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November 3rd, 2013

[info]hcjones in [info]thedoorway

ooc: forward date to 2/11, 3.45 pm

Texts to Jane Rizzoli )

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Who: Richard Castle, Kate Beckett and Alexis Castle
When: Backdated November 1, 2013
Where: Potts Tower and Belvedere Castle in Central Park
Rating: Low
Summary: Who doesn't get married 24 hours after getting engaged? (If you'd like a few visuals of the location and such, click here)

“I’ve been busy. Planning a wedding. With Alexis’ help.... )

[info]notthatpretty in [info]thedoorway

Never have I had such a stronger craving for something this late in the night after work than I do right now for empanadas. Best ones I've ever tasted in my entire life were the ones from the Original Marini's Empanada House. In Houston, of course. Only place I have ever been until I got sucked up and deposited here.

That being said, please tell me there's something open this late here in the city because I don't think I'd be able to sleep without having one.

[info]isacompliment in [info]thedoorway

I couldn't SLEEP so I started looking for cute animals on the internet and I FOUND this!!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cILZ_cB3_so#t=65

[info]blossompuff in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Buttercup & Steve Rogers (MCU)]

RED ALERT: I think Bubbles' boyfriend is gone and ughhhhhh she is going to FLOOD THE CITY WITH HER TEARS. She really liked him. But she really likes all of them so whatever. The point is, she's going to cry so much we're going to have to build a mother fucking arc, and as fun as it would be to use repopulation as an excuse to screw you like 24/7 Steve, I'd rather not try to figure out how to round of TWO OF EVERYTHING ELSE. Did I just mention kids Okay let's ignore



[Filtered to Bubbles]

Heyyyyyyy so. Want to go on a surprise vacation?

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

i'm in talks with some studio for a VIDEO GAME ALL ABOUT ME

i need some hits though. so check out this website please.


and yes, ladies, it's actually that long ;D


oh hey, i'm supposed to reward my fans right? i'll make you all thank you cards. they'll be a blast

[info]thereisanother in [info]thedoorway

Who: Leia Organa & Lily Potter
When: Tuesday, October 22
Where: Timeless Tea Shop, Potts Tower
What: Meeting and getting tea
Rating: G
Status: Complete.

Everyone seems to know more about me than I do )

[info]crazytacolady in [info]thedoorway


I wish Cordy would come back. She'd be great compared to the vampires that I don't trust. Except maybe Harmony would be okay if she showed up, but only if she's from the time at Wolfram and Hart and not trying to kill anyone.

Can we do some extra training sessions?

[info]xenolinguist in [info]thedoorway

[Starfleet Ladies]

I'm thinking of planning another spa weekend. Any takers?


I know I've already said it several times, but thank you. I'm having fun.

[Language Students]

All of you are doing a great job! Keep up the good work! If you need any help at all, you can reach me any time.

[info]the_doctordonna in [info]thedoorway

[Rose and Jenny]

Would either of you like to go shopping with me? I have clothes from the last time I was here, but I'd like to get some more.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

I think I've eaten too much candy. I can't help it, it all tastes so wonderful! I miss my friends, but I'm really starting to like this place and the new friends I'm making.


It was fun to meet you the other day!

[info]thedoctorbones in [info]thedoorway

As of this morning I have become fully certified doctor of this time as much as it pains me to admit that. While I'm still not a hundred percent comfortable using the tools of this time I can do so perfectly they are just different and very rudimentary compared to what I am used too. For now, as I have discussed with Alison Hendrix I shall be volunteering my time at the Clinic here in the tower.

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

I was browsing the bookstore today in hopes of finding some material that could help me with my classes when I stumbled across this book. After so much time you'd think I'd be expecting something like this but I wasn't... It included information about me that I could count on one hand that new - back home AND here. It was slightly unsettling truthfully and I have to admit I got out of there without buying the books that I needed unfortunately meaning I'll have to head back at some point to get them.

Would anyone like to come over for a movie marathon? I'd like to do something to take my brain off that, I've never been any good with sharing of private information even among my friends.

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

I know some people think it's too early to have all the Christmas things out, but I admit when I walked out and there were lights and evergreen in a window, I felt a bit of excitement come over me. I think I'm well ready to move out of Halloween this year and full into Christmas even if I'm not certain about Christmas without Har

[Filter: James]
All right, you and I, we're going to do a wishing thing. Every day for the next day we're going to wish that Harry will be here for Christmas - baby Harry, child Harry, adult Harry, it doesn't matter, just Harry should be here for Christmas because it won't be right without him.

Which means we have to get him presents. Which, could be difficult if we don't know which Harry will show up... So we'll just have to get creative, or lots of presents, or something.

[Filter: Dorcas]
I'm trying really hard to not think about how much I miss Harry and so I'm focusing on the fact that I can go outside as much as I want and anywhere I want, and just do things, so I think we should do something. A film maybe?

[Filter: Severus]
How did the potion turn out?

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

Text: Selina Kyle

Just a heads up but I'll be filming all over the city all week, work is picking up with the holidays looming and everyone trying to get projects in the can.

So don't worry if you hit my voice mail?

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dorian Gray & Angel
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Angel's room
What: After spending some quality time together, Dorian discovers Angel's drawings of Darla and the upset and tension increases...
Rating: PG-13: mention of sexual situations, vampire violence (blood-taking)

Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life )

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jon Kasiya & Anya Corazon
When: Saturday night.
What: They're bugging the office. They nearly get caught. Awkward teenage STUFF happens.
Rating: PG13

''Wow. Two whole sentences. Are you trying to set a new world record or what?'' )

[info]bulldog in [info]thedoorway

Who: Chuck & Herc Hansen
When: October 7
Where: Chuck's apartment
What: REUNIIIIIIITED and it feels so gooooooood. You know, or something.
Rating: Eh, PG 13.

