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May 14th, 2013

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to any and all former criminals (especially thevies)

Just curious to see who else is in the crisis I'm in at the moment. Going legit with my skills is ten times harder than it looks plus I miss the action, the cons, the crew and especially Hardison.

Because while I did get a short term gig as a stunt person all people know is the fact I'm the crazy one of the crew. And yes I have one season in hand (on loan from a guy on the film crew, he says I look like Beth Riesgraf). Just have to get up the courage to even watch it.

[info]ipreferdoctor in [info]thedoorway

Someone help me understand the rationale behind starting a family here. No, I don't mean having a relationship with another "refugee." That's between you and your partner. Take the risk, if you feel like it. Clearly that one hasn't panned out well for a number already, but go ahead. Perhaps the other person will come back, and they'll have no idea who you are, but love endures and all that.

But what possesses anyone to consider children in a place where you can't guarantee being there for them? Yes, I understand no place and no world secures your life as sacred. Enough of us are familiar with how families get torn apart regardless of being uprooted from home. How do you justify willfully risking -- accepting inevitability -- that a child born here won't have one or both parents even a year into the future? And, mind you, a year is probably a generous estimate given the revolving door this world seems affixed to.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Went to a GP.I took on more hours at work. Prom? Like I trust this prom not to end all Carrie-like. I'll be out. For a belated Mother's day, I bought some cheap flowers, went to the cemetery and put them down on graves that looked abandoned. Maybe next year, mom.

Have to go back for auditions this Wednesday. I'm surprisingly chill about it.

[info]turquoises in [info]thedoorway

I'm about to ask you something super last minute.

Prepare to potentially hate me.

[info]iskierka in [info]thedoorway

I keep thinking, no, hoping Temeraire will come back. Or Granby. Or Laurence. I'd settle for one of the Admirals. It seems many people here know Admiral Nelson, so that could be nice.

I do not understand why 18 is this magical age when one becomes an "adult". Dragons come out of the shell intelligent and able to care for themselves. We can usually speak more than one language, so even though I have only been alive for four years, I have travelled from Turkey to Poland to France to England to Australia to South America. I have fought in numerous battles, including against Napoleon and yet here I am not a child. I know I am not as imposing without my wings and tail, but even months later, it is still an adjustment.

Although sex is more fun as a human than as a dragon. More variety of things to do.

I miss flying over the countryside and ocean, and then diving down towards a ship and setting it ablaze.

But, I might have found a dress for Saturday.I just need to figure out which of the three I wish to get: Option 1, Option 2, Option 3

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

Cut (not filtered) for Spoilers for Castle Season Finale )

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

Text to Christine
You were right.
I was worrying over nothing!
All is good!

I still can't believe it

[info]gigglebangs in [info]thedoorway

» This LINE is going so slow.
» I just want my coffee.
» And my pastry.
» So I can go about my day without wanting to slaughter everyone in this STORE.
» Don't they KNOW what it's like when your uterus is on fire?

» And now I want ice cream.

[info]nosmashing in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Kathryn Janeway]

Are congratulations in order?

[Filtered to Torunn]

Hi. It's Jane. Are you going to prom?

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway


i found my prom dress

i know it's already been worn but i'm pretty sure when that WHO WORE IT BETTER list comes out, i'll win

[Filter added in later to Carmen Sandiego]

i was going to ask you out for a drink

but i'm baroque

[info]blossompuff in [info]thedoorway

They might've mentioned it when I arrived and all, but I don't remember... Has anyone established if we're completely taken out of our world when we come here, or what? Because if so and it's just Buttercup back home [...] I pity the city of Townsville very, very much. And I'm also not really looking forward to cleaning up that mess if/when I ever get back home. I hope the professor's alright

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

How far did you get in your Star Trek movie marathon last night? I definitely saw Kahn, but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep before their search for Spock panned out. I'm sorry I missed the one where they save the whales.

Honestly, I'm a little surprised you let him leave. You're not hiding him in your bedroom, are you?

(I don't mean to pass judgement of course. I'm just happy you two are happy. But Clyde II might have some questions.)

[info]ofthefierce in [info]thedoorway

Voice-to-Text Post

I've never seen a machine like this. When I woke up, a woman told me I should talk into this thing and say hello, so hello. She said I was just here, but I can’t remember. How could I have been here, when I was somewhere else? I don't like being stuck in this room all bandaged up. People keep- Hello Matty, would you like some water? I want to go. When can I go? I’m sorry, but we have to keep you here for a little while. Trust me, you’ll be out and about before you know it. Okay, I guess. It’s still writing. Stop writing. Go back. Stop. Oh, I can do that for you, sweetie. We’ll just push this button right here and

[info]dinocrazy in [info]thedoorway

Okay, since that Doc over there was so loud about it and I'm literally a couple of hours away from becoming a Reaver's banquet as soon as I get sent back, I think that while it wasn't directed to us, we could've done without a second voice of reason. Had I known, I would've done my best not to die. For granted, I would've tried my best not to die either way, but when a harpoon comes calling, you either open the door or it comes bursting in anyway. You know?

