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January 11th, 2014

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

I love George Takei as much as the next person, but I really don't think this is an appropriate use for the Serenity Prayer.


[info]atouchofmadness in [info]thedoorway

Who: The Eleventh Doctor
When: 1/11
Where: Peru
What: An awful lot of running.
Rating: E for everyone.

Eleven flipped a switch and spun a dial, enjoying the rhythmic hum of the tardis around him.  )

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

I'm not certain what the best part of this week was, the Giant Peach, the Lego Lady Liberty, or the Eye of Sauron. Of the three only one made me feel like I ought to don a sword and bow & arrows - but I haven't quite decided if that was a point in its favour or against.

[Filter: Lilah Morgan]
I haven't heard much from you recently. Are you doing better these days?

[Filter: Fred Burkle]
Florida, yes?

So the question is do we go all the way to the south and see the keys, or do we stop about mid-way and see the Mouse. Or do we go for two weeks (which is the extent of what I can get off at NYPL at this point I think) and see both?

[info]itsgunn in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Buffyverse:
Are ya'll completely sure I was in my right mind the first time I signed up for this? 'Cause I am not down with all this paperwork.

And it's not even about the hand cramping. Though I gotta admit that's part of it.

[info]adanovak in [info]thedoorway

I hate when I start a new case, I am always busy enough that I never get enough sleep.

[info]gossipmagnet in [info]thedoorway

These college catalogs are so much fun to look at, and I am sure I will find the right classes. I got into Columbia, NYU, and Harvard, but not Yale. I have not decided on a school yet. But I am feeling more like Columbia or NYU, since I will still be able to be in New York. Maybe Yale will happen one day.

In the meantime, looking over all the classes options I have is quite fun. There are just so many I'm interested in.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

2014 sure is shaping up to be an interesting year so far.

We're done in Madagascar, but Thor needs help in Muspelheim, so Bucky and I are headed there next. I'm sending Peggy back with what we found.

How is everything with the draugr?
Do either of you want to help Thor out again? Fire demons this time.
I think after all of this fighting is done, I'm going to need a vacation.

[info]profdumbles in [info]thedoorway

Now that I have finalised my schedule of speaking engagements for the next few months, I intend to resume my alchemical studies. I had put them aside some time ago in favour of less pleasant pursuits but I certainly have the time and inclination to begin them again here and now. Not to mention the interest given the lack of magical substances that were always useful in alchemical studies.

I believe I shall set myself two projects - the Philosopher's Stone and failing that the Panacea. I do like a challenge.

[info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

As Sorcerer Supreme, I am the foresworn guardian of my earth and its Nexus from extraplanar threat. It will always remain my primary concern and I am not beholden to this Earth. However, I can see its charms, and that this pocket of dimensions faces a similar level of threats.

I respect those who are concerned with its peril and as the elves of Alfheim have been so charitable. So should we be.

I am proposing formalizing a sorcerous seminar. Saring has gone on all along, but we ought be as intent on co-educating as preparing to face threats to this earth. I have filled out forms to have this with the ESD. However, will not start until I have returned from the planes.

Enrollment is open only to serious students.

[info]petrichoric in [info]thedoorway

There are times in which 'raining' and 'pouring' can be synonymous, I have found. However vexing this phenomenon can be, I am grateful for my friends both old and new. Together, I truly believe that we may end any supernatural foe which seeks to assail us.

In point of fact, I think that a cabal ought to be started.

And if you see a Headless Horseman, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately.

Miss Anya, please forgive the intrusion, though I imagine that you are one quite unlikely to require the full compliment of a mortal sleep (being that your abilities are such as they are). I simply wished to ensure that you are eating sufficiently and doing well.

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Ugh, you know.. the whole future thing was much easily figured out back home. I always pictured myself graduating from the Tomorrow Academy and then joining SHIELD (because you know, they'd probably have to let me considering how many times we ended up in their headquarters for one reason or another, lol, thanks, Tony). Although I don't see my dad ever letting me do that, so he'd just go "NO YOU'RE GOING TO COLLEGE" which is where I'd likely end up. (I miss him, ugh.)

Here, it's like.. there's more stuff to do? I mean, there's still SHIELD but then there's also Stark Industries and other things and also colleges, so it's like I have noooo idea where I want to end up. And you know what? That's scary. I laugh in the face of danger, etc. etc. But yeah, this is the first time that the future is kinda sorta bothering me.

But. At least I started taking ESD classes! It's a step somewhere. That's one good thing that's happened because if I would have been bored out of my mind if I had to stay inside and do nothing during the winter. Except maybe cook. Because somebody gave me, like, free groceries. FREE. GROCERIES. THANK YOU to whoever it was!!

Tesseract, you have still not sent us a ribbon-wrapped disgruntled-face teenage Rhodey. I'm disappointed in you.

SO. Who wants to make study groups??

Filter: Her #1 Tony Stark
So, like.. one of the classes I'm taking? It's co-taught by Magneto.

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