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January 12th, 2014

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

So we've been slacking on the meetings, and I think it's time we get back to it. With Steve gone, we really need to focus on coming back together as a team and moving forward.

With that said, I'm calling a meeting tomorrow. I've got a biggish apartment, so we can have the meeting there for privacy. 7pm. You can be late if you have to, but try to be on time. Some people have to work Monday morning, so I kind of want to be considerate of them. I'll have drinks and some finger foods, but you guys have some big stomachs so I'm not providing food for everyone. I don't have the same kind of funds I did in our world.

See you then.

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

To: Jane Foster
From: Erik Selvig
Subject: re: Happy Thanksgiving!

you have 1 new message )

[info]liljewprincess in [info]thedoorway

I can't remember when I went to bed, and I can't remember when I got up. Time is all running together.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (616)]
Since you're coming in for the meeting, I booked us (late) dinner reservations at wd~50.

[Stark & Potts (616)]
I've been in talks with our friends in Chicago who'd like to visit probably to see what a real office space looks like -- should we start looking at a potential time? Or wait until we know what the Christ the realms are doing?

[info]rambledon in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Charlie, Jo, Veronica, & Sam
So, about that roadtrip. Think now's a good time to set some dates?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

For those of you who were wondering:


[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

I don't know why it seemed like a good idea to switch the city over to another power grid in January of all times, though I guess mid-August wouldn't be any better either, but there's definitely some looting taking place. I'm along 57th, trying to defuse what situations I can, but man some people really just like to make a quick buck off other people if given the opportunity. And that's wrong. Thankfully my phone has full battery, so I'm reachable if I'm not, you know, pulling people apart. And what do you know, it looks like that might come to fisticuffs.

Filtered: Elena Gilbert
Care to join me? At least bullet proof glass won't shatter as easily.

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

The Clinic has some blankets and supplies for distribution. However, most employees are stuck all across the city, so if people would be willing to work with me to help people, I would like to get these out to people living in places currently without heat or electricity. While we are not a hospital, and the latest news I can gather report those operating on backup generators, we may also need to do some triage and treatment of minor injuries. Those with medical or healing training working elsewhere, I can provide you some supplies you need if you don't have access to them.

Filtered: Lily Potter
We arranged for you to see me tomorrow. Could you come in now? I know magic has ways of duplicating some of these supplies, and we will otherwise run out of blankets before we're able to help many people. Heating charms and other helpful magic you may know would not go amiss.
Filtered: Christine Chapel
Are you busy working for SHIELD today or during this situation? If not, I would appreciate your assistance.
Filtered: Albus Dumbledore & Severus Snape
Undoubtedly you could both be of assistance today. Whether you are doing so elsewhere or not, I have been remiss in not contacting either of you already. Today is certainly not the day for it, but while you have no obligation to assist me, I was hoping for your expertise in evaluating someone from your world. They have expressed interest in using some magic to treat minor injuries in the clinic but lack formal training past Hogwarts. If you would be willing to give your professional opinion on the matter, I would appreciate it.

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

Anyone need support from the air? I've got my climbing rig, a charged phone and a pair of opera glasses I fixed up with long range lenses to offer.


Wanna tag team? Plus we have been needing an excuse to try out the new earbud set up too.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

For: Agent Carter.

Delivery for Peggy Carter )

[info]gcooper in [info]thedoorway

*Filter: Police*

Anyone need backup? I've got a scanner hooked up and want to help, can also offer a spare phone charge as needed.

*Filter: Whoverse*

Everyone ok?

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Ugh....I'm feeling like an ass already for this letter I picked. Not sure if the woman is going to like what I have to say. But I have to break it to her gently, and as nice as I can be to make it a good article.

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Well, looks like I have a date with that mystery woman. Lets see how much I fuck it up because I talk too much about my life back home and too much about my partner and Gus.

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Text Messages; Fox Mulder (sent earlier today)

[Text: Christine Chapel]
It sounds like there's some problems with looting out in the city and I thought I'd put my FBI skills to use and help out with it a bit. I don't know for certain when I'll be back.

