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October 17th, 2013

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

If the Tesseract happens to take requests, I'm more than prepared to be sent back.

[info]startinganew in [info]thedoorway

Who: Lee Adama
When: October 15, 2013.
Where: [I bless the rains down in] Africaaaaaaaaaa.
What: Lee keeps a promise.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete narrative.

I finally climbed my mountain, Kara. )

[info]ladymacgyver in [info]thedoorway

Any men on the network wear cufflinks? Like the ladies jewelry from a few nights ago I've been working on a men's version of the embedded GPS system and just need someone game enough to try it out.

Luke: I think I also figured out what was up with your specs.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

It's still not chilly enough to really call it autumn. Which is kind of sad because despite the fact that I just kicked butt at midterms and there's pumpkin-flavored things and Halloween decorations (meh) everywhere, I'm still reminded of the summer and I keep getting this wistful remember-back-then feeling.

I think the one thing I miss about summer, strangely enough, didn't really have much to do with the season itself... I miss taking those kick-boxing classes that I started taking with Ja a really good friend of mine who is unfortunately not here anymore. Not that I need to take classes necessarily, but I'm starting to feel like I haven't done some rigorous stuff in a while because oh god, studying and papers and research, and you can't do that when you're training. God, I miss Jaina so much There's only so much multi-tasking even I could do.

But, really, I just want it to get colder. I'd like to take out and wear my peacoats and jackets, please.

Filter: PB&G
This is the first time I ever had to experience restarting a friendship with memories you have and he doesn't.

ooc: added several minutes after posting
Filter: Steve Rogers (616)
[Attached picture: one of Peter's prom pictures of Gwen and Steve slow-dancing at prom]

One of my favorites.

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

Good morning, October in New York.

My name is Charles Xavier. I hope everyone is doing all right under these strange circumstances. I know I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. I've been sitting in the lobby for the last twenty minutes, staring at a potted plant. It's a very nice Heartleaf Philodendron on the reception desk, for those of you who haven't noticed it. Very well-kept. I'm terrible with that kind of thing. I kill plants as though they were the enemy.

Anyway... Hello.

[Erik Lensherr, or if you prefer - Magneto]
I know you're here. No, I haven't been in your head. I just know your habits when it comes to leaving wet towels thrown about the place, and I'm in your room.

Our room.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

I'm hoping that everyone can make it this Friday at 7pm at Sam's for a discussion on the prime directive and some proposals that have been made about what we might do here in this world. We'll have a private room and dinner will be provided. I want to make sure everyone has a chance to voice their opinions.

[info]homosuperior in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Wanda Maximoff]
» Did u send chocolate?

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Project VIPERFISH]
So it was bound to happen sooner or later, but for those if any who might not have been in the loop, Cap was sent back while out working for this project with Jess. We're goddamn lucky she was able to handle not only getting out, but finishing the job. Still, if she'd been a heavier sleeper or this been Cap's solo mission, we could be looking at a very different situation with North Korea.

We are finding shit. And we're close. But the closer we get, the bigger the costs of failure. And cards on the table, we're not the world that'll suffer for it. I put this team together of people I knew would not fail. But that cube is a liability I can't discount any longer. We've got some leads to track down locally, some sites we can raid in friendly countries we could do, but right now, if nothing else, we should probably stay somewhat domestic and maybe make plans to see about talking to SHIELD.

So that leaves us two options: suspending this project until we can get a native team to collaborate. But I'm still not sure I trust SHIELD with our intel. Some of em, yeah, but all it'd take is one leak and this is all for nothing. But I might trust a few off book. But I'd be interested if you have any native contacts, whatever affiliation, we could screen and maybe bring in.

Or we double up on work in case someone's taken. I could pull up Carter, maybe Quake from the grass leagues, but they're both SHIELD so tougher to swing for foreign work.

[Filtered to 616 Avengers + Daisy Johnson, Sharon Carter, Val de Fontaine]
I don't know how much you all remember, but something about this about a year and a half before the Civil War, New York had a bit of an influx of really stupid villains low grade crooks with hi tech suits way beyond their means. Turned out they were being provided a suits by a man, Tinkerer, who was being financed by the Prime Minister of Latveria, Lucia von Bardas.

Now there's no Latveria here, and I have looked but not found a von Bardas, but we all know that's meaningless. But all this seems a bit familiar to what's going on out there? I'm wondering not so much why we've got all these tech guys, but where they're coming from if not there. I have kept my ear to the ground, but anyone in different circles have any luck?

