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January 28th, 2014

[info]finesse in [info]thedoorway

Nothing like a challenge to start your day.

All hands on deck. Operations is currently down, and it's necessary to bring it back online as soon as possible. There are agents in the field who are counting on us.
Please advise.

[info]imengineering in [info]thedoorway

» Remember when I was writing the drones a new program, should we ever need them in an offensive situation?
» Specifically, what I was working on all of two nights ago?

[info]handofshield in [info]thedoorway

I don't know what to say.
Briefing at HQ. 14:00. Do not be late, or you will be quarantined until we can determine your status as an agent.

[info]testmeandfail in [info]thedoorway

So the Super Bowl is on Sunday which is also Groundhog Day. I wonder if there's a way to get the groundhog to predict the winner instead of whether or not we'll have six more weeks of winter?

[info]thereisanother in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Leia Organa

It feels like winter is going to last forever.

[Byron Sully]
Thank you so much for this weekend. I really enjoyed it and I hope we can do it again soon. I'm sorry if all my questions were too much.

[info]abitunlikely in [info]thedoorway

[Team Foxtrot]

After cross referencing, I think we have it narrowed down to four possibles. I think I can cut that in half by the end of the day, but I'm having to go through an awful lot of paper now with what's going on.

Also, are we to go to that briefing?

[info]drn in [info]thedoorway

Now, there's something different about the lobby. But I can't put my finger on what it is.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Jessica Drew, Sharon Carter, Daisy Johnson, Natasha Romanova (616)]
Do me a favor and act surprised, but there's been that bastard Nick Fury lost the reigns of his pony. We all know that's never happened before.

Now I don't know all the details and I reckon this meeting today's to clear that up. If I had to guess looks like Hand or Hill's been tapped to step in. But it could be an unknown. I do know that I know whatever's happening this is not because the old man fucked up any more than usual. Still he's taken steps to keep SHIELD safe until he's sure. But the next few weeks could be something to watch.

Now, my gut's telling me I've got the wrong name to be going to this meeting, so I'm going to ground, but I expect you four to stay in SHIELD and keep in touch. Usual contact routes work. You each know yours or you talk with Nat.

And I am not goddamn kidding, this does not leave this group.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Laurie Juspeczyk]
Miss Juspeczyk, may I ask you a question?

Is it normal for people to write and read about the intimate details of other people's lives?


The more time I spend here in this brave new world, the more I am intrigued and terrified. It is wondrous and filled with so much beauty, but it is so busy that I am amazed that anyone finds time to simply sit and be. I'm also saddened that I missed the Yuletide season, as I understand that New York City is quite magical at that time of years. Perhaps I'll be here next Christmas.

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

[Howard Stark]
I knew there was something I forgot to

So. I love you, and I love our toaster.

Which isn't at all an attempt to butter you up because I maybe made dinner plans for us for tomorrow night with your teen-aged son and his friend.

Fun! Right? We're maybe going to Medieval Times in Jersey
[Tony Stark (Animated)]
All set for tomorrow?
[Pepper Potts (animated)]
Hi! :)

I'm Laurie. We haven't really had the chance to talk much, but I'm super looking forward to meeting you.

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

You know what I hate most about NYC? Getting stuck between a whole crush of people on a subway. I hate it. Hate. It. People, bathe, please. God damn.

[info]themagics in [info]thedoorway

I am currently looking for full and part time employees at Widdershins. As a refugee I know it can be difficult coming into long-term employment and before I look outside of the tower for help I figured there’s a wealth of people here who would be perfect!

If you’re interested in filling a position, they are limited; you are invited to a walk-in interview at the following times:

Wednesday: 7 – 10A, 1 – 4P.

OOC: Just fill this information out IC & Willow will respond, tomorrow, to let you/your character know if they have a position & when to come in. This is just a better way for me and will help me keep things organized. Thank you! Anya & Spike need not fill this out.

[info]daysofgrace in [info]thedoorway

This place is making me soft.

Hey. Got something to admit to you. Der.

Let's hit up a paintball arena or something
and not kill it because I can't do that here.

Tags: ,

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Busy tonight?

[info]newly_human in [info]thedoorway

Portals don't usually open up to alternate Earth realities. I'm used to the hell dimensions. This is my punishment, isn't it? Halfrek is An alternate Earth reality where I'm stuck in a tower with everyone I very strongly dislike. Except you, Spike. You're okay to look at.

[info]headofsecurity in [info]thedoorway

Nobody panic, but I'm issuing a reward for whoever catches the rogue cat inside the Stark building. Damn thing about sliced my hand off.

