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January 9th, 2014

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Backdated to January 8th

Anyone else see a parade of elephants? I was on my way to work when I saw it....is there a special holiday I missed or something?

[info]mini_hawkeye in [info]thedoorway

Can I just say it's uber weird to not be worrying about the Scavengers and Ultron finding us? A good weird. But still weird.

Question though. There an archery range about I can use? My Dad'd kill me if I slacked off in my training and skills.

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

I think someone needs to tell Michio Kaku that quantum entanglement does apply to multiverses. But of all the multiverses that may exist, I never thought I'd be fictional in one of them. I just hope I'm not the character designated to go through a horrific death to advance someone else's character development.

Hello. I'm Sarissa, and I need a glass of wine.

[info]bulldog in [info]thedoorway

If you want something from Australia, better tell me now.
I gotta get out of here for a while. I got a week of vacation before I go into rotation. Heading to Syndey. Can you watch Max for me?

[info]finesse in [info]thedoorway

While I appreciate the irony of Sauron above the Fox News building, did anyone notice the giant peach in the sky that stuck to the Empire State building?

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

-- I told them yes.
-- If I come to regret this, I shall blame you.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Well, it seems that taking a hit to the shoulder can't keep me down for long. I was glad it wasn't my legs again, but I've got most of my range of motion back with just some residual soreness. I have to say, wielding a sword is nothing like unarmed hand to hand or firing a phaser. I'm particularly grateful it hasn't stopped me from riding. And neither have the cold temperatures. Just have to dress properly. Although keeping the horses warm has been our main project. Not a problem we had to this extent in the Mojave.

[Malcolm Reynolds]
I saw something about you getting a license for deliveries. There's still a truck that Zoe left me that you can have if it'd be useful. I think there's probably space at the ranch for both of us when we want it and Sully to be there to keep an eye on things if you're agreeable to that.

[Advising Group Echo]
Before the holidays, I threw out the idea of a holiday party. My injuries on Asgard kept me out of commission a bit longer than expected. If people are still up for it, how about Sunday? We could even head out to the ranch if people want.

If you have any questions about the upcoming semester, let me know.

Thanks for coming with to Asgard and for staying. Are you going to count that as the date you won or do I get to convince you to take me gokarting or dinner?

Thank you is insufficient, but I appreciate all you do.

[info]thelongbottom in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to the Harry Potterverse ladies

Advice needed. If a girl I fancy and who I think fancies me, wants me to meet her parents, that is a good thing, right?

[info]allhavesecrets in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to friends of Gwen Stacy, minus her!*]

Hey everyone, Gwen's birthday is tomorrow, and Julie suggested we have a birthday party for her on Saturday at the tower. I hope everyone can come, she'd love it!

[Filtered to Gwen Stacy]

Hey, don't forget, I'm stealing you tomorrow.

[ooc: anyone who considers themselves a friend of hers, is!]

[info]petrichoric in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Anya Corazon, Abbie Mills, Jenny Mills]
Miss Anya,

If you would be so kind as to explain in perfectly succinct detail the time, place and nature of your encounter with the Horseman I would be much obliged. From reading your network post, I am taken to believe that this phantasmagoria was further dressed much like mine.

Tell me of his axe.

And was there a marking on his hand.

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Package for Severus Snape

Left outside Severus Snape's Door )

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

“You attend the funeral, you bid the dead farewell. You grieve. Then you continue with your life. And at times the fact of her absence will hit you like a blow to the chest, and you will weep. But this will happen less and less as time goes on. She is dead. You are alive. So live.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 6

Just something I read and thought I'd share because, chances are, I'm not the only one who needs a reminder.

[info]selfmedicates in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to S.H.I.E.L.D. higher ups
Hello. My name is Adrian Ivashkov.

It's a long story, but I have the ability to magically heal people. I've noticed a lot of people talking on this network about coming back injured after missions and I'd like to offer my help. I can heal any injury. I've even brought someone back from the dead once, although that isn't without consequences and it's not something I should really be doing a lot of. Hell, Sage is going to kill me for this as it is

That said, I'd like to offer my services anytime the need arises. I'm not saying I want to join S.H.I.E.L.D. or anything, but if you have people who need to be healed.. well, I'm volunteering to do it.

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

I would like to thank everyone who has made this adjustment all that much easier for me. It is truly appreciated it. While I am still quite new here I find myself already growing restless and wanting something to do with my time. So, is there anything an ex-teacher can do here?

