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February 26th, 2013

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

I feel it is my duty as a king of my people to clear up a bit of a misunderstanding that has surfaced this evening.

So, simply to make things clear:

A 'House Elf'

Lord Maitimo
A 'House Elf'

Me and Lord Maitimo.
A 'House Elf'.

I hope that makes things more clear.

Oh, and Russandol, I found this picture of you that I think is very much your likeness.

[info]trackinganklet in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Sara Ellis, and Diana Berrigan ]

Brussels! I've got some options for us. Some are more promising than others.

- Manon Peeters: owns a B&B in the center of the city. Big fan of the show. Shockingly normal. I've looked up pictures of the B&B and it looks decent enough.

- Camille Janssens: has a townhouse downtown that looks great. Marble counters, her father's in the wine business, very posh. Has a stipulation that I'm not allowed to wear a shirt while on her property, so I vote no.

- Léa Wouters: will be out of town the next week to visit her boyfriend in Germany. Sounds ideal, right? She made the point of mentioning she has cameras in every room in her house. I don't know if that's her being careful about thieving or if she just likes to watch.

For the record, I'm still fine with smiling our way into a Four Star and seeing where it gets us.

[info]elspethgordie in [info]thedoorway

Despite the slight hiccup with the dogs the other week, work is going well. I have to admit though I've been spending a lot of time there and not doing much else. I probably should change that but truthfully I just feel so out of place here, even after all of this time. I do appreciate the people I've met and talked to but still I miss home. I doubt no one doesn't miss their home but I think I'm having just due to how different the two worlds are. I've never been that good in crowds and I have never seen so many people in one place before - not even in Sitrium which was our main city where I lived.

I joined the others watching the Oscar's the other night and I have to say I didn't understand what was happening in the slightly from the jokes to the movies. I had heard of a couple of the movies but not well enough to really understand what was happening. People seemed to be enjoying themselves though.

[info]elizabethshaw in [info]thedoorway

I have been trying to find a church that I can attend while here. I am Christian but it seems a lot of churches aren't taking new members or perhaps I am going about this the wrong way? Does anyone have any suggestions?

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

SHIELD training is going well, I'm glad to be able to work in the labs. What they're doing in there is absolutely amazing and challenging which I'm grateful for. It is much better than being bored after all. The people I'm working with are incredibly nice and helpful too which is definitely an added bonus.

I enjoyed seeing a lot of you again the other night. We should do it again at some point.

Nathan P

Would Saturday for lunch work for you? Perhaps at a small coffee shop or we can go elsewhere if you prefer?

[info]smallknives in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Peter Parker (MCU) and Gwen Stacy (MCU).
WHAT: Chatting/catching up.
WHERE: NYU campus.
WHEN: BACKDATED to February 14!
STATUS: Complete.

Do you have any plans for tonight? Like... for Valentine's Day? )

[info]flasking in [info]thedoorway

Text to Kingsley Shacklebolt.

» Well
» We have a cat.

[info]pymjr in [info]thedoorway

[Group Text: James Rogers, Torunn Thordottir]
» guys! did you see the singing man?
» he's great!
» i love all his songs.
» especially the one about shaking oranges til they make cats cry.
» i don't even get it but he was so much fun to talk to!
» oh, and give him some money cuz he that's why he's there.
» it's his job or something

[Text: Cassie Lang]
» can i come over and see your ants?
» and your little house?
» i've been working on an ant helmet for you too! using parts from the stove, tv, alarm clocks

[Text: MomMrs. PymThe Wasp]
» i'm sorry i overslept and missed our breakfast
» it was a really crazy day before and then all this stuff happened
» can we try again?
» there's a breakfast place on [street crossing] that's got over 5,200 reviews, rates 4.9 stars, and has the best pricing according to a bunch of net sources.

[info]headbitch in [info]thedoorway

As if it's not bad enough that everyone I know has at least one doppelganger here and a large portion of the population has seen my life and all of my secrets on television My friends and I are on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. I am so glad that our lives are apparently so entertaining. That was fun to see on the table at Starbucks.

I'll likely just shoot an email to SHIELD administrators but does anyone know if we can enroll in an actual high school rather than taking the classes offered here?

[molly carpenter]
Are you doing any investigative work here?

[sam winchester]
I've compiled and copied a report regarding startin a non-profit organization and advocacy group. The key points are outlined in the front and explored more thoroughly in the following pages and the document also includes suggested mission statements and by-laws for your consideration in accordance with the state of New York. You will need to elect a board of directors, select an official name to file with the New York Secretary of State and ... actually, I'll just give you a copy of this report or else I'll end up typing up the ridiculously long document here with far less user-friendliness than the tabbed and color-coded report possesses. I'm not sure when you are meeting, but I've gathered the necessary forms to file for your business, as well, so that you can use the meeting to complete them to save from having to use another meeting at a later date for that purpose.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

I went to Central Park for the first time today. There was a man who I knew from New Brunswick. His name was Charlie Morris, I think it's important to remember names. Anyway, he told me he'd worked for six months in New York City, told me all about the park. I wonder how different it is now than it was then.