[info]frellmedead in [info]thedoorway

posted on every floor of potts tower )

[info]specialist in [info]thedoorway

[ Filter: Phil's Team ]
Everyone o Sitrep.

[info]dressedforrio in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Rory Williams]
I feel a bit weird about saying so,

But I think we would have saved our relationship a lot of ups and downs if the doctor had looked like this when we met him.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Well, those were five days I'll never get back

It's one of those Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today weeks. I can taste it.

[Charlie Bradbury]
How's my favorite up and comer? I'm thinking you and I have lunch tomorrow. Or Thursday. You know. Whatever works for you. I'm remarkably free when aliens are not trying to invade the planet. Funny how that works.
Say I needed a favor.
[Alex Vause]
...I left you in Europe. That wasn't very nice.
Submit your receipts.
Also, hey, while I have your attention and now that my brain is kind of half working... did you say Generali Insurance was looking at a buy-out?

[info]mettles in [info]thedoorway

Not that I want to jinx it, but in little over a week, I'll have been here for a year. Alternate universe or not, this is... This is amazing. It's a blessing. An opportunity. A chance to do everything that I never could again. I don't know if this is someone's sick game, and sometimes I find myself getting skeptical about something blowing up in our faces. But then I look around at what I've got: my wife, my teammates, my friends, new friends... Game or not, I'm happy here, not just because I'm alive, but because there are people here that I love, and no matter where we end up, as long as I'm with them, I'll always be happy and at peace with the flow of this life.

So thank you, tesseract, I owe you one.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

This place never ceases to amaze me. I think my road trip did me good, though. I really, really enjoyed it.

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Who: Erin and Dumbledore.
What: Hats and hot chocolate.
Where: His place.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Rating: PG.

There was nothing better than cold pizza in her eyes.  )

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Who: Erin and Henry.
What: A tour.
Where: Youth Center.
When: Sunday, after her meeting with Dumbledore.
Rating: PG.

It was like having a little piece of home there and she found that comforting.  )

[info]minamcgonagall in [info]thedoorway


Why did we leave a BABY on the doorstep in the middle of WINTER without even ringing the doorbell?

Also I need your number for this cell device. That is if you have one?

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers

Tomorrow afternoon I'm thinking about going to the Museum at the FIT to look at their exhibit on trends. It just seems like the sort of thing that could be fun - possibly hysterical depending on the trends and the time. Like, Buffy I'm really hoping they'll have this skirt so I can take lots of pictures of your fashion choices in a museum.

Anyway - point is does anyone want to join me? Fashion through the ages? Trends? Maybe some inspiration or something?

[Filter: Willow]
I'm SO glad we found El Magnifico & I'm so sorry I didn't keep better track of him.

Do you want cookies? I'm making cat treats for him. & I could make cookies for us.

[info]creptuponhim in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone know if it's possible to just...stay here forever?

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jo/Dean
Where: Somewhere down South
When: backdated to their road trip
SPECIAL NOTES: The events of this log are currently secret. No one knows yet.

So she went to find what she was looking for, and meandered back to the group, looking more than a little guilty of something. )

[info]handofshield in [info]thedoorway

Confirmation on source of EMP blast is Agent Jasper Sitwell. Gathering intelligence from Agents Fitz and Simmons, I believe that Sitwell used an experimental long-range EMP extender, but did not expect it to knock out power or operations for an extended amount of time.

We're still assessing the damage caused, but we're on our way to Operations coming back online. Agent Sitwell is aware that this will be considered a treasonous act.

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

RP Log; Christine Chapel & Fox Mulder

Who: Christine Chapel and Fox Mulder
When: 23 January, Evening
Where: Mulder’s apartment
What: Looking at his photo album
Rating: Low

Christine was glad to be home. )

[info]lachesism in [info]thedoorway

'Offense' is a strange characteristic given to mortal beings. Lives, being short as they are, it becomes important to disallow the impingement of a competing ideology into the center of one's own influence. It becomes of paramount importance to be singular and individual.

It is very curious, watching all of you offend one another. Annie Cresta, Herc Hansen, Sharon Carter, Howard Stark. SHIELD. It is curious watching you take the gravest offenses and hold them to you like armour insisting that yours is the cause of right.

Nothing and no one is right in any world but their own world. And there are approximately 8.337 million (8.337 million and one welcome Macey, to the world) worlds in New York City alone. Why spend your time with offense, why let it eat you up? If you stopped 'being dicks' - hah, I learned that phrase, dicks - to one another you could probably find your way to Gallifrey.

But what do I know. What in the world, indeed. I haven't got my own world.

I'm just a weapon.

[info]notabrokendoll in [info]thedoorway

I think my favorite season is winter.