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

I still do not understand what is so hallowed of this eve of the 26th that men must hide their faces.

[info]atouchofmadness in [info]thedoorway

Quite the light show on the empire state building the other night.

Was there a party? It looked to be the dangerous sort of party.

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

You know, trust is a very dangerous thing. It's really, really fragile and pull it just a little too much and it snaps. POP! Like a Achilles hamstring when you cut it with an x acto kn - or is it heel? Isn't it the same thing anyway?

Right. So trust.

What do you make of getting pulled into one of those creepy debriefing/interrogation rooms and asked about SHIELD's mistakes? Cause I mean, there have been. Any group with human beings - or demons even - will make mistakes. That's just human nature, right? But feeling like you totally might be tattle-taling, that's not normal, is it? I swear, I thought I might get put in the corner if I said one thing wrong. It was weird. Like David Cronenberg weird, not David Lynch weird.

Think I should go higher up? Or just sit on this?
You got a moment, chief?

[info]notdying4creds in [info]thedoorway

Left outside of everyone's apartment in Potts Tower, AND delivered to every known residence )

[info]finesse in [info]thedoorway

Training is exceedingly boring when you can memorize everything on the first view and repeat them immediately. I know and understand things these trainers don't know, and I've done things they've never seen. How many times did we save the world and we were just Academy kids, not even real Avengers?

Two more weeks.

[info]knifebearer in [info]thedoorway

Can I ask about the situation with cell seven? Will we be receiving a new handler or will Steve Rogers return to his position?

Is there something even worse going on Would it be problematic for me to take my vacation at this point? I don't want to leave my team shorthanded.

There appears to be some rearranging going on with SHIELD, and although my handler has returned through the tesseract, I'm not certain he will be returning to the team. I've asked for more information, but just so you're aware, we may need to reschedule.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (616), Pepper Potts (616), Rory Williams + Amy Pond]
Assystem a company which prides itself in "Designing and developing the products and services of tomorrow" would like to meet with Tony Stark. They are one of the leading European Aerospace engineering firms and they are looking for a way to restructure planes to increase their fuel efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and make air travel more affordable. I just got off the phone with them -- and let me just tell you, my French was a bit rustier than I thought. But! All the same. This will be the biggest contract we've handled to date if all goes well.

The initial meeting has been set for November the 11th, we're leaving here for Heathrow overnight on the 6th, arriving on the 7th. Eurostar to Paris on the 10th. Flying Paris to New York on the 15th.

Hotels, reservations, etc - I leave to you, Pepper and Rory.
[Pepper Potts (616)]
I saw Tony last night and he looked a bit tossed around - he told me what happened yesterday. Are you all right? Is there anything I can do?
[Tony Stark (616)]
I thought we ought to take a least a brief stop in London. I'll show you the street where I used to live - sort of. You know what I mean, in any case.

[info]wiccan_ in [info]thedoorway

Deliveries to Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Catwoman (DCU), Cassie Lang, Erik Lehnsherr (811), Jessica Jones (616) )

Additional delivery for Jessica Jones )

[info]paint_by_bones in [info]thedoorway

Okay, so to take my mind off the last several hours of the TV show I just saw that I'm apparently "from"....I'm trying to pick a Halloween costume for this party coming up.

Click for choices! )

Brennan, are you doing your usual?

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

There's nothing like holding a newborn to put everything in perspective and make you think about things differently. I remember when my son was born, how afraid I was that I'd break him somehow, but when your kid's crying, it doesn't matter how you've only had two hours of sleep, or what you're missing at your job by being on leave to be with your family. What's really important is right there. I used to sit up nights with my son, watching football matches on the television, and we'd fall asleep just like that. Those were my favourite moments, when the house was quiet and it was just me and him. When he started talking, the house was never that quiet again. Until

Can we talk?

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Tech suits. Tech suits, come on - now whoever is doing this is just trying to hurt my feelings.

You know, we keep acting like the next big threat is going to come through the Tesseract, or for the Tesseract (No offense, Thor, but your brother is kind of a dick); we keep dealing with these weirdos when they show up, with things like Extremis (I know, my fault) -- now these guys with the suits -- but what are we really doing? I mean, hey -- I've encouraged erratic terrorists before. Actually I think at this point I'm kind of an expert -- and if we're just... sort of sitting around waiting for these douchebags to take a swat at us, what message is that sending really?

I just -- call me crazy, sure -- but I can't help thinking -- maybe we've made a real big mistake here, not utilising the technology already at our disposal, or not at least trying to. I mean, we're just talking right -- but if they could pull together something in the 1940s, it's pretty ridiculous to think we couldn't do something now.