I wonder what Charlie would think of this. Not sure what I think of it myself, but I sat under it for a good long hour. The ground was not so cold and I've never felt so reverent eating a tuna sandwich

cut for picture )

[info]topbarrister in [info]thedoorway

I've found I miss the strangest things about London.

I miss my family and friends, of course, but that is to be expected. There's nothing unusual about that. It's the odd little things that make me stop and think "Now why should I even notice that?"

I miss walking across the street - just walking across, without bothering about getting to the corner. I miss Penn State Sour Cream & Chive Pretzels. I miss public loo stalls that go all the way to the floor.

Odd, isn't it? I can still cross streets. There are dozens of flavors of pretzels. The public loos are perfectly serviceable. It's just that it's not home.

[info]crazytacolady in [info]thedoorway

Who: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce & Fred Burkle
When: Tonight!
Where: Sam's
What: Drinks
Rating: Probably Low

Quote )

[info]xenolinguist in [info]thedoorway

OOC: Pretend this was posted yesterday

[AU Enterprise Crew & Rebekah]

In case you missed it, but we are celebrating Pavel getting a job either tonight or tomorrow. The party will be in my room which is 605. It probably won't run too very late as most of us do have jobs the following morning, but come and go as you please. There will be food and drinks.

So which works best for everyone: tonight or tomorrow?

[info]anakin in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

I'm officially employed by Stark Industries, and I'll be starting on Saturday, working in their mech engineering department. It should be a nice step up from picking apart household items and putting them back together again.

Obi-Wan, go ahead with Luke's training on Saturday. We can shuffle times once I have a better idea of what Stark schedules are like.

What do you say we give the synth lightsabers another go this week?

I understand that you have plenty of reasons to hate me, and I'm not asking you to blindly forget what you've been through, but we really do need to talk. Your mother Holding onto it isn't any healthier for you than it is for me or for anyone.

Would you be willing to meet somewhere?

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

I have found myself the owner of a pair of mice. I've never actually had a pet, unless you counted the mice in the lab. It is a novel experience having them as pets. Though luckily taking care of those in the lab at least means I knew how to take care of these.

There may have been a rather large sum of money spent purchasing accessories for their habitat. The cage may be a bit large for just two mice, but they do have plenty to do. Actually they are fairly entertaining to watch. They make the evenings more interesting at the very least.

Their names are Fiora and Maria.

[info]younghero in [info]thedoorway

I have mastered Fruit Ninja!

Well, not really.... I have unlocked all the backgrounds and swords though! I'm looking for new games to play now. I've got Words with Friends, which is really challenging for me, but still fun. So I'd like other fun games that are kind of like Fruit Ninja and less like Words with Friends. Oh and I have played Angry Birds and that's just too tough for me.

[Filtered to Emma & Regina]

Can I go play pinball? The guy who has it is named Johnny and he's in room 1810.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

I've quit watching the show I'm from but I do still find myself "googling" my name on the internet from time to time. Curiosity killed the cat All I can say is the fans of the show have far too much time on their hands. And what they come up with should never even see the light of day. Especially when something such as this turns up in my search:

cut for image )

One of these days I will learn...

Filter to Killian

Our conversation a few days ago, never happened.

[info]charmspeaks in [info]thedoorway

[ Group text; Annabeth Chase, Hazel Levesque ]
» Advice needed
» Regarding my roommate

[info]the_minstrel in [info]thedoorway

I have come up with a wonderful idea! I am not so sure it has been thought of before.

But all of the lovely women out there--and the occasional man--asking for a partner to engage in practice battle otherwise known as 'sparring' ought to do it together.

Then you will all have partners all the time. I think it should be a happy occasion! Unless you all somehow dislike each other, then it might run the risk that one or two of you may die.

But that aside.

[info]the_mariner in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Percy Jackson]

Aiya, my name is Eärendil and Luke Castellan told me to contact you. In my world, I am a mariner, and as such have great love for the seas and the creatures that live within. I was horrified upon reaching the beach yestereve to realize how terrible they have become, and how the creatures there are suffering. Mr. Castellan urged me to contact you, and see if maybe you were aware of certain avenues I could pursue in an effort to restore them to their previous splendor. He also said that you were the son of the Sea God. Ai, I did not know such things were possible, but I salute you, Lord Percy, son of Ulmo. It was your father who led mine to Gondolin many years ago.

