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April 5th, 2013

[info]notacomputer in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: 616 Marvel Folk
I was approached awhile ago to provide information about events that have happened at home to this world. I have decided to cooperate as it would be hard for me to say I know nothing.

As such, however, I wanted to inform you that I would be giving information as concerns villains mainly. However I will be avoiding personal ties, overly detailed information, as well as names of those involved. It will be strictly a bio of sorts, although I will detail a bit of my personal experiences as I am not worried about information on me being known.

If there is anyone you would wish me to NOT speak about, do let me know and I will respect your privacy in the matters. Also, if there anyone you think I should specifically mention, I also will take that into account.

Filter: Logan, Storm, Scotts (616, Movies)
Is there any progress on finding a place to set up camp, as it were? If not I have located a few places that are ideal for weekend excursions.

[info]corvoattano in [info]thedoorway

Hello. I was told I should introduce myself using this network. My name is Corvo Attano. I am the Lord Protector to Empress Emily Kaldwin of Gristol. I was told I had been here before, which I feel is something I would remember and yet I don't. I am not certain what else I should tell you so I will leave it at that.

[info]secrettrader in [info]thedoorway

So I've been quiet lately; I know that, and it's not really a natural state for me because I do like attention and adoration and all those warm-fuzzy slightly-conflicted things, but it's because I've got this horrible waterfall of words forming and I think if I start to write about them, it's all going to just come bursting out. You know how if you put a white piece of cloth over a bloody wound how the red just spreads? It's like that. I don't know how on earth I'm going to be useful in caring for the baby. I'll love him - I already do, strange as that sounds - but I wasn't a part of his life when he grew up in the books. Maybe that was for the better. Annie's so strong; she can take on anything these days, but I'm forgetful and stubborn and I don't like asking for help and I keep remembering things and what if I'm a terrible father? I'm supposed to have died. Everyone likes a martyred hero, right? No one likes to see what happens if they survive and they can't function in the real world. And here, I can't do the only thing I know how to do - kill people and steal secrets from the curled hair of the bourgeoisie - so how do I contribute? How do I keep him safe? How do I keep him at all? I heard that they take children when the parents can't raise them correctly; if they tried to take him I'd rip them apart, I'd rip them apart

I just don't know what I can d

It's warming up! About time, world.

[info]bioticimplants in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Cell Six, aka John Shepard, Scott Summers (movie), and Selina Kyle

I assume you all got your briefing packet from SHIELD and are prepared for the mission today. Remember all we're doing is assessing and surveillance for now. Cell Three is working on the same thing, so check in with them if you feel it's necessary.

Also as a reminder our Tesseract guard duty will be April 28th-May 3rd.

[info]gladtobealive in [info]thedoorway

Hi so I know we talked about a film club of sorts, and then I thought "why not start it out with something extra cool?" And that means ... Jurassic Park 3D IMAX. You know you want to.

This might be in small part due to I didn't get a chance to see it in the big theater let alone in something this big. Lincoln Center has the best IMAX. I thought we could go to the late night one at 10:25 tomorrow night. Who wants to go?

Filtered to John Watson (BBC)

Come share a popcorn with me?

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

» The sodding mincer took Clyde II
» Wear the hell out of that Paul Smith, would you?

» Of course, you know, this means war.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

» I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money... but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my turtle go now, that will be the end of it - I will not look for you, I will not pursue you... but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will kill you.

[info]jamesgatz in [info]thedoorway

War Veterans Meeting

So I've got two announcements for you gents and ladies.

I've been in some talks with the folks over here at the Legion, (Post #398) because I thought we might get on well with those old boys and take up a few seats during their impromptu Jazz nights. With $5 beers and $8 dinners I really don't think a one of us should refuse -- so they're be expecting us to pop in from time to time. I know I plan to make it one of my usual haunts, no word of a lie.

Originally, I was thinking we could just go there for our Veterans nights, -- but, being a "refugee" and seeing that we're all from different backgrounds and battles, I though we ought to meet apart from the Legion, just so's we aren't imposing too much, and because I know not all of us fought in American wars.

With that in mind, I did some looking around, fell upon The Clover Club and thought that might be right for us. They take Reservations Sunday-Thursday, so I booked us in for April 11th.

Hope to see you.

[info]savedthechrldr in [info]thedoorway

I feel like I should be doing more to help here.

Especially now that I'm only working 40 hours a week.

[info]the_minstrel in [info]thedoorway

My Lords! (And Lady, as always)

I have procured a gift for you. Or more, for one of you, but as we are small in number it might well be passed around to each of us. Or not, as you like. Be aware I am not particularly fond of the color pink, but it looked too darling not to include it on him. But the point! A gift.

I have found a dog for you.

He has three legs.

You might see how I thought he would relate to the Lord Maedhros, being as handicapped as he is by his missing hand. They're practically brothers!

The humans call him 'Hershey' but he has quite a limited attention span--or perhaps that's just me--so I haven't caught his name as he tells it. Perhaps on some windy day he'll say it for the world to hear.

