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November 1st, 2013

[info]talkstothestars in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Drusilla

The caravan has driven away, and it's a hearse. So many spirits tonight with all their whispering. I want them to stay.

I do like the swan much better, and the otter.

[info]scream_survivor in [info]thedoorway

For the first time since the whole saga started I actually had a great Halloween! Sure there was one semi curious customer but I've gotten used to that. Beyond that and only one spilled beer things were perfect. I even could stop looking over my shoulder around the halfway point beyond avoiding crashing into servers.

And yes I was the 90's grunge girl, tiny nod to my time period and can easily be tossed into a washer.

But now its back to reality but dirt cheap candy awaits.

*Filter: Sam's crew*

Thanks for being patient with me the last few weeks. Being from a horror series during Halloween is bad enough but I'm starting to smile a lot more as I face my own ghosts.

[info]vampviking in [info]thedoorway

The beauty of Halloween, I can walk around with my fangs out without a bunch of humans screaming and running.

I still don't understand the fascination with candy today, and I apologize to any young people who came into my door asking after some. All I had was blood bags to give, but I don't think those went over well.

[info]raisingkaine in [info]thedoorway

Note to organic webshooters: don't eat as much candy as I did and try to shoot organic webs. It's like fucking cotton candy. You'll crash straight into the New Yorker and won't be able to get away.

Also, criminals laugh at you when they sputter. It sounds like I farted from my wri

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedoorway

Oof. I think I bought way too many sweets for last night's festivities. I've honestly got five bags of candy left that I don't know what to do with. Suppose I'll set it out, and if you'd like to stop by for some of it, you can.

Though I'd understand if you didn't. Did we ever find out if the candy really was the reason everyone started acting like teenagers? Or was that just a suspicion? I can never tell around here sometimes.

Well, if you don't want any of the sweets, feel free to pop by and chat for a while. I love meeting new people, and if there's any chance that I can strong-arm you into volunteering, well, I'll definitely take that, too.

We'll be having a brainstorming session tomorrow from 10am until... well, whenever you have to go. I'll be bringing breakfast and coffee and we'll see about catering for lunch or take-out or something. Looking forward to getting to work with you!

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Now it was a bit of a tradition for my mother and my sisters to make bairín breac for the season. (See also, James Joyce's Dubliners). It's a bit like a raisin bread, I think, but dense and sweeter. Heavy and thick with orange peel and other fruits if you can find, rum and tea and a nice bit of molasses. I used to sit in the kitchen and steal the raisins when I could, so my mother used to make me whistle if I insisted on sticking me nose about -- if I stopped whistling then she knew I was back into her ingredients.

There's a game we played, bit like the coins set in our pancakes on pancake Tuesday (still not sure if I like the pancakes here as much. At home we made them thin and ate them with lemon and brown sugar, not like they are here at all. Not that I have it in me to complain about maple syrup). Anyway, when the dough is made, a coin and a rag, a pea, a Virgin's medallion, a stick and a ring are all buried in. When the bread is sliced up -- it's what you get in your bit that's supposed to tell of the coming year for you: A coin means riches, a rag - poverty. The pea means you won't marry, the ring means you you will -- the Virgin means you're entering the priesthood, and the stick means unhappiness or disputes.

I've made two loafs (heavy on the rum, I think) if anyone wants to come about and test their fate.

[TW: Some Irish Anti-Catholic conversations between Stephen and Angel. Also Vampire-violence; Sororicide.]

[info]carol_marcus in [info]thedoorway

So Halloween was a blast, I have to say I'm glad I was talked into going instead of skipping like I had originally planned to do. While I didn't really dress up due to the last minute decision to go I might have to next year - the costumes a lot of you wore were truly spectacular.

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

I have been thinking of taking up Yoga again in my spare time. Does anyone wish to join me or know a good place around here that I can take lessons?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Rick Castle and Kate Beckett
WHEN: Backdated October 31, 2013.
WHERE: The Central Park Carousel
STATUS: Complete
RATING: Low (so sweet you might have a cavity)
SUMMARY: Castle puts a ring on it. (If you want to see Kate's ring, click here.)

Today was the day... )

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

Filtered to: Christine Chapel, Gregory House, Leonard McCoy, Stephen Strange, Deanna Troi, and Rory Williams & any other refugees with medical experience
My name is Alison Hendrix, and I have finished all the paperwork, since Anders has left, so that I am running the clinic, specifically so that the clinic is still running. But a clinic is only as good as those working for it. Currently, that is only myself, a kinesiologist. As you all have experience with medicine, I invite you to come work at the clinic. If you are still becoming certified or trained to work in this world (some of you are from Star Trek), I can assist you in filing the proper paperwork and becoming properly trained, so as not to put anyone's lives more at risk than they already are. This is an amazing opportunity that is not easily found somewhere else. Please reply here or get in contact with me via other means.
Now, paperwork done. My sincere apologies to anyone who knew and is missing Anders. If you have not heard, he was sent back.

