July 2016



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June 20th, 2013

[info]spoiledbat in [info]thedoorway

So I was in the hall, figuring I'd deal with some Gremlins - like you do - when I found Gizmo.

Yes. Gizmo. Honest to god, actual Gizmo

Poor little guy was kind of traumatized, so I gave him a hug and took him back to my place. I'm totally going to keep him, Tesseract permitting. He's so cute and sweet.

[info]jasonbrody in [info]thedoorway

Gremlins? Cool. We're living the 80s dream now.

Hey, just don't get them wet. That's how they breed. I was going to say don't feed them after midnight as well but if we have gremlins and not cute little mogwai then I guess that's already happened.

[info]makeyoupretty in [info]thedoorway

Well. Hagrid certainly didn't teach us about these creatures. One just stole the pizza slice I had on a plate on my coffee table. Another ran off with one of my new shoes. New York is wicked.

[info]archerhawke in [info]thedoorway

Man, those little gremlin things are quick. And boy, can they jump. And they fight mean. And they have very sharp teeth. And claws.

Um, Anders? I may have been bitten. And be bleeding. A little. Just a little. Not, you know, huge gut wound bleeding to death bleeding. Just small gremlin bite bleeding. And maybe some clawing. But only a little.

[info]scrappy in [info]thedoorway

The gremlin things are pretty fond of coffee, for the record. I caught a straggler trying to get into the supplies this morning.

And I'm pretty sure Jubilee doesn't need an entire day named after her. Her head is big enough.

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

There go any 'I should get a pet that doesn't need an energy source' ideas I had. I'll stick with my mech dog, thanks.

I'm assuming I'd have heard by now if any of you were missing parts due to our not-so-fluffy-anymore infestation, but I had my hands a bit full, so let me know if I'm wrong.

Oh, and hey, anybody got plans in the works for a Fourth of July party already? If not, I'm thinking I might pull something together. Outdoors, plenty of food and activities. You can tell I've put a lot of thought into this, right? Don't worry, I'll sort out actual details fast if I do end up running with this idea.

[info]tooprettytodie in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Justine]
I'm heading into town to see what's out there. I need to start working, you know? Yeah, I know you know. So yeah. Wanna tag along? Or maybe meet up for lunch? I thought I might invite Harry and Elaine too.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]
I don't know about you, but I can't sit around and do nothing. I'm going to go see about finding work. Just thought you should know. You wanna maybe meet up for lunch, then? In town?

[Filtered to Elaine Mallory]
You know your way around, yeah? So where's a good place to eat in town? I'm going job hunting, and I thought maybe you'd like to meet up for a bite to eat and some catch up conversation. And no, Big Bad Brother Boy isn't invited. Just you and me. And maybe probably Justine and Harry.

[info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

Delivered to Nyota Uhura on June 18

Happy Birthday! )

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway


I'm at the police station.

Also, last night, Tony and I invented a watch that decrypts transmissions.


These two statements are unrelated. When you're able, I need you.

[info]nosmashing in [info]thedoorway

I got an EcoSphere today because I'm convinced it's the only type of plant I can keep alive for longer than a few months.

cut for image )

Crossing my fingers I don't prove to be the one person who accidentally kills one of these things.

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

Just an update, I'll be heading back to New York City on Monday, but I've hired a cleaning company to clean up the mess left behind by the gremlins. GREMLINS! I will never get used to If there are broken items or messy items (I think I read that someone fried a gremlin in the microwave? Yuck!), please let me know here (I won't be checking the network except through email notifications) or let your housing assistant know.

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Janet Van Dyne (616)
So, I wanted to let you know that I should be going off on a side mission in the next week or so. Friend of a friend's been having some trouble with the espionage equivalent of a band of neighborhood toughs. Figured they could use my skills.

Technically, I may still be a person of interest in an assassination that took place there, but not as "Clint Barton" so I shouldn't have any problems entering the country. And it was a Serbian diplomat, anyway, so I can't imagine they'd really be all that--

I thought this might qualify as the sort of information that I should tell you in advance.

[info]jamiewon in [info]thedoorway

Call me old-fashioned or too much a wizard, but I honestly forget to turn this thing on sometimes. Rest assured, you lot, that I have yet to fall off the face of the Earth, but brace yourselves: I, James Potter, have been working, and I mean that in a "I'm getting paid for what I do at the embassy" and not in a "planning to drop some random furry creatures in the halls to wreck havoc" way. [...] And by that, Ms. Potts, I mean that it wasn't me.

