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January 10th, 2014

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Nick Fury (MCU) from a burner phone]
-- Gotta follow up on something.
-- Dropping off grid.
[Text to Natasha Romanova, Bucky Barnes (616)]
--Wanna go to a party?

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sif]
How fares Vanaheim?
[Filtered to Cora Amell]
You are the mage Sir Fenris recommended.
[Filtered to Steve Rogers (MCU)]
I do not suppose you could look into something on Midgard for me, my friend?

[info]soldierofwinter in [info]thedoorway

Would filter this, but I'm not sure how many or who's got an interest in knowing. Steve is gone.

[info]plasticed in [info]thedoorway

Who: Whoverse cast
What: Dinner & drinks
When: Friday 1/10, 7pm and onward
Where: The Churchill Tavern
Status: IC/OOC

This is an IC/OOC log so we can discuss any shenanigans that might have occurred (like, say, Martha drunkenly bringing up the fact that she and Mickey dated when they were here before lol), so comment with who was there, etc!

[info]hellboy in [info]thedoorway

[Raven Darkholme]
So uh,
Guess I'll pick you up around seven?

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Well, today marks a year that I've been here. Given what the future held for me in Cardiff, it's worth leaving Wales behind for the opportunities I've had here. (Yes, Jack, that means you.)

[Cell Seven (Obi-wan & Charles Gunn)]
With Steve Rogers' departure, SHIELD has named me handler of our cell. I was handler of cell ten before those field agents got pulled back through the Tesseract. I'd like to get together at the beginning of next week if that's possible.

So I have my own cell again - Seven. Also, want to celebrate by ourselves after the big shindig with the others?

[info]lostfaith in [info]thedoorway

Would it be really weird if I bought myself this?

cut, not filtered )

Cause it's kinda cool.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

It's been ages since I had a good pub crawl. This is something I need to fix immediately. Who's with me?

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

I'm like 10 days late in wishing people a happy new year, but that's the beauty of the holidays... you're busy running around doing things for them and then right after that, you're busy running around cleaning up everything you did for them. (Whether I'm saying "beauty" in a sarcastic way or not, idk, you pick.) Really tried to pick a resolution for myself but all I could come up with was "DO MORE SCIENCE!" which is probably good enough.

Also? Also.. nobody can stop me from drinking now. Aw yiss, it's official! LOL, don't worry, Peter. I'll buy them for you until August. But, ugh, next time, I will take a vacation to Hawaii around this time.

Filter: PB&G
I have a somewhat random question to ask you simply because I'm curious.

[info]ohsodashing in [info]thedoorway


Hel is almost charming when she is not attempting to gain claim upon my soul and the souls of all those with me.

Though, and this is the oddest part of my past few days, she had no idea her draugr were even on Midgard. And I sincerely believe her, despite it all. The Midgardians they had stolen were just as much of a surprise to her as she to them. Of course that did not stop her from attempting to lay claim to their souls for trespassing. But never fear, negotiations have been reached to keep them out of her reach for now.

[My Lady of Widows(MCU)]

The problem has been resolved. Any draugr that is left should be the last remnants of their forces.


It would seem that I am in possession of some fifty mortals that have been removed from their native lands of "France" and "Spain". I shall drop them off with you.

[Fandral's Raiding party]

I thank you all for your service. And I am very glad you all still have your souls. That would have been unfortunate.

[info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

I like to think that 2014 is off to a really good start. Good things are ahead, I think. Great things are happening now! I like to think I've settled in NYC quite well. Sometimes it doesn't feel too different from home. I've already gotten used to being a fictional character here. Too bad I'm not nearly as talented as Billie Piper.

Filtered: Tenth Doctor
So I've spoken with a nice lady from the Department of Education, and was able to get everything figured out. It'll take a few months, but classes to get my GED start next week. Wish me luck?

What do you I should do after? Can't say I've thought about it in the past. Never really been the soldier type, not unless the situation really calls for it. Maybe I can take one of those tests that say what careers are best suited for you. Do those even work?

Filtered: Eleventh Doctor
All right you. I hope you'll come back soon, Doctor. Mickey's here and Martha. Didn't forget them, did you? I bet they'd really like to meet you. And the others, we need you here too. And I have some news. Think you'll be proud of me.