And unlike my suits - it's not something just anyone could rip off... I'm just saying.
[Bruce Banner]
How's this for casual?

Also, If Steve throws his shield at my head, you'll protect me - right?

[info]kayleefrye in [info]thedoorway

So I was thinkin... it's been a while since the space folks all got together for a dinner, and I know we lost a bunch, but we also gained the prettiest little girl in the 'verse!

Any rate, I was thinkin maybe a little after Lee gets back - to let him settle back in - we could all have a night in at me n Zoe's?

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers

[Friends of Dawn Summers & Andrew Wells]
This weekend we are going to be hosting a fantastic pre-Halloween bash at our place.

You are welcome to come by anytime Saturday night after 7pm, we will have games, and food, and you really should wear costumes, or at the very least a headband with ears or something.

[info]timidwitch in [info]thedoorway

I want to carve a pumpkin and put up fake spider-webs and do the whole thing. I didn't get to do this stuff when I was a kid and I won't be able to when I get back.

And then when Christmas comes, I'm going to go hardcore Santa mode. Just let me do it, okay?


How much do you know about Ben's (niece? Clone's clone?) JD? She reminds me of me when I was a kid. I feel like I should help her. I don't know why or how.

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

I have no idea what's going on in there.

It's a video game and yet it's the SGC base. Except not. I have never been this confused. Well-

That time and that time and there was that-

I'm just confused, okay.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers & Tony Stark (MCU)]
You got a minute?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

The worst problem about being on a tv show - you can accidentally relive the worst moments of your life if you turn the tv on at the wrong time.

I mean, shit. That was rough.

[info]originalwitch in [info]thedoorway

network post: public

Wow. I had a bad case of home sickness, and apparently my magic loves to turn common things into hilarious spells. Home sickness was not fun, but thankfully the spell has broken and my finger isn't shot. Salem was a good cat and stayed in the apartment this time, I'll have to make him a lobster dinner or something later.

So now that I'm not sick...anyone willing to do an interview on their time here and how it has been being a refugee?

[Filter: Will Parry]
Hey, I'm really sorry I kind of vanished after you helped me find Salem. I meant to send you something for the help, and then I started hearing my aunt's voices and just crazy things. Thankfully it's all over now, but I still feel bad.

I can zap you something up, anything you'd like apparently - my once upon a time hardened rules seem to have gone out the window along with my version of reality. I just really hate feeling guilty.Just let me know!

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

I don't understand! If I could have been here before, why can't I go back? I have to save my

I own a tea shop!? And I've got a bunny!? I need to go home

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Well, these letters are getting to be super interesting I have to say. You know besides writing love advice, I've always wanted to write a book about love. But with my busy schedule it would probably take years to accomplish.

[info]felinefatale in [info]thedoorway

Text from Selina Kyle to Nick Fury (MCU)

» Something you want to tell me?
» You could do it in person, you know.

[info]earringsoff in [info]thedoorway

You knows what? Fuck it. Imma jus gone say it.

This place is fuckin' me up. Between body changin' (lord fuckin' git dat shit away from me. Been possessed too many fuckin' times for me to ever be okay with dat shit. No fuckin' way), and whatever else fucked up shit going on here, I'm frustrated as fuck.

I'm glad I have Sam's and some of my peoples because dis shit is enough to drive a nigga ta drink.

Ya'll need me, Is be at the bottom of a fuckin Tequila Sunrise.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» Remember that thing that we were talking about?
» And I said I'd check on it.
» I checked on the thing.
» We are go, MJ.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

Who: Natasha Romanoff & Nick Fury (MCU)
When: Thursday Evening
Where: You're not cleared to know that.
What: Discussions, possibly a father-daughter moment in there
Rating: Natasha never recommends children get near (but honestly not that high)

Sometimes history needs a push )

[info]stackthehouse in [info]thedoorway

network post: sookie stackhouse

I have a bed!

Filtered: Friends
I have a bed! I made it exist. It looks like gran's mostly. Except the blanket was all wrong, feathers on the outside not the in. They're cleaned up now, and I'm going to bring one over until I make one right side out. The walls are a warm orange color, and the carpet's got some patterns to it. There's no window yet, but I've been focusing on the bed.
Filtered: Sam Merlotte
Did you know I covered two sections a while go for most of a shift because a boss man from a video game kidnapped a waitress? That's a new one. But she wasn't scared or nothing. So I didn't stop him.