[Filtered to Turgon]

Grandfather, would you like to meet me for a brief lunch? I keep hearing of something called a 'cheeseburger' and I should very much like to try one, if you would endulge me.

[Filtered to Glorfindel]

Lord Glorfindel, I should like to speak with you over wine, perhaps in my rooms? It has been too long, and I owe you so much.


Does anyone know where I can come by lumber for shipmaking? In my own world, I felled the trees myself, but in this place there are so few that I am loathe to do so.

[info]dauntlessborn in [info]thedoorway

I keep trying to focus on studies but then my attention wanders and I end up heading out for a run. Or something equally as fun. I can almost feel spring approaching, though, the air's been nicer lately. I wonder what Spring looks like here...

I think I'm going to sign up for the survival class - I don't know if I'll ever need the information but I feel like it won't hurt to have. And I love a challenge. It sounds like it'd be worthwhile to try out.

Anyways. I don't know what to do with myself. I've yet to find a job that I'm interested in. School's going okay, but I feel like I'm not being as productive as I should.

[info]deirdreofamber in [info]thedoorway

Spring was a big deal back home. We'd have festivals and all this other stuff that brought everyone back together. It was rather nice, I'll be honest. A lot of the time I hated them. Hated having to put on the royal clothing - I am not a dress girl! - and had to look pretty and all this other dainty stuff my other sisters LOVED and I hated. I was too close to all of my brothers, or most of them, to really enjoy dresses.

I'm glad that I've had things to distract me here - training and ice climbing - because I really miss my brothers. Sure, all of them are a handful but they're MY handful you know? I also REALLY miss the endless things to do with the Pattern. I mean, I can do most of the same things here, strangely enough, but the ones I took for granted - travel, changing realms, etc, are gone and it's almost like a void, you know?

Bah. Anyone want to go train with me? I'm feeling a need to spar.

[info]fiverhrairoo in [info]thedoorway

Who: Fiver
Where: His apartment - 104
When: Sunday Afternoon (backdated)
What: Fiver attempts to cook by himself after his successful attempt with Lucy except not all goes to plan
Rating: PG
Status: Completed/Narrative

Read more... )
Tags: ,

[info]hihon in [info]thedoorway

I'm considering seeing if I can just re-start my business here. Event planning of all different kinds of events.

I had thought about going back to an art gallery and as much as I enjoyed the work, it feels like a step back.

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

I need your help on human anatomy, Mordin. I'm making a cybernetic leg for a very sweet young man and I need your expertise on how to make it move like an actual leg.

FILTERED TO BUCKY BARNES (both, since she doesn't know which):
Hello! I.. um, wasn't sure which of you I should talk to, but I was pointed in the direction of Bucky Barnes. Ms. Romanova told me that you have an artificial limb with advanced features this world hasn't quite created yet.

I was um wondering if I could look at it? I'm making a cybernetic limb for a young man here and it would be incredibly helpful if I had something like that to reference first.

Thank you! I'd be happy to buy you dinner or lunch or coffee or a smoothie! :)

[info]calibrates in [info]thedoorway

If anyone wants leftover pizza, you're welcome to take it off Tali and I. It's most of a pie. Apparently, ham, pineapple, and cheese are better off separate.

[info]ladysuit in [info]thedoorway

I finally found a hole in the wall Chinese restaurant that is comparable to the one that I loved back home that apparently doesn't exist here. Greasy noodles at a cheap price that makes me wonder if I'll get food poisoning, but is totally worth the worry because they taste so very good.

It's a blessing in disguise, of course. I foresee a lot of extended runs in my near future.

[info]taravata in [info]thedoorway

Can I be getting home already?

I reckon someone ought to have told me about red and green lights.

And I thought Houston was big.

[info]lassooftruth in [info]thedoorway

I have been watching a show on the television, SMASH, that has my ... what words have people been using? ... face twin ... on it. It's very dramatic. It can't possibly be like that in the theater, is it? A new episode tonight, and I find that I'm looking forward to it. Surprising, I think. Does anyone else watch?

[info]not_the_ship in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

I really do miss flying right now.

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

The one thing that have never been developed through the centuries? - A cure for hiccups. It has been so long I forgot how annoying they are.

Does anyone have any home remedies they might recommend?

[info]grandiloquence in [info]thedoorway

All this money on an awards show, it seems we should be spending more helping those in need to celebrating the real heroes of this world. Though the dresses ARE lovely.

Filtered to: Rose and Hugo Weasley

How are you both doing? I see more and more from our world come that are from your time and it just reminds me that I want to spend time with you.

And ask a question.

What am I like as a mother?