Am l worried? Yes. Have I unnecessarily bothered people with my fears? Yes. Have I been convinced she'll be crew either way? Yes. Thank you for that, by the way. But this is my only chance to get to know that little person that's gonna come out soon. And really, it's a SENSITIVE subject. Not only for me and Zoe, I'm betting. Either way, whether you like it or not, that little person is coming and if we're lucky, she'll take after Zoe. We've got a name picked out and we probably should move to a two bedroom soon.

Now, I must go tend to my wife. A weapon's cabinet WAS a bad idea. Glad I went with the macaroni necklace! And the ring. I got her a ring. :)

How many more days of this? Zoe. My lamby toes, I'm hiding your weapons.
(OOC: Deleted after the comments below.)

[info]reachforme in [info]thedoorway

✉ First off, I'm sorry for yelling at you.
✉ You're not the problem. Daisy is.
✉ I'm still upset about what happened, but it wasn't your fault.
✉ Second, I saw the rest of the episode.
✉ Are you okay?

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

Well today I learned that appearances can be deceiving.

I honestly don't know why they don't just call them purple fucking berries and be done with it. Christ.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]bamfsrsly in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Wanda and Pietro]
I know he wasn't the dad you know, but I'm thinking that doesn't make it any easier. "Sorry for your loss" are the wrong words to say, and I really don't think there are any right ones. If either of you need some downtime to clear your heads, go for it - I'll help if I can.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to just Wanda]
Clear sky, low mid-50s. Good for flying. Just a thought. If you want to do something with Pietro though, I won't argue.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to Scott (616)]
Scott, I need your advice on something. It's not as dramatic as that question sounds when I read it to myself.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to Jan (616)]
All right, let's do that dinner thing before the end of the month. I'll handle coordinating invitations and spreading the word. Jan, can you knock out a food plan? I'll get Scott to help with the guest list. We need to get some spirits up.
[End Filter]

[info]morelikeus in [info]thedoorway

Erik is gone? That can't be right.

[info]cerebricity in [info]thedoorway

So it's true.

I can't hear Erik anymore.

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

This is probably where I'm supposed to give some inspiring speech about how he might come back and at least we know he's going home to a galaxy that's not at war anymore, but all I really want to do is punch something, so.

Maybe tomorrow.
Can you come by whenever you get back to the tower?

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Cell Five]
Heads up, people. We have a situation at the Herald Square subway station. We have reports of two creatures - large, hairy, fangs, not werewolves - running rampant. The police have reported several civilians injured, possibly some deaths but they've managed to clear the scene. Our orders are to take these creatures down. We're to try to do so in a way that keeps the bodies intact for study but not at the risk of ourselves or anyone else.

I'll meet you in the armoury in five. Any questions?


[Filtered to Ianto]
Got a job on. It looks like a weevil hunt of sorts. No actual weevils though. It's in town so I shouldn't be late.


[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

» I saw the notice about your d Magn Erik. Want to kick my ass in an impromptu training session or should I leave you alone?

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Leonard “Bones” McCoy and James T. Kirk
WHEN: Backdated! May 7th, 2013.
WHAT: Jim still hasn’t gotten over the fact Bones is younger than him.
RATING: Low, no spoilers.
STATUS: Complete.

In hindsight, Jim had not reacted as well as he could have when he woke up next to a young floppy haired Bones. )

[info]thelittleliar in [info]thedoorway

Who: Lyra and Cas (and Pan!)
What: Cas would like to talk to Pan and ask him some questions. Lyra figures 'why not'. Hilarity ensues.
Where: Lyra's apartment
When: Tuesday BEFORE Matty arrives again.

This is Pan. He's my daemon. )

[info]redridinhood in [info]thedoorway

Cut for OUAT casting spoilers! )

[info]ex_quicksilv340 in [info]thedoorway

I will not dwell on Oh, New York. You are far too slow on many occasions.

[info]felinefatale in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Selina Kyle (filtered to over 18s)


Tell me I'm not the only one going tomorrow to head off any crap about working girls just to troll and see what's in the goody bag? Better be more than just condoms.

[info]theanomaly in [info]thedoorway

I made the mistake of caving and reading the first few books in the series and now I'm

I really need to stop thinking that I can live on pizza and ice cream.

I'm feeling melancholy and homesick. Not really for home, but California. Even with the weather perking up here, I miss the west coast.

[info]lilyluna in [info]thedoorway

Are any of you not going to that prom thing or should I resign myself to a night of desperation where I sit myself in front of the telly watching bad reality shows and drown my sorrows in wine, macaroni and cheese, and hot wings?

I was told today that I have a really good fake British accent. So. Go me.

[info]charmspeaks in [info]thedoorway



I'm useless.

And can't narrow down a dress.

I don't own dresses.

This is stupid.


[info]hierro in [info]thedoorway

hacking into war machine like a boss

[Static flares in Rhodey's audio feed before the voice of one Antonio Stark overrides all other sound input.]

Before you say you're busy, don't care. You missed my birthday, champ.

[info]wisdomsdaughter in [info]thedoorway

8 ordinary things that look insanely cool under a microscope.

Somebody get me away from the science tag on Cracked.com.

I have two very important questions.

1. How much do you love me?
If the answer to #1 is "Not enough to go to Prom." Then please move on to #2.

2. How many KitKats will it take to bribe you into going?