[Text: Dana Scully]
I'm headed out to help with some looting problems they're having due to the outages. I don't suppose you want to yell at people to stay away from 52" televisions do you?

[info]janebejane in [info]thedoorway


» Just received a very disturbing a long winded email from Dr. Selvig asking for help.
» He says there's a lot of strange radiation readings.
» I think I should go to him.
» Please advise.

» Want to go to England?
» Also Erik says hello

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

Dude you guys get real uptight over a little looting.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

I am never going to get the smell of decayed viking off my boots It's good to be home. Even if the power is getting knocked out and people are idiots.

[Jim Rhodes (MCU)]
What are your co-ordinates, soldier?

[info]pink_sunglasses in [info]thedoorway

Well... there is something to be said for hooking up randomly. Even if I'm not sure I should continue to go that route.

[info]ginnerly in [info]thedoorway

Huh. Apparently its 'Kiss a Ginger Day',

Good thing my brothers aren't here - that'd get awkward fast.

[info]fullmetal in [info]thedoorway

This Tesseract is a gateway with a seemingly limitless amount of energy capable of linking worlds with advancements so great you can prepare food instantly while sifting through thousands of books in the palm of your hand. And yet, with all of these rewards of science, not a single damn automail mechanic is to be found. Some world.

Those uniformed dogs said it'd be in my best interest to broadcast my arrival, so here I am, Edward Elric at your service.

[info]naturevsnurture in [info]thedoorway

Damn, I wish I'd known that today was the No Pants Subway Ride before I stepped out of the building. Great views and all, but next time, I'd like to contribute.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

According to Ginny, it's kiss a ginger day. I guess I need to find one to snog the hell out of, then. You know, to properly honour the holiday and all.

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro. Alleluia (Altius aliquantulum) Et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista. Salvi facti sunt.

....So that gesture, not music not odour, would be a universal language, the gift of tongues rendering visible not the lay sense but the first entelechy, the structural rhythm. We have shrewridden Shakespeare and henpecked Socrates. Even the allwisest Stagyrite was bitted, bridled and mounted by a light of love. Anyway, who wants two gestures to illustrate a loaf and a jug? This movement illustrates the loaf and jug of bread or wine in Omar.

My centre of gravity is displaced. I have forgotten the trick. Let us sit down somewhere and discuss. Struggle for life is the law of existence but but human philirenists, notably the tsar and the king of England, have invented arbitration. But in here it is I must kill the priest and the king. I have no king myself for the moment. This is the age of patent medicines. A discussion is difficult down here. But this is the point. You die for your country. Suppose. Not that I wish it for you. But I say: Let my country die for me. Up to the present it has done so. I didn't want it to die. Damn death. Long live life!

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peggy Carter & Stephen Dedalus
When: Sunday.
Where: Potts Tower, Stephen's new digs. Grantaire's old trousers.
What: An unstoppable force is met by an immovable object: or worse and better at the same time.
Rating:PG-13. Finished.
Margaret. )

[info]switchedredhead in [info]thedoorway

I'm not sure I'll ever get used to how strange it is to see TV and movie characters around me all day.

[Filtered to Sam Merlotte]
Hi, my name is Daphne Vasquez. I believe my siste you were told about me by Bay? She mentioned that you might possibly need someone for your kitchen.

[info]deafenstein in [info]thedoorway

So this is New York. I am pretty sure it is going to take me awhile to get acclimated to the city. It's not like I can ask for directions either.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

Steve Walter
Oscar bloody W
Thank heavens the polar vortex and these rolling blackouts did not happen in concert with out another. I shouldn't like to think of what would happen, then, though the tales of this looting is very well troubling indeed.

[Nick Fury - MCU]
Meet me here at 2100 and I will catch you up on all things Madagascar. Civilian dress, if you please.

And sir. If I may ...

[info]wannahookup in [info]thedoorway

So Julie and I are watching the Golden Globes (lol sorry not sorry to my twitter followers for the massive spam) and then I saw this outfit that I just had to have.

So I did a thing )