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October 31st, 2013

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

So after reading over some of this place and finding some things about me online most of which I'm ignor I do NOT want to go back to all tha all....I'm going to take a not-so-wild stab in the dark and guess that there are some people around here who are good at genetics and blood and so forth?

[Filtered to the Medical staff]

And how would you like to have some blood that heals people from death?

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

-- About last night So, you're going to Paris? I hope this morning is fire-free too.

-- How's the little one?
-- How's her mum, for that matter?

[info]jameskirk in [info]thedoorway

Congratulations to Captain Kirk the appointed commander of the U.S. Navy's sleek new guided-missile destroyer.

I can't let that go unnoticed or unappreciated.

[OOC: Thanks to Laura for bringing this one to my attention <3]

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

[Filter: James]
I realize it's a bit depressing of me, but I can't stop thinking about everything and I'm just a stupid mess thinking about it and I miss Harry.

[Filter: Ginny]
I don't suppose you would want to join me for tea or coffee sometime? I'd love to get to know you a bit better and hear more about Harry, and my grand children, and just you know, things the books don't really go into.

[info]pottsresilient in [info]thedoorway

To: Steve Rogers (616)
From: Pepper Potts (616)
Priority ! (High)

you have 1 new message )

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Happy Halloween to me.

Thanks, Castle. This is one way to make me forget the Red Sox won the World Series.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

'Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out contagion to this world. -- or, considering the reputation of the Tesseract: it's another Thursday, as all Thursdays before it.

I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but on the 7th of November, I'm leaving for London and Paris on a business trip with Stark Redundant. If you can remove yourself from your circle of cadaverous companions for an evening before then, I would like to see you.

Things seem to be getting a bit more crowded in your corner of this strange, multi-universe world. All of this, coming so soon after you gained your memories is hardly fair, I'm sure. But otherwise, is everything all right?

[Tony Stark (616)]
How much have you prepared for the meetings with Assystem? I'd like to be able to go over it a speck with Blakeney before we're actually in the middle of a boardroom. When it comes to flying by the seat of one's pants, there really is no one better, but if he's tagging along he really ought to do better -- I know we're hiring translators as well but still. He may have escaped the Paris guillotine before but if he makes a mess of this contract, I'm sure that Potts will see to it that neither he nor I leave France with our heads.

Dinner tonight?

[Pepper Potts (616), Rory Williams]
I think either of you might have a more up-to-date version of the Assystem itinerary than I do, can I meet with either one of you sometime today so we can sort it out. Pepper, I have to tell you I'm a bit nervous about this one. It's the largest and most specific contract we've had so far -- and I only really looked it up as an excuse to get to Paris. Anyway, after this and before Japan, Tony was talking about finding office space -- I thought I'd take a look, but are there any preferences either of you might have?

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Harry Dresden

Happy Birthday, babe.
Love you.
You should open your door.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone carved a jack-o-lantern? And if so, did you roast the seeds?

[James Rogers]
If you have a camera, I swear to you I'll break it.

[Nick Fury 616]
You recall we were discussing price.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to VIPERFISH + Peggy Carter ]
Alright team, so since we've all since figured, HYDRA's finally made enough of an impression that SHIELD's getting off its ass and doing something. That doesn't mean we stop. That does mean I think we should pass on part of what we've got. Specifically the places where we are coming up dry:
I am not saying give this open, but we had our meet last week, I want to talk about who we can trust in SHIELD with what we've found. I'd say Fury and Rogers are our safest bets. Anything we give, we give directly to them. Other than that, Stark and Hill could be counted on. I'm accepting opinions on their Widow, but I'm inclined to think she'll go with Fury.

That leaves us Phoenix and Abiotronix, which if they're working with Madripoor and North Korea, SHIELD does not need to so much as piss in that direction for right now. Especially at present. Also leaves us Steve and Jess' most recent lead out of Argentina. Finally, I have cut a deal to bring on board Peggy Carter. Carter has generously offered to get us into SSR caches.