[info]swearjar in [info]thedoorway

backdated to this morning, before she went to school

Day of the Dead in Queens )

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Fury/Hill]
I couldn't help but notice the small kerfuffle when that young woman Drusilla arrived. Given who was reacting, anything the VTF ought to know about?

Any further information on who decided to shoot me in the head?


[Filtered to Buffy]
Firstly, this is a request, not an order so if you can tell me to go find out for myself if you like.

This woman, Drusilla. Is there anything I ought to know about her and is she going to be giving the VTF business? Because there was quite the fuss when she arrived and then things went quiet again.


[info]the_doctordonna in [info]thedoorway

I've secured employment through a temp agency. They seemed quite impressed with my typing speed. I start Monday as a secretary. It's not quite as exciting as traveling with the Doctor, but it will do for now.

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

I d hope everyone had a safe Halloween. I think I saw Christmas decorations starting to pop up already this morning. This time of year is terribly festive.

[Filtered to Bennett]

You mentioned that we should possibly go on a trip. I'm warming up to the idea.

[Filtered to Bucky (MCU)]

Have you gotten your clean bill of health?

[Filtered to Cosima]

I know it has only been a week, but have you made any progress with the sample I gave you?

[info]iskierka in [info]thedoorway

I had so much fun this past week! I like Halloween! Candy and sparkly outfits. I ended up going as Ariel because it meant sparkly clothes! picture )

Some people thought it was a bit strange for a mermaid to be breathing fire, but I am used to being different. I think I may save the top to wear dancing.

[info]guyles in [info]thedoorway

Link goes here

It is sometimes easy to forget, with as relatively tame as our lives our here, that all the time we have here truly is stolen. I am certain leaving for home or for elsewhere is guaranteed to be any better.

[Filtered to Buffyverse]
You should know that Jenny Calendar was taken to wherever it is we go from here.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Calling all Brits & Anglophiles.

Now that Halloween is over, Guy Fawkes Day is right around the corner. Dear Bushwick in Brooklyn is hosting a dinner, drinks, and bonfire from 7-10pm on Tuesday in honor of the day. They're promising a burning effigy, charred-pumpkin soup, coal-roasted potatoes and pulled pork as well as a hot 'Gunpowder Punch'.

Anyone care to join me?

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: Friends
spoilers for tvd )

Filtered: Hank McCoy
spoilers for tvd likely in comments )

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Someday, I want to live in Africa.

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Texts to: Helena G. Wells:

» If we can get a few days off, how would you feel about going away?
» Anywhere you want to go.
» So long as it isn't in Colorado. I'll tell you everything there is to know about Colorado.

[Sent a few minutes later]
» I forgot to start out with this..
» Hi. I love you.

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Young Allies][And pretend I did this earlier, oops?]

Have that trial run from Fury I mentioned.

It's surveillance set up. So if either of you are out, let me know.

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Myka Bering

Sociable and outgoing are two adjectives that were never used to describe me when I was younger. As an adult nothing has changed. My head can still be found buried in a book or working. Helena, I know you hate when I become antisocial, so I am going to try not to be. So, hi my name is Myka Bering and I love to read when I'm not working. If Pete and Claudia were here they'd never let me live this down

[info]irishstabler in [info]thedoorway

Okay, I got properly drunk, and I even flirted with a few women. But I'm not going to call them.... not really interested in dating right now. It's cool, though, because we all knew what we were doing. That's the important part. As long as everyone knows what's going on everything is fair in love and war. I never thought I'd believe that, but then again, I never thought I'd be divorced.

Now I'm going to take my dog out to the bathroom, kick back, and drink a beer and watch some stupid tv and just relax.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Regina Mills

Filter: Storybrook
I am going to regret this.
I'm not even sure why I'm

How're you all doing?

It's a little unsettling to know that in just a month and a few days I'll have been here for an entire year. It would be better if I had my son

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

TEXT TO BUCKY BARNES 616 - from an unidentified number:
» Do you remember me from the bar the other night?
» We made out, and you grabbed my ass.
» So what are you wearing right now?

[info]polarity in [info]thedoorway

Charles, I'm not coordinated enough to do the Time Warp.

And this plot is ridiculous.

There is no Transylvania in the solar system.

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

Uh. MUCH earlier today.

Why? Why do you want us to bug the Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment Subcommittee? Maybe you can get away with telling everyone the bare minimum, but I need to know why.