I can't get the spell for the map quite right, so I need your brain. I know it's still in there somewhere.

[info]fateofjedi in [info]thedoorway

You've been sending me uncomfortable feelings ever since the day they posted those announcements.
[End Filter]

The Succubus Series. I looked up what a succubus is, but not all written depictions are 100% accurate. Would you tell me more about it?
[End Filter]

Imperial Walker and Walking Imperial. I'm still laughing at that one.
[End Filter]

I see a lot of people arriving here are from 'cited sources' and are likely having to go through an adjustment. Out of curiosity, if you don't mind sharing, what was your reaction to being told that you're a fictional character - created and written by someone else? Has it created any questions about decisions you've made, losses you've suffered, accolades you've earned, or thoughts regarding your future? It seems like it could easily create a crisis of faith in someone who is devout in their religion.

If anyone has asked this before, I would appreciate being directed to the answers if someone doesn't wish to repeat themselves. Likewise, if it's not something you want to talk about, I won't push.

[info]daredevilmck in [info]thedoorway

Should I get a jade or a bonsai?

[info]jennasommers in [info]thedoorway

I guess the actress that plays me is in is in some dinosaur fighting show that is on Syfy?

And really why did that network change it's name? It looks funny.

[info]supportcrumbles in [info]thedoorway

I'm in food-poisoning hell.

Someone come kill me?

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway

Cary Elwes movie marathon? Yes, please.

William Darcy
I am still so mad at you and I miss you and you suck and I love you.

[info]sunshine_justin in [info]thedoorway

This is awesome! Not the New York I was expecting to go to but this might be even better. I heard that everyone who's anyone is here, even more than regular New York. I could have done without the blue box thing but so far the view has been amazing. Whoever designed those suits was onto something good. There should be more secret organizations in skin-tight suits. The world would be a better place.

I'm Justin, it's nice to meet all of you.

[filter to Brian]
Kick out whoever you've got at home. Or not, if he's hot. Apparently we're going to be roommies again.

[info]chippedheart in [info]thedoorway

Oh, another man to teach us all a lesson. Yes, exactly what this country needs.

[info]watersrundeep in [info]thedoorway

That was quite unsettling. Is it a normal occurence?

[info]abitofwisdom in [info]thedoorway


I'll give my right bleeding arm to whatever beautiful creature sneaks me a smoke down here in this DEPRESSING HELL HOLE OF A CLINIC.


fucking SHIELD and their fucking

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

Who: Everyone in the world.
When: NOW.
Where: Your television set.
What: The Mandarin introduces himself.
Rating: Probably an R for images.

Here is your first lesson. )

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

Okay, okay. So let me see if I've got this right. Stars, then pain, then alternate universe. Then telepath in my brain - yeck, I need to SHOWER like now - doctors poking me with needles, and then off to some swanky Manhattan neighborhood where - what? I get a swanky apartment? And a shiny new roommate?

Tell me again why I didn't come here sooner?

Hola, everyone. The name's Aña, but it's easier just to call me Anya. I heard there's a few people I know here?

PS. I think it's total crap that I missed my birthday by THREE DAYS. THAT is the biggest party foul ever. Thanks cube thingy.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Nick's A & B teams (Natasha Romanova, Logan Howlett, Steve Rogers, Jessica Drew, Clint Barton, Daisy Johnson, Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine, and Bobbi Morse]

Funny. I don't remember that part of the Shawshank Redemption.

Anyone else have the TV on just now?

[info]purebiotic in [info]thedoorway

Does that man from the television know that there is an immense tower full of individuals with supernatural powers, extreme intelligence and/or skill, as well as bravery and heroism?

Because if so, that broadcast seems ill-advised.
I don't have any personal connection to the events listed, as it's not my history to live by, but all cultures have blemishes in their past. From what I can tell, the majority of human society sees them as such, so I don't see what lesson he intends everyone to learn. Then again, hiding behind fanatic rhetoric has always been a part of terrorist threats, if that's what it was.

Hm. I guess some things are the same, even between universes. All the more reason to talk to SHIELD

[info]abitofwisdom in [info]thedoorway

Who: Pete and Kitty
When: Thursday evening, just after his post.
Where: The clinic.
What: Pete is stuck in the clinic until they decide he is well enough to be on his own, Kitty comes to talk to him about Important Things.
Rating: Pg-13 for cussing.

