of those working at SHIELD is not unlike that which I encountered on the Enterprise. I came to work this morning to find a toy tribble had been left rather prominently on my desk. It is certainly preferable to a live one being left there.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam & John Winchester
What: reunion!
When: Sunday, January 26th (backdated)
Where: John's room, 515
Warnings: TBD

... )

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Maria Hill]
-- I have been staring at my phone device of late
-- I do not think your friend sir gandalf the white was entirely sincere
-- But I was sincere about the eagle.

[Text Message to Jane Foster]
-- Well it appears the Midgardian sayings are at least somewhat true regarding phone devices and alcohol.
-- Still, would you care to have dinner with me
-- We can discuss this matter and others.

[ETA: Text to Fandral]
-- I may need an opinion on some communication

[ETA: Text to Phil Coulson]
-- Coulson my friend!
-- I must ask.
-- Where do you stand on this matter with Fury
-- Are you likewise withdrawing?

[info]itsdoctornow in [info]thedoorway

It's been almost and entire month already, and I feel a bit as if I've done virtually nothing. I mean, work-wise. I still haven't really given it much thought. Not beyond the fact that obviously I'm looking for something in the medical field.

So, I've been

I think there's sort of something that we need to talk about. Sometime soon. Though I'll admit I've been doing my best to avoid talking about it on my end, so I imagine it's been the same on yours, too.

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Fox Mulder

My evening: UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government officials Go on the Record.

What's yours?

[Filter: Scully]
I got jealous of your side job and I want one of my own. I don't know if it's actually a good idea though.

[Filter: Christine]
I'm thinking about going back to school. Briefly. And just for a few classes, but school.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

delivered to AOS Kirk & Spock )

[info]sendintheclones in [info]thedoorway

So, um, I made cupcakes. I think they're edible.

And I got into MIT.

So, um, did you want to have a date pet play date?

See if Tesla and El Magnifico remember each other?

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

It's difficult to get used to being a cadet again. Luckily, it won't be for as long as it was last time. It iss good to have a routine again. My time off was nice -- it was good to see a New York City that wasn't on a holodeck.

Now I need to investigate local theaters, unless people here would like to put a group together. Nothing formal, of course. I'd also like to offer dance lessons -- tap and jazz, mostly.

[info]geewillikers in [info]thedoorway


Dying is a whole lot different than I thought it would be. Kind of thought that would be the end of it, but I'm not complaining.

Not much of a welcome wagon, though. Last time I really hurt myself, there were nurses. What sort of afterlife sends a bunch of guys with clipboards to greet a fallen soldier?

Bucky Barnes

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

Hello, Potts Tower Network.
It's my understanding that somehow, I was transported here from my Universe by way of Asgardian technology run amok. I was also informed that there were other Avengers here, which is welcomed news even in there circumstances.

My name is Steve Rogers, and alongside Iron Man, Wasp, Ant-Man, Thor and others we defended my world from the menacing efforts of HYDRA and their associates. While I'm here, I can promise to do my best to concentrate my efforts on continuing to help those who need it.

But I do hope you'll bear with me as I gain my footing in this foreign universe. I can promise, though, that I'm a very quick learner.

[info]dontdosausage in [info]thedoorway

Free room and board in New York City, and a thousand dollars to use as I please? A girl could get used to this view.

And this bathtub.

The name's Sophia. Now who's going to offer to give me a tour?