Everyone, Carter. Carter, My A-Team.
[Filter to Natasha Romanova (616)]
I've got a favor to pull.
[Filter to Rikki Barnes, visible to Natasha Romanova]
I have three tickets on the 55 Vermonter from Penn Station to Union Station in DC. 1845 tomorrow. Confirmation #394VHX7 under Michaelson. I'll get you a brief tonight.

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway


Be sure to stop by Sam's. My sister Paige and I have gone all out with the decorating for today. It looks great!

[info]xlharris in [info]thedoorway

Every year I put on a tux before Halloween "officially" starts, hoping to one day become James Bond. Every year since becoming an army guy for a night. This year I'm doing it again. So if you see me around asking for drinks 'shaken, not stirred' - please take a picture or video so I can remember.

And if not, I'll take the tux off and get a different costume on.

[info]madamedirector in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Jenny Shepard

I've been trained in how to handle myself when placed into various situations. Those not covered I've learned through experience. This, however, is one situation NCIS does not cover or entertain. And while that debriefing was thorough I'm certain I left with more questions than I did answers.

[info]brooklynspharoh in [info]thedoorway

Some days it almost feels like I can touch the Duat. Some days it seems further than ever.

Also if one more brat makes insinuations about Sadie and me at the museum I'm quitting.

[info]jasontoddwayne in [info]thedoorway

Kids, do everyone a favor and make sure you check your candy. If it looks tampered with, pitch the suckers.If it smells funny, throw it out. If it's floss, remember who gave it to you and use the tampered candy to help them understand why you give out candy for Halloween.

[info]lwyrup in [info]thedoorway

Did your party get a little out of control? Under-21's sneak in uninvited? Cops' sense of humor prove unequal to the novelty brick of cocaine portion of your hilarious drug kingpin costume?

Did you get a little disorderly? Were words said, punches thrown, cars flipped, arsons committed that you'd take back if you could?

Have you been accused of a crime you didn't commit? Have you been accused of a crime you may not have committed? Was it the other guy in the Miley Cyrus costume? Could it have been?


Remember, you have rights! When you wake up tomorrow in half a pirate hat and greasepaint you know you didn't do, keep your mouth shut, keep your pantaloons on, and call

(212) 555-SAUL

not toll free

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Text message

Text message to Jack Harkness:
» We're having company tomorrow.
» Abby's coming for dinner.
» New friend. Worked in NCIS.
» There may be feather boas involved.

[info]mulderitsme in [info]thedoorway

I think this will be the first Halloween in several years when I'm not doing a mound of paperwork from a case in between answering the door to trick or treaters. I've known this for a couple of weeks now and yet I still bought several bags of candy bars. Oh well, at least I don't have the paperwork.

[info]caf_pow_stat in [info]thedoorway

-- Angel, do you see her can you read her am i dreaming

-- Ianto, do you see her can you read her am i dreaming

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

I love Halloween. I do, I do, I do. I may have gone trick or treating. I can totally pull off 16. I have candy.

wished it were guns, or knives, or coffee

and now back to training. because I need to not eat all this candy and weigh a ton. boss might kill me

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

I've found a cap.

I will dress as a Red Sock, and be despised in costume as I am any other day of the month.

And even if not having shaved for a week can't quite put me on par with Mr. Napoli, I have to say - never had I seen so many groups of men who make me feel almost handsome until I started watching baseball. God Bless America, indeed.

[info]sunkissed in [info]thedoorway

Thanks to all of you who made it out to Sam's tonight (and to your ever-generous pocketbooks). Thanks to this gig, I've almost saved enough to enroll in beauty school with a senior discount. Who'd have thought that being over 35 would get you a leg up in this town?

[Filtered to Boyd Crowder]

I have to say, all those foxes made me feel right at home.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Well, thank you, people of Potts Tower, for making this the first Halloween I have genuinely, wholeheartedly enjoyed. It's been ten and a half months pretty much to the day since I got here, and it's been some of the best times of my life.

So. Happy Halloween, guys.

And happy ten month anniversary, to you. All of that goes double for you, you know that, right?

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

If you haven't already seen Kate's post. We're properly engaged here.


Hey, can you come over? I want to talk to you about the wedding.