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

Who: Laura & Hestia
Where: Starting Laura's apartment and then _____?
What: Remeeting between two friends
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]sendintheclones in [info]thedoorway

So... apparently MIT's early action decision were posted while I was in Asgard.

I should log in and find out the results.

I don't know what I want.

[info]mini_hawkeye in [info]thedoorway

Clint Barton

So, Torunn mentioned something about me needing a guardian because I'm not of age to travel the Bifrost alone? Is that you or will someone else be the guardian? This legal junk is confusing and idiotic with what I lived through.

[info]sober_enough in [info]thedoorway

Voice to text because Haymitch can't spell.

Hello? Hello? Anyone out there? God damnit. I feel like a damn idiot talking to this box like this. How does this thing even work?

[info]plasticed in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. training is rather a lot of paperwork. More than Torchwood was on Pete's World, I think. Which is quite a bit if you don't know. My hand is seriously cramped from all that writing, but I suppose I shouldn't complain much. From what I hear, every other part of me is going to be very cross with me in a few weeks.

Filtered: Whoverse.
All right, you lot, I've gotten us a reservation at The Churchill Tavern, which is at 45 East 28th Street, not that I have much of a clue how to get here, but thank goodness for phones with GPS, right? It's for tomorrow evening at 7, so I hope that's good for everyone and if it's not, let me know and I'll see about switching it around or something. We can meet down in the lobby before or just meet up there if you'd rather, but I hope you can all make it.

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

-- Hey, I'm taking the night off tomorrow, think you can hold down the fort for me?

[info]themagics in [info]thedoorway

During some downtime today I found myself roaming the web and came across this. A list of 50 Things We Know Now (We Didn’t Know This Time Last Year). I don't know how I ended up on this page, but the information is really pretty interesting. Though I can say, without a doubt, I do not fall into category #34.

I also found a story from two days ago about scientists working in Mexico's Laguna Ojo de Liebre. They found the underdeveloped carcass of conjoined twin gray whales. Probably a miscarriage based on their underdevelopment. The twins were five to nine feet too small compared to the average grey whale calf. There was no sighting of the mother. This is possibly the first discovery of this type. Pretty amazing.

[Magic Community]
Pocket dimension construction is a go for tonight. I apologize beforehand for any...disturbances. There shouldn't be any, but just in case you'll know it's probably because of me. Sorry!
[Hermione Granger]
If you're available, I was thinking we could get together over the weekend to go over a few plans for the area, make a list of the types of flora wanted, needed, and actually available. And anything else I am probably overlooking...gardening isn't my area of expertise.

[info]the_hawks_eye in [info]thedoorway

Well I have to say SHIELD seem to know what they're doing. They're definitely on the ball when it comes to administrating the arrival of new people. My guys could learn something I'm sure.

At least they have a kind of military here so I won't be too lost - as long as I get through the training that is. I've been told nobody else from my world is here - I just hope they're all okay.

[info]myskywastaken in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Byron Sully & Chris Pike]
This is weird to say since I don't remember bein here the first time. But Chris is puttin my name on the deed to the ranch, along with the younger Jim Kirk. And I had the thought that you ought to be on it, too, because if anyone loves the ranch, it's you. And someone with that much love for a piece of land ought to have a say in how its run. It'll be the four of us, and if any of us goes back to where we come from, there will still be someone here takin care of it.

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

who the 10th doctor & doctor martha jones!
what reunion!
what hugs and catching up!
where her room
when five seconds later as promised
warnings nah!

... )

[info]talkbacked in [info]thedoorway

this is the first year i've been stuck trying to make a new year's resolution. i mean, what's left to resolve? i'm a perfect physical specimen, so weight-loss is out of the picture. don't need to cut back on vices seeing as i'm all viced out thanks to asgard. and since it's impossible to blow the snot out of the tesseract, guess i'm stuck doing the same old same old. and wtf is up with this weather? i think i totally hate this place more

let's build something in the rungalow. no idea what, but i feel like taking down a wall or something and putting in a fish tank or something ridiculously time consuming.

[private] )

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Sam Merlotte and Sarissa
WHERE: Sam's bar
WHEN: January 9
WHAT: Sarissa needs a drink. Sam runs a bar
STATUS: log; in progress

~~~~~ )

[info]the_hacker in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Alec Hardison

Late night gaming session. Anyone up for something? Starcraft? Warcraft? Minecraft? Any craft?

[info]soldierofwinter in [info]thedoorway

» Got a moment, kid?

» Tell me to not do something stupid.