That's what girlfriends are for, petal. )

[info]wolfsbaneblooms in [info]thedoorway

Not that getting transported to other worlds is exactly a new thing, but the timing was a wee bit more atrocious this time. Relatively speaking.

Jamie Madrox, are you around?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

I know people aren't usually our kind of problem, and I'm sure the government would agree with us on that, but am I the only one feeling a little paranoid about being in this enormous tower when there are terrorist shenanigans starting up?

With Cas here we've got a better evac plan than some, but still. I've been a little concerned about this tower being a potential target from the beginning.

How are you doing? Any news from Dr. Strange?

[info]nomidichlorians in [info]thedoorway

Well, well, well. Now isn't this a surprise. And here I thought everything was all hunky-dory over in the McCastle and come to find out all of you have been sucked here instead. Dawny, Kitten, I think we have some pouting to do over in this corner. They told me you'd just gotten here too.

HOW LONG WERE YOU GOING TO KEEP THIS FROM ME? DO YOU KNOW THAT LUKE SKYWALKER IS HERE?? I've been sleeping on his face since I was four. I saw him in the hall! And Janeway. I about died and I may have possibly ruined my only pair of underwear so we might need to take a trip down to the Target fai presto!

This is only the best alternate dimension ever. Buffy I will never say you don't take me anywhere good ever ever again. Like, I think I had a dream like this once, but then it segued into Giles wearing a coconut bra and it just went into a very bad place. I just would prefer not to talk about it.

So, hi everyone! I'm Andrew! I'm a Virgo. I prefer Star Wars Episodes IV through IV to the Prequels, we won't even go into that whole travesty that was Episode II, I just prefer not, okay, it's a sensitive matter. I'm 22. I like Thai food and coffee and late night walks on the beach. My favorite movie of all time is Star Trek the Wrath of Khan because it totally had the kitsch factor going on and Leonard Nimoy is my hero, but Bladerunner and Highlander are a close second. Okay that's enough about me.

SO WHO ELSE IS HERE? Talk to me, Kittens!

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

» You didn't happen to have your television on tonight, did you?
» Come over.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

Though SHIELD evaluations have thoroughly worn me out, I feel very comfortable with saying that we should be concerned about this. What sort of power
to hack

Be vigilant, Potts Tower. And if you need anything, I will do my utmost to be of assitance.

[Filter: Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Clear out some space on your wall.

[info]shaketheearth in [info]thedoorway

If I could go a day without being electrocuted, teleported, time jumped, attacked by Hell Lords/demons/evil dupes/anti-mutant leagues or brotherhood mutants, I'd damn sure appreciate it.


[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Sometimes I reach a point where I just don't want to do it any more. But I imagine that if you still have some degree of faith in humanity, I shouldn't give up on them entirely. TW: Kidnapping, Child Endangerment, Violence )

And then you see those messages tonight and that matters. An idiot takes over a broadcast satellite and that's news. A little boy was reunited with his father and mother today, his entire world upset, his entire life changed, his opinions of trust forever distorted. But no one will know about it, or care.

And I wonder why I continue to.

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

I really miss Hardison right about now, he could have hacked that goon in a matter of seconds.

But to be honest le psycho just freaked me out, so used to going after white collar types.

[info]quirky_raven in [info]thedoorway

*Filter: Harry Potter Verse*

Did anyone else have a flashback of you-know-who during that broadcast? Because I was looking for a show about jewelry design when it happened and cue the near emotional meltdown.

*End Filter*

That was beyond freaky. The memories did not help things either...

[info]gcooper in [info]thedoorway

*Filter: Doctor Who verse*

Ok, I think we can safely take the Daleks off the suspect list but I think we can unravel the mystery of that broadcast if we put our heads together. Power in numbers and all that.

But right now I really wish Tosh was here.

Otherwise everyone ok?

[info]needsofthemany in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Carol Marcus )

[info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Starfleet Ladies]

In honor of Uhura's birthday, we are once again having girl's night out. This Saturday night, we can meet in the lobby about seven if that works for everyone. No boys, just the girls. Kathryn will be in charge of our phones in order to prevent any embarrassing texts we might send.

Also I'm going skydiving Saturday morning. If I should die a fiery death, would one of you please make sure Mulder gets my fish? Thanks.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to under 18 + Friends]

Did anyone else see the tv?