Filtered to: Ron Weasley

How are you doing with everything? Seems like we actually have a few days without something dramatic happening. We should celebrate. Care to come up for dinner?

Filtered to: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley

I haven't forgotten you two. We should do something fun, you know. Get our minds off people coming and all that. What do you say?

[info]soflyohmy in [info]thedoorway

Mice. Mice. The girl I'm living with got pet mice. I think my skin is going to fall off from goosebumps, holycrapgross.

Beautiful people of the Tesserwhatever, listen up!

The angelic Jane Bennet and I watched the Oscars and deduced one thing: we need to get fancy dresses and go out dancing.

If you are the sort of person who has always wanted the excuse to wear a special dress or sexy suit and have a night of wonder and delight, then you are hereby invited to come out with us.

This Saturday, we're going to this sorta fancy looking club and dancing our fabulous asses off. Everyone is invited, the more the merrier! Let us know if you're coming.

[info]reptilsaur in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Humberto Lopez & Nico Minoru
WHAT: Berto tells her about the Arena.
WHERE: Nico's Room
WHEN: 2/26
STATUS: Complete.

“Oh good. No geese.” )

[info]fitforaking in [info]thedoorway

Moody has so kindly gotten us a cat. A charming looking fellow. However, we haven't managed to agree on a name that fits him. I might not have picked that cat but it's as much as his. I refuse to name him Vigilance, Paranoia [..] which I hadn't meant seriously, or You, over there or anything similar to that. Moody has agreed to pick a sensible name from any suggestions provided. Which was a victory in it If you have anything that doesn't have to do with a certain state of being, I'd appreciate it.

[info]anne_shirley in [info]thedoorway

Vanessa Cleveland
Hi! I was thinking about our conversation. Want to go to the Museum this weekend?

[info]turquoises in [info]thedoorway

Um Hey. I think that I'm about as well and settled as I'm going to get here, so I thought I'd see if you still wanted to meet me up.

Have any of you met my parents yet?

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

Captain's Log; Filter: Private )

I have now been here at Potts Tower for a little over two weeks and have found myself in several bewildering situations over the past few weeks. I have taken to wearing a hat when I exit the building as people otherwise tend to approach me and request a signature. A bit too much like Captain Picard Da

Fortunately I have found a place that supplies tea and it was simple enough to remind myself how to brew a cup without a replicator. There are occasionally benefits to having grown up mainly off the grid so to speak.

[info]fiestyisabel in [info]thedoorway

I think I have cooked more stew, soup, mac and cheese and chicken and dumplings than I ever have before in the last 12 hours. Also breakfast for an entire horde. (okay it just feels like a horde but guys, seriously, love you). I am exhausted. I haven't slept yet. Caffeine? I think so.

Filter: Dick Grayson

Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
Looks like we got approved for the apartment change. Want to wait until you feel better?
Also I have breakfast, lunch and dinner prepared for the next few days.
You doing... alright? Not the word I'm hunting for but it will do.

Filter: Molly Carpenter
Hi. I barely know you. But Elaine and Jason speak highly of you.
Is there a way to ask you if you can make me some kind of wake up potion?
I don't think normal caffeine is going to get me through this crisis with Jason. I'll pay, of course, but I need to keep my eyes on Jason. For a bit longer, I think.

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

If I was looking for books for children aged 3-7 what sort of books would you recommend? I have quickly come to the conclusion that the books I am most familiar with for that age group aren't available here - any of the books for that matter not that I expected to be. I had hoped there would be something similar though.

The other day, I did take some time to visit the art gallery here and there is some truly amazing work. I am thinking of visiting a library as well. I admit I'm not the biggest history buff of my world but it is interesting. You can learn so much about a people and their culture from places like those.

Would you like to join me for tea at some point?


Leoben is here?

[info]senatorskyboy in [info]thedoorway

I finally have a job. I was informed early Monday morning that I will be starting in the legal department of Stark Industries on Saturday. I'm pretty excited about it, it'll be good to feel like I have a purpose in life again. I was getting tired sitting around the apartment.

Filter: Kathryn
Care to go out and celebrate with me?

[info]fiverhrairoo in [info]thedoorway

ooc: backdated to Sunday after this

Um. I'm sorry about the smell and the noise on the first floor. I tried cooking. It didn't go well.


[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Maedhros]

You know what I just discovered?

They have two bedroom apartments in this place. Why do we not have one, my dearest friend?

[info]pheebspower in [info]thedoorway

Text to Kaidan Alenko )

Text to Sister Witches Piper & Paige )

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Fox Mulder

I'm pretty certain Forest Gump was the winner of the last Academy Awards ceremony I remember. So tell me, what films do I need to see to make up for skipping nearly two decades on this planet?

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway


» Your actor counterpart cleans up pretty well.