You need not thank me for this service. As gifts are gifts!

[info]daniel_jackson in [info]thedoorway

After having a discussion with Kitty, I am no longer teaching Spanish and Italian due to time constraints. Thankfully as you might have seen one of the other refugees has taken over the classes. I am positive she will do a wonderful job at them.

Would you guys be interested in seeing a movie or something with me?

[info]stormblades in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jyuushiro Ukitake, Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto), Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
When: Friday Afternoon (April 5th)
Where: Timeless Tea Shop
What: An old complaint needs some new help.
Rating: Teen for medical drama and TB-like symptoms.

Setsuna's shop offered a welcome reprieve from the difficulties one faced when uprooted from a life and career that spanned more than twenty centuries, and Ukitake intended to make the most of the free time that now filled the rest of his day. )

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

Who: Kathryn Janeway & Christopher Pike
Where: Coffee Shop
When: A Saturday afternoon (backdated)
Rating: Tbd
Status: incomplete started in gdocs

Read more... )

[info]thetowelgirl in [info]thedoorway

I got bored and found this:

Cut for length not a filter )

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

Who: Deanna Troi & Christopher Pike
Where: Deanna's apartment
What: Counselling session
Rating: High
Status: Incomplete started in gdocs

Read more... )

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Nick Fury (MCU)]
Figure out anything interesting for Gemini yet?

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

Apparently, out turtle has a twitter account.

(Don't worry, Clyde. We'll get you back.)

[info]muse_of_comedy in [info]thedoorway

So I totally noticed there were no theatre classes on the list. Which is a total travesty. But there is now! If we get enough people I'll break things into groups, production and acting.

I'm a Theatre Goddess literally so I know theatre like no one's business. My specialty is Comedy, but I can do the others, they're just not nearly as much fun!

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

It appears we shall have a nice weekend on our hands. I know the idea has been discussed on and off all winter, but now that spring and sun are here, would anyone else be interested in setting up a small garden, either on the roof of the building or some space on the 13th floor? I have picked up some exquisite plants at last month's garden shows that I would be happy to transplant.

I thought it might be nice if I reached out to see if anyone else here might find enjoyment in this undertaking.

[Filtered to Group Beta: Thalia Grace, Isabelle Lightwood, Henry Pym Jr., Anne Shirley, Usagi Tsukino, Jace Wayland, Lilly Kane]
Hello, though I have been working with many of you for some time now, with arrivals and departures and the restructuring of SHIELD's ESD in the wake of Susan's departure, there has been some shuffling. In any case, I shall be your curriculum advisor for your stay here or until you matriculate out of the ESD.

Therefore, I think it would be wise if I met with each of you as your schedules allow over the next week. For those of you who have been here some time, we can discuss how your classes are going, and revisit talks of adding or dropping curriculum with the ultimate goal of preparing you for eventual college or career training that you may move on to after working with the ESD. For those who are new, I should like to meet you and we may discuss what courses you might like to take.

I am Ororo Munroe, Storm of the X-Men, and I have spent much of my adult life working at a similarly non-traditional school in upstate New York. Here, I teach geography, political science, and a seminar on energy manipulation for those who need it. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

[info]silveryouko in [info]thedoorway

There was a time when I could say, with complete honesty, that in all of my long life, and amongst the many things I have seen and done, I have never been drawn into the world of pop music. That time has apparently ended.

Frankly, I can't find it in me to be annoyed, not when the same culture that has me singing my life story has subjected nearly all of my friends to the same treatment. I have a feeling Hiei might already be on his way to Japan to set someone on fire if he were here to find out they have him singing.

[info]reptilsaur in [info]thedoorway

As someone already mentioned, Jurassic Park is out in 3D. If you're not wanting to spend $48 dollars for a ticket, I'm willing to transform for a bag of m&ms. I also accept doritos. It's all the fun of a real Jurassic Park without the threat of becoming a snack. Roaring and/or chasing your friends is extra.

So last time I was in an arrangement like this she thought she was helping out the hopeless and I thought she was my girl so before there is any confusion I was wondering what we are

Would you want to grab dinner? Just the two

You can use me whenever you

In case you’re bored and have nothing better to do, they’re having a marathon of my favorite telenovela tonight. If you wanted to watch it with me. I also have a box of double stuffed oreos....

[info]woolong in [info]thedoorway


How's Sam's?

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Steve Rogers (616)]
» That's yes on LMDs
» Got us a test case.

[Text Message to Tony Stark (616)]
» Spoke with Fury--theirs.
» They want intel on J. Hammer.

[info]revolutionary in [info]thedoorway

The meeting of the Displaced Rebels was interesting. It certainly gave me some insight into the alcohol tolerance opinions of my fellow refugees.

Are you still alive? I haven't heard from you since the meeting.

And I lost count of how many bottles of wine you drank

[info]greglestrade in [info]thedoorway

Who: Greg Lestrade & Joan Watson
When: Friday Night
Where: Sam's
What: Joan needs entry to Greg's flat -- or -- Pickpocketing 101
Rating: G

You've got to pick a pocket or two! )