Their goodbye had been just that: a goodbye. What did you do when you weren't prepared for the moment /after/ that? )

[info]changemylife_ in [info]thedoorway

[Emma and Regina]
I was thinking that maybe we should do something regular. Maybe once a month. Drinks. Food. Since

[info]demmedelusive in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dorian Gray]
I doubt I ever felt so out of place as I do when reading these reports. Tell me, old sport, d'you have any idea what time division multiplexing (multiplexage par répartition dans le temps) is exactly? Cause I'll be damned if I've the slightest.
[Filtered to Armand Chauvelin]

I have spent the past week acquainting myself with this ville. It seems that though they veil themselves in republican disguises, aristocracy is alive and well here. They call themselves the One Percent and they should be our target in reforging this society.

How fortunate that there is a group already organized against them and poised ready to attack on Tuesday. I spoke to some of their numbers in Central Park yesterday afternoon and have my own preparations to make. But I want you to speak to these young scholars, see what they have to say and what assistance they require. Their leader is the one in the suit and mask like this and has quite novel ideas on the use of barrels in barricades.

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

[Howard Stark]
Howard, I got the book you bought me off Amazon on Friday and I've spent all weekend with it. It's been nice. But did you know -- In early editions, the words "shit", "fuck", and "cocksucker" were replaced with dashes, There are at least two copies of the first edition in which Hemingway re-inserted the censored text by hand, so as to provide a corrected text. One of these copies was presented to Maurice Coindreau; the other, to James Joyce.

[info]bubblepuff in [info]thedoorway

It was green and shiny and caramel-ly and then I took a bite only to find out that IT WAS ROTTEN



[info]defying in [info]thedoorway

Wow. People can be really awful.

Think it's time I Wiki'd myself so I can get half of the things people tell me when I go into the city.

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

[Texts to Adrian Ivashkov]
✉ Okay. I'll move in with you.
✉ On one condition.
✉ You do nothing to sabotage the coffeemaker.
✉ Okay, two conditions really
✉ You have to cut back on the drinking.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

This wouldn't be a bad place to settle.

[info]ginnerly in [info]thedoorway

I decided to go out for Halloween, had a bloke come up to me dressed as Harry who asked me to polish his wand.

What is it with American boys, anyway? I'm not a prude but that's a pick-up line barely worthy of a second year. Harry had more game at 12 than the guy wearing a costume in his 20s, and that's saying something. I'm pretty sure the only person more awkward at dating than Harry would be Ron.

Or maybe Neville. There's a contest for you.

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

network post: moya

Estimated duration of err0rs (5.7% occurrence): 7 days 8 hours (error: no further precision). Bumblebee offline (relationship terminated (191 solar days (long? short?))). Balance unknown. No one takes his things (zzhan & crais guarding door). Rygel never named his. Large DRD presence (cuddling self). Apologies for error messages (go about businesss (filter filter menu respond

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

We'll be having a meeting on Tuesday, November 5. I'll be contacting each of you tomorrow with the time and the address, and I expect you to come prepared to discuss a plan of action. I appreciate having all of you as part of this group, and I look forward to hearing your ideas.

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

Silent Bob remains the uncontested champion of Halloween costumes. Only then has it not started brawls to ignore repeated stupidity to one's face. Chase, you failed what I have learned is called the Bro Code: bros before hos. Neither Karolina nor Gertrude are prostitutes, but the camaraderie meant by the statement stands. My coworkers do not believe that party warranted breaking the code. You have been judged by those most like you. But we can easily make up, with no kissing.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Halloween. Engagement. Wedding. Honeymoon. 12 hour shift.

I'm just going to sleep until my birthday. Or maybe Thanksgiving. Not like they are that far apart.

(Private to Castle, Alexis, Friends and Co-Workers}
I know Castle put something up, but I just wanted to reiterate that we will have some sort of reception/party to celebrate. It's so odd here, you know? Being thrown in this place and knowing that you could go back at any time, so when he asked (well, told if I'm accurate) me to get married the next day I just went with it. He and I have such a complicated story and its been a long road to get here and we just wanted that moment to ourselves.

His daughter, Alexis, was the witness and I think it was perfect but we do have photos and a video and all of that. I'm sure we'll have them at the party (whenever that is, I'm largely leaving it to Castle to plan) but you can always come by if you want to see it before then. I promise I won't mind showing you, though the photos are largely what we took on phones or proofs from the photographer.

Point is, please don't be offended that you missed it. I promise you that our intention wasn't to be malicious or hurtful. But we are very happy, which is all that matters.

And my last name is different. Which is weird. Please just call me Beckett at work.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

text messages: fury, rogers, romanoff (mcu)

» Date went well. We ate octopus. I got a pleasant end of the night gift.
» It should improve your mood, Rogers.

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Fury/Daisy's Tiny Team [Pym, Sandsmark, Override, Edward, Burn]
How's everyone doing? How's training going? Is there anything anyone wants more specific training on? I feel... useless this week, my cell's gone, and we've pretty much delegated everyone's training to someone more experienced, stupid winter blues I know everyone's been working you pretty hard so Saturday we'll head out into the city, catch up over some diner food, and just play it by ear.

[info]copilot in [info]thedoorway


Dear Mr. Pentecost Sensei


I was told of your arrival but informed that I am not allowed to see you just yet. If I were allowed, I'd be there now.

They said by morning. I will wake up with the dawn and be there.


He's here.